Okay so GW and I are having a few drinks last night and let me tell you it was hard keeping a straight face looking at George tossing back Budweiser after Budweiser dressed in a Spider-Man suit. He asked where Schmoop was and I told him that when she heard that he was coming by; she made like a WMD and couldn’t be found. He laughed and then asked me what a WMD was. I said, “Exactly”.
I suggested that we go eat before Dubya got embarrassingly sloshed. This is what transpired…
Dubya: That’s a good ideal Matt-Man. Let’s hit the road. Are we going to that Grecian choke and puke that you mentioned yesterday?
Matt: Yeah if that’s alright.
Dubya: Sounds good…In a few minutes you’ll be calling me Ouzo the Clown.
Matt: Ummm Dubya could you please take your Spidey suit off before we go.
Dubya: Kill-Joy!! Ha just messin’ with ya Matt-Man…Let me strip…I have my party clothes on underneath. Ta Da!! Don’t I look hip and fabulous?
Matt: The blue jeans are fine, but why are you wearing a T-Shirt with a picture of Che’ Guevara on it?
Dubya: Che’ Guyberra? Hell, I thought it was Jesus Christ!! Who’s this Guyberra fella you’re talking about?
Matt: Nevermind…We better get going.
So off we went to Linardos Greek Restaurant. We were seated at the VIP booth, and our waitress introduced herself…
Waitress: Hi my name is Cassiopeia and I’ll be your server this evening. Can I interest you in anything from the bar or some appetizers?
Matt: (mumbling to myself) Oh dear God, here we go…
Dubya: Casy…Cassapeed..er…Yeah, Cathy Pita is it? How about a glass of Bagwine for the Matt-Man here, and I’ll have a bottle of Ouzo straight up. Oh, and hot wings if ya got ‘em.
Waitress: We sure do…I’ll get everything started for you gentlemen.
Dubya: See that you do Mons Venus, cuz I’m kinda like a Caesar, capiche?
Matt: What the hell are you doing?
Dubya: Just talking to her in her own language…
Matt: She’s GREEK not Italian.
Dubya: Well hell, Eye-Tal-lee-un…Grecians…They all look the same.
Several ouzos and hot wings later Dubya tried to place his order….
Dubya: Could I get Chicken Tikka Mughlai with extra curry sauce.
Waitress: I’m sorry sir, but we only prepare Greek fare and that’s an Indian dish.
Dubya: Indian!!? Well slap me on the ass and call me Sitting Bull, the things you learnt. Is my face red…hahahahaha…Do I have smoke signals coming out of my ears…hahahaha. Maybe I’ll go the bathroom and pull off some Tee-Pee…Do I need a RESERVATION for that….hahahahahaha...Hiya Hiya Hiya...
Shortly thereafter he broke into his version of a Cherokee war dance. Unfortunately, it had the effect of a rain dance because he had ouzo inspired piss all down the front of his pants.
I got a hold of one of his body guards and he took him away through the kitchen. Some lady came up to me and asked what was up with the crazy man. I said that he was just a bit stressed out. She said, “You wouldn’t expect that kind of behavior out of someone wearing a Jesus shirt.” I went home.
When I woke up this morning there was a message on the machine. “Yo, Matt-Man. Great time last night pardner. My only regret is that I didn’t get to do any Greco-Texan wrasslin’ with Cathy Pita…Oh well, keep the Spidey suit mi amigo. Adioooooos!!”
What a night…I will see you all back here tomorrow for another fun filled Stream of Consciousness Friiiiiiiday….Cheers!!
Oh good Lord. Matt in possession of Dubya's Spidey suit.
[[running away in abject terror]]
Dont worry Songbird. I'll wash it first. Cheers!!
Do you people see what I mean?? The man is batshit crazy!!!!
lol at schmoop's comment....I think she meant to say "spideyshit" crazy!!!
Dont fight it Schmoop...Your love and respect for me is obvious.
Odat: "Spideyshit", very good. Schmoop is getting tangled in my web of charm.
Ok, you should know better... Never Ever Ever give a Texan Ouzo.... sheesh....
that is like giving an Ohioian Bagwine...
ummm well... yeah, you know what I mean
Your pearls of wisdom are unsurpassed Mr. Bond.
In rememberance of yesterday's wonderful experience with our Nation's Chief, I'm wearing my Jesus shirt today. >Jesus wore a beret?<
No Nick he didnt...But in all fairness it was a bad silkscreen image on the shirt. It did kinda resemble a crown of thorns.
Holy cow! It's a miracle he wasn't struck down by a thunderbolt from Olympus.
Oh if only that had been the case Lizza. Cheers!!
Is this thing on? Jesus, come live here, dame.
I meant damn, sorry... drunk
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