Awhile back I wrote about changing the definition of sex. I changed the definition of have, having, and had sex to mean eat, eating, or ate a meal. This has remained one of my most viewed posts even today, mainly because several perverts type in a Google search using the words “Sex with Mom”. If you are unfamiliar with the post, you can go to it here: Damn I’m Starved, Wanna Have Sex?”
Anyway, in keeping with the spirit of Christmas, I have altered the meaning of sex once again. I will offer you an insight into my life with following definition alterations. From now on, these are the rules…Have Sex= Wrap presents...Having Sex= Wrapping presents...Had Sex= Wrapped presents. To wit, and heretofore is the following.
Back when I was a teen one Christmas Eve, my girlfriend, Sherri and I were having sex in my bedroom when one of my brothers walked in. He burst out laughing because Sherri and I were so sloppy and bad at it. Unfortunately, the little sneak also got a full frontal peak at what she was giving him for Christmas. He left. We finished having sex, and I put a big bow on her box.
During the holiday season, I enjoy going to department stores and watching the young women behind the counter have sex. I don’t know how they do it. They stand there 8-10 hours a day having sex in front of complete strangers. I guess it is not really a bad gig. I mean having sex for 10 hours and getting paid for it, I may look into that.
When I was a wee lad, I remember one Christmas morn in particular. It was about 4 am, and I awoke with a thirst. I straggled out to the fridge for a drink, and lo and behold, there were my mom and dad furiously having sex on the kitchen floor. Ribbon was flying everywhere, and without stopping, Dad told me to go back to bed.
One thing that always happens to me when having sex is that I run out of tape. It sucks because I can’t get the job done and nothing stays where it should. It’s really quite frustrating.
I remember another source of frustration as well. Back when I was a very young, left handed child, having sex was awkward and difficult for me. Fortunately I had a number of older brothers and sisters who were always eager to lend me a hand. It was so nice of them.
Our family had a great time in those days. Our tightly knit clan would gather together to eat sausage balls, drink egg nog, and have sex as we listened to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing the Hallelujah Chorus over and over. Good times, good times.
Having sex can be one of the most joyous experiences of the holiday season. In fact, I hope that this weekend my son and his mom go out, buy me something nice, and then take it home and have sex. What could be more pure and traditional than that?
I hope that I have made your Monday a little more enjoyable...Cheers!!
My eyes hurt after reading that last paragraph... that is just so wrong....
I've send it before I'll say it again... dammit I love Wrapping prezzies!
hahaha good 1 Matt ...Happy Monday to ya ;D
Bond: I look at it as quite the bonding experience. Cheers!!
Cheesy: I would love to have sex using your pretty gift box.
Roger: Thank ya dude. Cheers!!
Hi again Matt Man,
Just thought I'd stop by and update you on the voting for bestest blog of the year. We've had over 8000 votes cast by over 100 different voters in just under a week. A contest update can be found at the new and improved brand new home of Bestest Blog!!, original details can be found here. With a week to go still, that $50 prize, title, and bragging rights is still up for grabs. Also, be sure to get in the running to be blog of the day again this year by joining the Blankest Blank Blog Directory. Thanks for reading and please stop by and leave a comment at the new Bestest Blog some time!
I had sex last night with myself. And I was fantastic.
Bobby: Thanks for the update...
108: When you have a good hand you can play alone. Cheers!!
I have sex on every holiday. I do it so well to! ;-)
Odat: You Vixen!!
This looks like it would be even more fun to quote out of context than Harry Potter.
Marilyn: Bada Bing. You're pretty damn funny Marilyn. Cheers!!
I laughed all the way through your post. That last paragraph made me do a double take :) Happy MM.
Teg: HA...Thanks alot and Happy Manic Monday to you Tegdirb. Cheers!!
Merry Christmas, Matt-Man! :)
I sure would love to see some snow here in Arkansas about right now.
CWM: I hear ya. It's gonna be a hot one here all week as well.
I can never wrap presents again without thinking of you, Mattie...
Mo: That is so very sweet of you...I think. Cheers My Good Man!!
Wait---------I'm not sure I understood that last paragraph. I read it three times, and I'm still debating whether it's a blow up doll or not.
You have some eSpLaInIn' To dO LuCY!!!
Deb: That's not what it is about, but if you wanna send me one, that would be great. Cheers!!
I'll never wrap presents with my brothers again!!
Metal: Why? It can only bring you closer!!
admit it, in the story with your little brother, you didnt have to change a thing did you?
Sparky: He was an older brother and I think he was jealous because I was getting laid and he wasnt. The weird thing was I was only 12. Kidding of course. I was all of 14 and my aunt was 47. Cheers!!
Bad mental images...need brainwashing
Hammer: Enjoy the holidays and have sex with your family. Cheers!!
HA! This is one of my fave posts EVER! Thanks for re-posting, my friend.
You know, since I worked for Douglas during Christmas time I swore never to have sex again =)
Sanni; Dont you EVER say that you're never having sex again!!!
Hell I just want SEX...with ribbons, without ribbons, with paper, without paper, with your older brother just does not matter
Well, Bond, you know, Memphis is a LOT closer to Cleveland than it is to the desert...I'm just sayin'...
Matty, calm down, boy! We're just wrapping presents!
Shit, mom's regular 'just buying a gift card and stuffing it in an envelope is not NEARLY as thoughtful as buying and wrapping the presents yourself'comments appear to have been spot on. She can't ALWAYS be right can she?
Bond: It's okay Christmas, is still a swell time of year.
Songbird: Wrap away you little vixen, wrap away!!
Donkey: Just have sex with your family and dont question the rest. Cheers!!
Oh my eyes! The visuals. I believe in family togetherness...but okay with the paper.....forget the ribbons.
Matt....I hate to tell you this....but if you keep dressing like will never ever get any more gift wrapping!
You, Sir, are a certified nut. Must be why we get along.
Matty: If one is a Bagorian Muslim, one must dress as one. Cheers!!
Travis: That's the best thing I heard all day. Cheers!!
I have always enjoyed wrapping a good gift...
You are a good woman Katherine woman. Cheers!!
I'll have to have sex next week...Tyler has a birthday. Then the following week, I'll have sex for hubby! It's his birthday! *LOL
I know this is an oldie but BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
This past Christmas NOBODY would help me out so I had sex all by myself for nearly a week, the ungrateful bastards! If only ONE family member would have sex with me at Christmas, I could have sex in like four days!
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