Capus was on the air last night saying that too many of his employees were upset about the remarks and that the employees need to have confidence in the values of NBC. Hahahahah oh that’s rich!! I’m pretty sure NBC does have values and they showed when the number of advertisers dropping Imus and/or NBC went from two on Tuesday to seven on Wednesday. Who in the hell are you kidding Capus?...as John Lennon once sang, “Gimme Some Truth”. You don’t care about anyone’s feelings. The bottom line to your statement is…well…the bottom line.
Now Reverend Sharpton was just whoopin’ it up last night and nearly broke his arm patting himself on the back. He said, something about Imus apologizing as if he had some kind of revelation. Well I have a revelation for you, you race baiting whore, and it is from the Book of Revelation. “And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Also another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, by what they had done.” (Rev 20:12) Let me tell you, if my only way into heaven is to grab onto someone’s coat tails, I would sure as hell grab onto Imus’ gnarly old ass over yours. Boo Yah, Big Al.
Now Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson was speaking with David Gregory this morning. Even though Imus had been fired Jackson was whining effusively that NBC didn’t do it quickly enough!! Dear God, make him go away. It started me thinking as well. Which is worse? An obnoxious radio/TV host using the term “nappy headed ho’s” or a man of the cloth getting down and unholy with a woman other than his wife and producing a child? To me, it’s none of my business because for me to judge would be hypocritical. Jesse feels Imus deserved to be fired even though some of his words of apology were much like the I-Man’s:
“I am father to a daughter who was born outside of my marriage. As her mother does, I love this child very much and have assumed responsibility for her emotional and financial support since she was born. This is no time for evasions, denials or alibis. I fully accept responsibility and I am truly sorry for my actions.”
He was even given clemency by Chicago Alderman Ed Smith who said of this situation, "that anybody can make a mistake…a mistake doesn't mean you're out of the ballgame." I wonder if Alderman Smith feels the same about Don Imus. I don’t know, but I e-mailed his Chief of Staff this morning and am anxiously waiting for a reply. If I get one, I’ll be sure to post it.
Now, on to the most important thing about this unfortunate event…how does it affect me? After all, it is all about me. The answer is: not good. Without Imus to watch in the morning I have very little from which to choose. I can watch CNN which is somewhat boring or Fox and Friends where Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and Gretchen Carlson's cumulative IQ is 73. Not much of a choice, but I guess I’ll take CNN and Soledad O’Brien's cuteness over the Fox show whose hosts struggle to string together coherent thought.
Sadly, we have become so overly sensitive that today Frankie Avalon would be banned because of his songs embracing the world of pedophilia. What do you mean? What do I mean? C'mon..."Venus if you will, please send a little girl for me to thrill." Disgusting!!
I guess I am just bummed because I liked the show. I guess one good thing did come out of this I have come up with a new name for Morgen over at It’s A Blog Eat Blog World…Nappy Headed Mo.
I have never watched Imus, and what he said was over the top imo, but this whole thing smells of a witch hunt to me. We get to burn Imus at the stake and everyone can feel better about race relations. Of course this ritual does nothing to solve the issues surrounding the racial divide in this country but the ritual makes us feel better about ourselves without having to do anything or sacrifice anything. Now the heinous Oprah is involved and planning a show on this. We call all go home feeling better now that we have put a band aid on our flabby conscious. The whole thing just makes me sick and I am in a bad mood to begin with after the passing of Mr. Vonnegut but on a lighter note here is a great piece by him on the Bush admin The Guardian ran today.
You are absolutely correct Adav. This grandstanding while in the name of racism is not about black or white it is about green!! Vonnegut had been on Imus' show a few times. Thanks for the link and I hope things are just ducky across the pond. Cheers!!
What would Favor Flav have to say?
My nappy head brother
Things are swell over here. Hope things are going well your way.
Haircare you are in a word a "mess". Dont be dissin' my man Flavor...
Not too bad over here adav.
I'm just here to pet the monkey.
