What A Trip!!
Today's post will be delayed as the Bagwine staff is recovering from jet lag. We just got back from Italy after being unsuccessful in covering the Cruise/Holmes nuptials. We flew in Friday, checked into our Hotel and ended up getting so sloshed on Wild Irish Rose that we said, "Screw the wedding, let's drink, and find some smokin' hot Italiano women...." Until later today,
Millie Grazie
So did ya? (find some hot women), or you can't remember??? What'd ya wear btw?
Embarassingly enough I wore a toga. I hadnt realized that they had gone out of style years ago. I still managed to hook up with a sexy raven haired woman named Casus Belli.
They sell Wild Irish Rose in Italy? Who knew? You mad a sound decision. They would have turned you into one of those pods?
We smuggled it in with us...I am just sorry that I didnt get stand next to Tom and say, "Not only are you a wacko; You're short."
You know I have heard that they have wine in Italy. Rumor has it they even make their own. I am sorry you didn't get your chance with Tom as well, but I suspect he probably would have turned you into one of those pod people and then who would we have to do streaming Fridays for us?
Italian wine cannot hold a candle to the beauty and bouquet of the WIR. But you're correct he would have infected me and I would have changed my site's name to "Bagwine Dianetics"
Casus Belli? Doesn't that translate as "justification for acts of war?"
What did you do to that poor woman?
Yes, the cause of war...Let's just say we did some role playing. She was an Italian Battleship and I was a British torpedo. Caldo!!
Tom is short, haha! Too bad his gazillions can't take care of that.
I'm sure that all of his cash helps him compensate.
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