Fortunately, the Roberts’ story can be put on hold because Richard is taking a leave of absence from the University. I hear that Lindsay is also going to get away for awhile by spending some time at a Boy Scout camp somewhere in North Carolina.
Due to this lull in the apostolic action, I had a chance to catch up on some of the other big stories, but unfortunately I was only half-listening. Also, since I was cramming my mind with the headlines as quickly as possible, I may have misinterpreted and morphed some of the stories together.
Following, is a list of news items that I thought I heard yesterday. If I have gotten them wrong please let me know what the real low down is. Thanks…
George Bush had a press conference and said that if Iran gets nukes we need to prepare ourselves for World War III. That is quite a shocking an provocative statement. I then thought that I heard him say, “Someone pass the orange juice, I have a Martian in my head.” His statements aside, I thought he sounded very coherent for once, but then again I had already polished off the better part of a fifth of Stoli when I tuned in. That may explain the orange juice reference.
I guess the Turks are tired of Kurdish rebels crossing the Iraq/Turkey border and killing Turks, so their government has overwhelmingly approved military incursions into Iraq as early as January 2008. The Bush Administration is pissed about this because it may turn Iraq into a quagmire. We spend time, money, and lives building a beacon of democracy in the Middle East and those wacky Turks want to screw it all up by defending their borders. Ingrates!!
I guess the big news I heard yesterday involved Ellen Degeneres. It seems that Ellen brought a new bitch into her house, but she didn’t keep her because the little bitch didn’t get along with Ellen’s pussy. I guess at that point, Ellen introduced the bitch to her hairdresser’s kids (which I think is disgusting, if not illegal) but they couldn’t have her, which upset all involved. Do we really need to be told the sordid details of Ellen’s melodramatic relationship problems…Jeez, someone tell her to get a dog or something.
One last item…Did I hear correctly that Dick Cheney and Barack Obama are eighth cousins? I guess Lynne “Lover of Lesbian Literature” Cheney revealed this week that Dick and Barack are indeed cousins. I also thought I heard that when Barack was informed of this, he told Hillary Clinton to “Go Fuck Yourself”, and then promptly shot her in the face. I actually find that to be a restrained response considering the sheer horror of the news.
Well folks, even though the Roberts hits keep dominating my page, I will try to restrain myself until new allegations arise. In the meantime, I will focus on more important stories such as Britney and K-Fed’s Bathing Boycott, and continuing coverage of the fact that Princess Diana is still in fact, very much dead.
Until tomorrow and Stream of Consciousness Friday, Cheers!!
Sometimes the news is just so boring....but I like your take on it....SICK!!!!
Ok...that take on Ellen was hands down the best news review of the year!
And can imagine how Obama must feel? Jesus I'd be scrubbing with lye and steel wool at this point. There is something amusing about them being related through a French woman.
Freedom fry anyone?
Odat: Thanks. I am now focusing on a news item out of Maine. Some Juior High School there is issuing Birth Control to their students if they want it. Where were they when I was 13!!
Starrlight: Thanks. Those damn French are always breeding no matter what damage it causes to mankind. Cheers!!
Matt- Man, the ever flowing font of knowledge. I bow to your...???
AAH!!That news from Maine is getting me p-o'd again!!!
LOVED the Ellen stuff.
And did you hear what Obama said about being related to Cheney?He said 'he didn't mind but he didn't think he'd be going on the family hunting trip!'
As long a you keep the names in your post titles you can continue to reapthe rewards through google while still offering us the same high quality political commentary we have becoe accustomed to.
Songbird: You bow to my what? What? WHAT?
Metalmom: Thanks and Obama might want to get checked to see if he has a soul.
Marilyn: And that is exactly what I did. That is the only reason I used their names in the title. Cheers!!
Everything you reported sounds about right to me. Personally I think the Obama story is a ruse by the Republicans. That can't find anyway to really discredit Obama so Cheney will take on for the team and claim they are related.
OMG-- after days of hearing of this Ellen debacle and the Iran mess, all I had to do was come to your page and get perhaps the most informative yet entertaining spin on it possible.
You, my friend, should be on cable news. ;)
Raven: Ha...I thought the same thing. Cheers!!
Allie: I appreciate that. Me on cable? Maybe I'll take on Bill O'Reilly with a new show called "The Bagwine Factor". Cheers!!
LOL you whore you know you'll keep big pimping Lindsay!
TB: I am appalled that you would associate me with the word, "pimping".
Okay you're right...I will ride Lindsay as long as I can, even though I am obviously much too old for her tastes. Cheers!!
Hey if we all work together and elect Colbert...Matt can have his time slot!!
Starrlight: Yeah, if Colbert wins I could take over his time slot. My truthiness would shine thorugh.
Matt-Man on the telly - hmm.....
Songbird: I would rock!! Cheers...
Yeah, rock the boat!
so Matthew....why don't you have a show on BlogTalkRadio?
The cousins thing is a riot...and I am sure Miz Cheney wouldn't go public unless she could prove it. I heard someone in the Obama camp made some comment about 'every family having a black sheep' which wouldn't have been so funny coming from Cheney...oh well...
That junior high has been handing out condoms for some time now...the new rule is that girls at EVELEN years old can be giving birth control pills...and the parents aren't informed.
this is truly a fuckin' nightmare.
Songbird: Damn Straight. Hold on to your life preserver.
Katherine: I have been mulling the radio show thing for months and will do it at some point. Yeah, I knew they had been handing out condoms, but there is obviously only an outrage when bc is handed out to young girls.
In spite of the double standard, I agree, it's an outrage. Cheers!!
double standard?
11,12,13 is too young to be sexually active boys or girls...
the big deal is that taking birth control pills at that age has serious repercussions to the physical development of a girls body. (not to mention the emotional implications) It will totally alter the way her body matures. They are not made for girls that young. This boarders on off-label prescripting.
AND REALLY….if the school thinks…or knows…an eleven year old …boy or girl is sexually active you absolutely need to tell the parents. Does anyone think a child this age can make a decision of that magnitude?
If you do a show….I hope its late enough so all time zones can listen…smile…
Katherine: Wait a second. I agree that 12-13 yeard old kids shouldnt be having sex. What I was saying was that a double standard(maybe that was a poor choice of words)exists in this sense:
Condoms have been available to boys of this age prior to this issue coming up with providing birth control to girls. I am merely saying that there was no visible outrage or media frenzy when this involved just young boys, but now that young girls are involved, the media is all over it. That's all. Cheers!!
wow, stories on the blog and stories in the comments, which do I respond to?
the blog - I just grabbed my bottle of Tequila to celebrate when I read Barack shot Hilary, then I realized "oh he's kidding".
and if I have to see one more replay of Ellen crying about her bitch I will throw up. (and I like Ellen)
the comments -condoms for kids? birth control for babies? that's just wrong for either sex.
I agree with everything you just said...Now how about pouring me a shot? Cheers!!
Funniest post I have read anywhere in ages....
Awesome work Matt Man.
Also, up here in the Great White North, we don't hear anything about the Roberts scandal, so its been interesting reading about that shit....
Keep it up!!!
Shecky: Why thanks and thanks for stopping by. Cheers!!
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