Lock the doors, and hide the babies...Dead-Eye Dick has his finger on the button.
I can see him pacing around the Oval Office wearing a wife beater and boxer shorts, while sucking on a bottle of Jack Daniels. I can hear it now, “President Cheney, President Putin is on line 1.” “Tell Putin to go fuck himself, find out if I can legally pardon Dracula, and fire up my tank, I’m invading Baltimore right after I award the Medal of Freedom to Michael Vick.”
President Bush, I beg of you…please snap out of the drug-induced fog as soon as possible….Please!!
A Shout-Out For Bagwine Friend Dixie:
“Please Visit Dixie and Matt and Wish Them Well As He Leaves For Parris Island And The Marines on Sunday, July 22, 2007. Just click HERE.”
Enjoy your Saturday everyone...Cheers!!
see.. i am not sure i knew about this and now i am going back to bed until it is all over. you scared me Matt-Man...
and thanks for spreading the word...
Bond: I try to help out when I can. Try not to have nightmares. Cheers!!
Will you be able to tell if he comes out of the anesthesia ok?
"One Million Dollars!"
Great post!!!
Poor 'ole Dubya gettin' something shoved in his arse...*LOL*
I read that yesterday and I still have a neck spasm from the involuntary cringe it caused =(
What a Mini-Dick!!!! lmao
Peace and enjoy your weekend!
Ugh.... read this funky news yesterday and my first thought, believe it or not, was, "I'd hate to have to be the guy sticking shit up the President's ass." But then, I realized that this would be the perfect time to go in there and pull Tony Blair out.
Oh, and Texas.
Aisby: I wondered the very same thing. Cheers!!
CWM: Now he knows how the rest of us feel, only we have to be awake for it!!
Starrlight: It was indeed a bit unnerving!!
Odat: Enjoy yours as well Odat. Cheers...
108: No kidding about Blair. How could one not be tempted to put something up his arse, like a malted milk ball or something? Cheers!!
one of the many blessings of living on the west coast is most of this stuff is over before we wake up.
and there is no eph-n way he drinks Jack.
Yes you missed the majority of the unbridled fear Katherine. What does he drink!?
Will the scope fit inside? Or will they be able to remove that big stick first?
I thought it was Rove that was stuck up w's ass .... so he could work the strings
Junior Mints in the butt!
Bond got off a good one!
Yeesh...now theres a scary thought. I guess it's NOT too early to start drinking...it may be my last.
I stopped over to Matt and Dixie...thanks for putting that up!
Hammer: Amen!!
Metalmom: I cant believe that you are making fun of our Commander-in-Chief!!
Bond: Rove is a figurine of pure evil.
Starrlight: Spokenn like a true Seinfeld fan. I like that!!
Jillie: Thanks for stopping here and over to Dixie's site. Cheers!!
The problem is, we're learning from the Wash Post and others, Cheney already HAS BEEN the president all these years. Awful. Just awful. The Devil in a Suit.
Pawlie: Expect a knock on your door by a couple of Homeland Security agents very, very soon. Cheers!!
**wipes giggle tears away**
Ha...Have a good Sunday Jules!!
I was happy in ignorant bliss about this unfortunate few hours. Thanks for giving me post traumatic stress.
How do I get rid of the eye twitch?
haha hey Matt! Just got my faster connection sorry I havent been around but I was just about to hang myself with a phone cord out hear in the country till I got the great Wild Blue satellite service (not a shameful promotion) and now the internet is a breeze to run threw! Missed ya Matt-Man back now so Rock on!!!
Travis: Hang in there, the twitching will pass.
Roger: Good to see you back my friend. Cheers!!
That was a very scary thought of having Dick for President... You know he's rather trigger happy... I'm with you ... didn't think I would say it either... Bush can't do this to us again!
Thank you so much for the shout outs ...
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