Toe-Tappin’ Senator Craig has earned the John Kerry Flip-Flop Award. After playing footsie with an undercover cop, Craig was going to resign and then he said, perhaps he wouldn’t, and now he says he most likely will resign. Ai yi yi, I can’t keep up with the dude.
I am expecting him to give a speech sometime today saying, “I am not completely resigned to the fact that I will resign, because I am NOT gay, and yet I have ALWAYS been gay.” Man, I am gassy today…the stomach hurting kind of gas.
I had hot dogs for sup’ last night. I don’t care if they are comprised of chicken bladders and pig shit, hot dogs are so very Yum-Oh!! I may be making this season’s first batch of Football Crockpot Chili this Sunday, so I hope I can de-gas myself by then…judging by the odor that just engulfed me, I think I am well on my way. Wheeeew, ba-bay!! Vivaaaa Las Vegas.
Is anybody else as disturbed as I am by the new musical TV commercial for Viagra? It shows a half a dozen laughing middle age men sitting in a log cabin, playing instruments, and singing Vivaaaa Viagra, Viva, Vivaaa, Viagraaaaa!! I guess I should feel fortunate that the ad doesn’t show what may have taken place between the euphoric manly men prior to, or after the singing of this testosterone laden ditty…I’m a Lumberjack and I’m okay!!
I guess I’ll be voting for Barack Obama. I mean if Oprah is backing him, that settles it for me. Oprah has been my spiritual muse and life coach for years…that’s why my weight goes up and down, I wear 8,000 pounds of foundation on my face, and haven’t voted in a Presidential primary since 1988. Matt-Man, Oprah wannabe.
Corky is still sleeping which is odd. By this time of the morning, she is usually on my lap biting and clawing at my nipples as I type my post. I don’t know if I miss it or not. I think I do…Here kitty, kitty, kitty!! I just belched. Pardon Me.
I wonder if Fidel Castro still has sex, and if so, does he scream out, “Viva La Fornication!!”? I can also imagine his aides taking him to a bar to pick up chicks. His aide would ask, “See anybody that you like El Presidente’?” Castro would probably respond, “This place is nothing but a Bay of Pigs.”
I could go for a sausage sandwich and a Bloody Mary. Dee-Lish. I may clean today. I do so like my feather duster. I wonder, if I held Corky down and rubbed her on the carpet a few hundred times if I could then stick her to the wall? I’ll report back.
I actually feel sorry for Senator Craig. Can you imagine after all of this, he resigns and has to spend every waking moment with his wife? Wow. Talk about being de-scrotumized…the dude has no chance. I can hear her saying to him after every one of his utterances, “Shut the Hell Up, Boy-Toy.” I hope he has a good pair of egg-shell walking shoes.
Well folks, I am going to get some tuna, rub it on my nipples, and see if I can rouse Corky. Enjoy your weekend. Spend it soaked in Olive Oil while flip-flopping all over your Cuban lover. Tomorrow, and I promise you this, there will be new installment of Inky and Lola for your Saturday morning enjoyment.
Your gas STINKS? I thought you'd be one of those "My shit don't stink" kind of guys!If Corky sticks to the wall, will you post pictures?
Metal: Well, it's not a bed of roses, unless of course it was a bed of dead decomposing roses. If I can stick Corky to the wall, I will post a picture prior to getting thrown out of the apt. by Schmoop!!
I'd been known to scream "Viva La Fornication" in my day...
You have a wonderful weekend too my dear friend!!!!
"Viva La Fronication"... Yeah Babeeeeeeeeee!!! ;-)
The Viagra commercial is like one big bathhouse if you get my drift!
Enjoy your weekend!!!
Matt, you're prettier than Oprah, even without all that make-up!
Have a great weekend!
Songbird; I'm sure you have !!
Dixie: Same to ya and good luck with Matt!!
Deb: That's what I thought, not that there's anything wrong with that!!
Odat: That was so very nice of you, I'll recommend you to my book club!!
did I read somewhere that MattMan is a tight end?
I think he said he WAS a tight end, not that he HAD a tight end.
Katherine, Songbird: Schmoop can take care of this one.
But I gotta know, as a tight end, did you ever play in the slot receiver position? That would explain a lot about you...
Songbird: I could catch anything thrown my way....did I just say that?
Not only does he have a great tight end, he's also very domestic. Cooking, cleaning, etc. Wait a minute. Maybe I need to think about this.... I'll get back with ya.
I'm still not sure who I'm voting for....
108: If I dont vote for Obama, I will vote for myself. Damn Straight, President Matt-Man.
I cringe when I hear that "Viva Viagra" commercial - word is that the Presley family is INCENSED by it!
I have been practicing my "wide stance" for the next time I'm in public stall...Craig must have some LONG legs!
If Oprah says it it must be true!
Do I really have to use olive oil?
And, here's a beauty tip, remember to remove the 8000 poiunds of foundation before going to bed, or you'll end up needing to buy a new mattress.
Have a lovely bunch of coconuts.. I mean weekend,wear high heels and try some buttered scones with tea.
Hope that you have a fantastic weekend, Matt. Oprah?! Ugh. Obama. Yuck.
That Viva Viagra is god awful. If he were not already dead that would have plotzed Big E for sure.
Tigger: Good Luck with maintaining your balance and dont touch anybody's toes!!
Mimi: Thanks for stopping by. And I wonder how many people actually do hang upon her every word. I dont think I wanna know!!
Anndi: I will stand nekkid drinking hot tea and eating warm buttery scones this weekend just for the thrill.
Jess: Thanks for coming by and I agree with you on both counts. Cheers!!
Starrlight: You are probably right but he may have said, "Yum, another drug!!"
You´ll send me the Viagra commercial and the Cuban lover via email, will you?
Have a great oily weekend, my friend!
You've reminded me that we haven't been shopping yet for our First Sunday Football meal. Dang! I've never been so unprepared for an opening weekend.
LOL @ Corky on the wall... There went a mouthful of coffee I'll never get back.
Sen. Larry Craig is now rethinking his decision to resign. He says he’s going to talk it over with his wife and the guy in stall No. 3.
darn, I haven't seen that viagra commercial.
now let's all go skip and jump and press wild flowers.
Hot dogs are good...who cares what's in 'em?!
I'd vote for you Matt-Man! :)
Have a great weekend.
Peanut butter Matt....it lasts longer!
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