My monkey thanks you odat...
The ultimate irony of all of this? The phrase "nappy headed ho" was undoubtedly coined by a black dude.
LOL at Nappy Headed Mo--i am so sick to death with the rest of it I think I'll take a note from Odat and just go play with your monkey.
That is incredibly racist of you Allie. You're Fired!!
TB: I am through talking about Imus, but never done with talking about stupid people.
It’s a shame that people are so offended by every little comment that’s made in jest. Advertisers have pulled out, leaving the company no other option other than to fire Imus, due to the financial downfall. Believe me, Sirius and XM are going to offer him a job. He’s been doing this for 40 years, and unfortunately, these brilliant and beautiful girls of the basketball team, as well as Sharpton, do not and cannot tolerate the words that were spoken----MOST OF ALL----neither of these people are willing to forgive him after he has apologized numerous times. And Sharpton calls himself a Christian? Baptist? What is he? Or---was that racist of me to say? If you’re in the public eye, develop of thick skin for the love of God!
Think about this---what about Howard Stern eggin’ everyone on to vote for Sanjaya on American Idol, when we all know he’s the underdog? He has a movement for people to vote for the worst singer, and he also makes fun of his Indian heritage as well---making stereotypical jokes. Have you seen this on the news? Because I haven’t. Maybe the Indian culture doesn’t have an “Al Sharpton figure” to stick up for them.
Can you tell Al Sharpton irritates me???
First time guest here, and I have to say that I like your stinkin' intensity.
Let me throw this out to you: the Imus controversy should have been over instantly. But somehow the I-Man panicked, he got wobbly-legged and dizzy.
You see, it all falls apart -- well, maybe not -- when we look at what Imus said about the OTHER team: during his alleged racist moment Imus called the UT Lady Vols -- the NCAA champs -- "cute." Oiks! End of controversy! Why? Because 7 of the 11 members of the Lady Vols are of African American descent. Hence, Imus could not have been making a racial remark, but an aesthetic one: the tough girls looked like they should've beaten up the cute ones. When Imus' sports commentator Sid Rosenberg further observed that the Rutgers team looked like the all-male Toronto Raptors, we suddenly should have seen things with 20/20 vision: this was about masculine versus feminine women, not about BLACK vs. WHITE.
How did this get overlooked by so many of us?
I have no idea.
Deb dont sugar coat your feelings for Sharpton let it out. He is a charlatan not a Christian. I havent heard about the Stern thing. Where's Gandhi when you need him? Cheers.
Thanks and Welcome Bill. And you are so correct. My friend and I immediately said to each other that he did in fact comment on the Vols being cute. I dont know why that was never mentioned. Oh well, it is all for naught now. Once again thanks for stopping and I'll make sure to swing by your site. Cheers!!
that's what I heard anyway.
Thanks for the kind greeting. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Cathy you just described perfectly the affliction that affects their core viewership. Bravo and Cheers!!
Likewise G-Man. Keep up the excellent writing. Cheers!!
I found this comment
Jesus Christ on a Popsicle stick! What a twatwaffel
I just had to share
Ha...Very Good. I'll add it to my vocabulary. Cheers Cathy!!
Pssst - crazy lady wearing tin foil hat here. This might be more about Imus having publickly dissed Bob Wright, former head of NBC, regarding the very large charity he launched two years ago. The Charity that has $60 million dollars and does nothing but throw expensive galas while funding "no shit sherlock" studies. Imus has been talking about a mercury based vaccines preservative that just so happens to be made by a plant owned by (drum roll) GE! GE owns NBC. This preservative, made from 50% mercury, is still in vaccines given to mommies to be, infants and grandpa every fall before sneezie season. Many people wanted Imus to GO AWAY. People who cash checks from BIG advertisers like Merck and Lily. Al and Jesse may have been convenient water carriers. And won't THAT piss them off?
I dont disagree with ya mother. Imus has been the thorn in the side of many folks. Cheers!!
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