I don't know if they do, but I can imagine some of the conversation as they sit around a table full of steaks, brats, taco salad, and drinking Wild Irish Rose. What? You think they'd eat something different? Pfffft, one doesn't get to be The Almighty by eating bitter herbs, fish, and drinking Mineral Water. Trust me, God didn't get to where is his by eating meals made for pussies. He likes his meat and Rose.
Anyway I bet this is how the dialogue would go....
God: What did you do this week my Son?
Jesus: I nurtured some children, healed some lepers, and spent yesterday playng hide and seek with the Holy Spirit...I could never find him. What about you Father?
God: Oh for kicks, I stole one sock from everyone in California that was doing laundry this week. And then last night I had hot kinky sex with your Mother, but don't worry it was all very immaculate.
Mary: ...giggle...
Joseph: Asshole...
Yeah I can see that happenin'....
I didn't make my Pigs in a Blanket Friday, so I am making them tonight. I'll try to post some pictures later today as they progress from package to stomach. Until then, Cheers!!
Note: Make sure to listen to Turbaby's BlogTalk Radio Show Tonight at 6 P.M. EDT. For Details Click Here.
Poor Joe!
Pics would be vunnerbar~~ but please refrain from the ones of the piggies progress from stomach to burial...
So glad I read this at work. Spitting coffee on my laptop would not have been good.
Perfect use of the word asshole with high comedic results.
Ah, the perfect Family Sunday Supper. My family will be communing with the crayfish at Hinckley Lake; then we'll reunite over steaks and baked potatoes later.
Hope your Sunday is going well. Cheers!
AH, yes,family get-togethers.....
Hang on...you're only going to show the prep and the eats, not what happens a few hours later, right?
Just in case, when I check back I'll do so with my hand over my eyes and gradually peak.
Omg-I'm with Trav
and I LOVE the *giggling* Mary--we are all going to hell--should be an AWESOME party
Thank you for pimping my show--now CALL IN dammit ;-)
Cheesy: I am getting ready to prepare them as soon as I am done here. Cheers!!
Starrlight: We think too much alike, I thought the same thing about the use of asshole. Cheers!!
Songbird: Enjoy the steaks O' Sexy One!!
Matalmom: Yeah, arent they great? Hope the party went well.
Trav: I'll forego the pics of the final disbursement through the alimenatry canal. Cheers!!
TB: HA!! I'll try to call in, I cant always bring up Mo's or your show. If I do call in, I'll be nekkid!! Cheers!!
I would love to sit in on haqt dinner but I'd worry that the only thing on the menu would be blood and flesh.
108: When done right, that's not such a bad thing!!
First time reader, but if that post is any indication I think I will like it here. Freaking hilarious even if I do go to hell for it.
Steak and taco salad sounds good... with a nice icy glass of holy water.
(**waves hello to briliantdonkey**)
It's cool to see you over here in this part of the blogosphere! You'll like it here; Matt-man is hilarious! :)
Briliantdonkey: Thanks for stopping by. I'll try to keep ya laughing. Cheers!!
Janna: Ice Cold Holy Water? I like it!! And thanks for the kind words. Cheers!!
No matter what, God eats Fried Chicken on Sunday.
Nancy: Ha...Sound right Nancy. Cheers!!
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