It’s Stream of Consciousness Friiiiiiiiday so fry up some Donbalaan and throw on some Ghaychak music because I am a couple of baby steps closer to realizing my dream of visiting and speaking with the average Iranian citizens.
I emailed The Office of Iranian Interests located within the Pakistani Embassy Wednesday outlining my proposed Good Will Tour. Yesterday, officials from their office visited my website and also emailed me twice in regards to Visa information.
They got back with me in just 24 hours. Ha. Can you imagine getting a response from our onion layered, bureaucratic government that quickly? Hell, I may request foreign aid from the Iranian government under the guise of humanitarian aid. I’d probably get it in time to do my Christmas shopping and wouldn’t that be an ironic use of their money!? Can you say, “Santadinejad”? I ate some meatloaf last night that was quite tasty.
We are going to be having some primo fall weather this weekend. I may celebrate it by wearing only an oak leaf thong and go shopping for pumpkins. With any luck some hot babe will ask to see my acorns. What are you plans for the weekend? My son is going to a birthday party tonight. Those attending have to dress up in 80’s garb. My son is wearing a black, big hair wig, a Twisted Sister T-Shirt, a studded wrist band, and some temporary tattoos. He didn’t mention pants, but I hope he decides to wear a pair.
Damn, my keyboard is incredibly dusty and I think it is spreading to my bellybutton. My umbilical cord hole is chock full of lint. Hold on. I just picked it out. Funny, the blob looks like a small, wet rat. I can’t think of anything to stream about today. It’s like my brain has shut down from the excitement overload of this past week. I mean c’mon Ahmadinejad, O’Reilly, and Brady sister sex, have made this an incredibly happenin’ week.
The only thing that could have added to the fun factor would have been if Rachel Ray momentarily choked on a grilled poblano pepper, seared her larynx, and was forced to rest her voice for a month. How Yum-Oh would that be? Oh relax folks, it’s not like I wished her dead.
Well, that’s all for today. Enjoy your weekend. Spend it wearing a leaf thong while dining in a surprisingly well-run restaurant in Harlem. I’ll post an amusing anecdote or two over the weekend so stop back.
Even without a full-blown stream, your mind is a fascinating thing.
I'm too tired to think of anything witty and charming. I just found out I got one kid down - she's ill and missing school today. Sigh.
Perhaps I could come up with something better later. For now, I'll retreat and let your other groupies say a word or two.
Songbird: Sorry to hear about your daughter, but on the upside, it's Friday and you were first again. Cheers!!
I love being first.
Songbird: Isnt though? If you get a chance, click on the link for the Donbalaan recipe. Yum-Oh!!
Won't be much happening at all in my house this weekend. Everyone is sick with colds ... hope you have a great weekend!
Mr Fullen:
What do you call two straight lines that never cross but are not parallel?
Mr Fullen's answer = Skoooo
No Mr Fullen, the answer is Sku
What a mess Mr Fullen; said with a slight lisp. Also, it is misting heavily
Oh Matty, were you posting this morning when Rache was on? I tuned just in time to see her choke on something until her eyes bugged out and she fell on the floor--cut to commercial! OH THE DRAMA!!!
Nah, just messin' witcha! But wouldn't that be great to see??
Dixie: Sorry to hear that but at least you got a letter!! Cheers.
Haircare: He couldnt say skew but is now a chemical engineer, go figure!! By the way, I took a quiz last Tuesday and it was a fiasco.
Metalmom: I would like to get her in bed and film an episode of "30 Minute Squeals". Cheers!!
You're crazy and I love it, however, your description of the shit that you just pulled out of your belly button was.... icky.
108: Thanks and because I care about the sensitivity of my readers I changed the description of what it really looked like. it actually looked like the afterbirth of a pot-bellied pig. Cheers!!
This week really did hold too much excitement didn't it? It is going to be perfect fall weather this weekend! sunny and crisp. Have a good one....
Lisa: Same to ya. Enjoy the weather and the weekend. Cheers!!
Okay, I just looked up that recipe.
I think I'll go puke now.
That poor sheep.....baa....baa...
I just hope that we're not all being watched now because of you and your intended trip to terror country....geeze......Have a great weekend!!!
I am warning you for the last time...stop stealing from The Couch...I asked my guests what their plans were for the weekend...and HER IT IS ON YOUR RANT??? You didn't even reword plagiarism...
Bruno and guido are furious about this and are talking about acorn hunting in Ohio now...see what you have done????
Enjoy them while you got em.....
and what exactly ARE the Visa application requirements pray tell?
please post a picture of you and your little oak
Songbird: I knew that you find it mouth-watering. Cheers!!
Odat: The government monitoring our conversations? I cant imagine that. Have a good one!!
Bond: Take it easy Vin. The only thing that I would steal from "The Couch" would be the loose change under the cushions. Cheers!!
Katherine: I had to go away for awhile so I havent looked them up yet. I'll do that this weekend, and pass the info on to you.
I'll see what I can do as far as a picture you dirty arborist you. Cheers!!
That pepper looks like a pile of poop. And be careful if you go to Iran, if you are gay (although I understand from you buxom stick figures that you are not.) If you go to Iran and you are a homosexual you will disapparate into another dimension upon touching their soil. They do not have homosexuals in Iran. President Imadididgeroo told us so last week. I drove under the UN building while he was speaking there. I gave him a nice salute....
Kim: I'll be just fine if I get to go as my only gay tendency is enjoying the complete works of Oscar Wilde. Enjoy your weekend Kim and Hang Ten. Cheers!!
hehehehehhehe got you nervous - didn't I .... ah hell pour another drink my friend
Bond: Way ahead of you.
I knew you were crazy... now show me your [you're?] nutz....
Cheesy: Hey!! I may be cheap but I'm not easy....Really!!
I think Schmoop might tell us that you're easy, but you ain't cheap.
Songbird: That was so very hurtful.
Oh he's easy and cheap!!
Rant topic: This is going to be a wall to wall music weekend. The computer is loaded and ready and in between scads of boring, boring, boring obligations I will be making love to my ears.
Well, even a weak stream at least gets some of it out of your system. And that's the important thing.
Keep your eyes and ears open this weekend. The wacko ball is loose and tumbling downhill, picking up speed as it rolls. Someone, somewhere, will say something worthy of acute ridicule. You are the man for that job.
A small wet rat, 'eh!?
*Gag* Matt-Man!
Happy Friday.
Jamie: Ah, spending the weekend engaged in aural sex I see. Cheers!!
Travis: Wait a minute. Are you saying that I am the man to say something stupid or the man up to dishing out ridicule. Which is it? Cheers!!
CRazY: I apologize but the similarity was uncanny. Cheers!!
Dish the ridicule my man!
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