To wit and heretofore (I love saying that) I will be posting later today about my anger over this issue. I must warn you. This post will be so vile that even Frankie Avalon gets a mention. Oh my, are you shuddering!!?
Until then, good luck to Don Imus who is spending today and tomorrow doing his annual Radio-Thon to raise money for sick kids with cancer, families who have lost a child to SIDS, and various other charities. I wonder what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are doing today?
P.S. Rest in Peace Mr. Vonnegut
What a whore--and yes i am speaking of The Right Reverend Al.
Gag me
How could you make it more vile Matty?
Have Ann C and Rachel Ray wrestled naked
And RIP Kurt Vonnegut--sort of ironic that he passed today
It is very ironic that he passed away at while the Imus firing went down. I have a thought about that on my next post. Cheers...And please, no more mention of Anthrax Coulter naked!!
You really need to post warnings if you're going to use vomitroucious visual material in your posts, Matty Boy. Especially for me since it's 6:00 am here!
I'm off to see the Wizard in the Emerald...er...Circle City, so until next week, ta ta!
Have a great time Songbird!! I'll delight in the fact that you are so much nearer to me ; ) Cheers and be safe!!
Man, I'm really bummed about Vonnegut. I think I'll pull Slaughterhouse Five down from the shelf today and do some reflective reading. Sigh...
There ya go. Bring a little cheer into your day Allie.
Shudder, shudder. That picture.
Good point about the Radio-Thon. Al and Jesse are slapping each other on the backs for their "great work."
I was almost unable to post it Laura, but I muddled through. Yeah those two are quite the pair. Cheers.
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