Peace…Most of us, when we hear that word, think of something soft and soothing such as sea foam slipping and sliding along a sandy shore or the silence of a moth and an open flame performing nature’s kabuki dance. Both thoughts conjure up images of peace and serenity, but maybe, far too often, we fail to think about the joyous noises brought about by peace.
The sounds of peace are a mural of auditory delights…The buzzing of a marketplace full of sellers and buyers haggling over the price of colorful produce…A baby crying, not from hunger, but from the fullness of too much formula…The oratory of diverse groups of people debating with fury over certain issues, and at the end of the day shaking hands no matter what the outcome…The clinking of champagne glasses, and the voice of a man giving directions to a stranger.
On this day of Peace in the Blogsphere, my message to you is to pursue that peace…don’t merely dream about it. Pursue it with vigor. Embrace it. See it. Taste it…and yes, Hear it.
I know, achieving peace is much harder to do than inciting violence, but if we put our hopes into action there is always a chance. Do something loud, something tangible to bring this elusive dream of peace to fruition.
Sure, we can think about the seafoam and the moth and feel a calm for a few moments, but it will take an effort that must be much more noisy, much more ardent than those two actions if we are to be able to enjoy walking the sandy shores and delighting in nature’s dance for a lifetime without fear or apprehension.
If we want to enjoy the noises of peace, we have to make some noise of our own…Peace.
War is easy, peace is hard. So yes, a day to work at it, celebrate it, is exactly the right thing!
Peace be with you.
Boy: And also with you...Cheers to you and yours!!
peace matt-man.
and "hoa binh" too
that's vietnamese for peace :-)
Nurse: Thanks and same to you. Hoa Binh, eh? I'll be using that in the future. Cheers!!
Lovely dear friend... Peace
Anndi: Thanks and have a peaceful day!!
Gee Matty--first a lovely song and we get to hear you sing AND see you and now this fabulous prose. I am verklempt.
Peace starts in your own backyard sugar--the squirrels asked me to tell you that ;-)
TB: I am so very multi-faceted. Squirrels, eh? Why dont you just ruin my entire day and mention clowns as well. Cheers!!
Happy Peace Day, MAtt-man!
Let there be peace on earth!
Teach: Right back at ya. Cheers!!
♥ & peace & nose-licks to you and yours, Mr Matt-Man!
Jersey: Why thanks, there's nothing better than a nose lick in the morning. Peace to you and thanks for stopping by. Cheers!!
That was beautiful, dude!
*wiping away tears*
Metalmom: You're still under the weather arent you? Thanks and Pax Vobiscum too. Cheers!!
"achieving peace is much harder"
I believe attaining a harder piece is difficult too!
So may the peace be with you....
peace bro.
It's what I prefer. War should be a deterrent instead of a outcome.
Cheesy: Leave it to you to sexualize a post on piece...er...peace. Cheers!!
Hammer: Well put and same to you. Cheers!!
Pax vobiscum, Matty!
Evil Blogger Twin: How I have longed for your visit. Do you enjoy bratwurst too? Peace to you and Cheers!!
Peace, love, and joy to you, darling man. You do have a way with words sometimes, don't you?
Well said...never quite thought of peace that way. I was always a seafoam kind of girl until your explanation.
Peace out, dude~
Songbird: Thanks, I have my moments. Same to you ba-bay. Cheers!!
RLL: Why thank ya. Dont get me wrong, rolling around in seafoam can be quite nice. ; ) Cheers!!
Searching for a Peaceful World...
Bond: If you find one, let me know. Cheers!!
Well said my friend.
Peace to you and yours on this day and on every day.
Travis: Thanks and same to ya Trav. Cheers!!
Those who want the cacaphony of normal pursuits are way more numerous than all those who like the noise of war. As we join hands today, may our numbers overwhelm those who want power more than peace.
Love and peace to you and your family, my friend!
You and my EBT? Nooooo, I´m not jealous... she´s a part of me *LOL*
Love ya!
P.S.: Has anybody seen Turnbaby´s squirrels??? I need to meet them!
Jamie: You are correct but those who want the cacophony of normalcy rarely shout down those who make the noise of war. But one can hope. Cheers!!
Sanni: Maybe we could have a three-way with your EBT. I'd like to see just how you would pull that off. Forget about those rabid squirrels and peace to you. Cheers!!
Matt-I'm no longer under the weather but I had some meds left and now I'm just under the influence...."I Love you,man!"
Metalmom: Ha...Good to hear, and I am actually jealous. If you share the wealth, I'll love you right back!! Cheers.
Happy Peace Day Matt!!!;-)
I love what you said, but it's also interesting... you could say that the Bush administration is making plenty of noise (via the sound of gunfire and mortar shells in the desert) in order to bring about world peace...
Just a thought... We wouldn't want Dick Cheney to find this blog and run with it. ;)
Peace out Matt-Man. Beautiful post.
Seeking out peace, even as we speak.
Odat: Same to ya, and Cheers!!
Allie: Thanks. The Bush administration isnt using the noise of arms to bring about peace; they're using it to try to get an erection from their tiny wee-wees. Cheers!!
Angell: Thanks and I hope you find plenty of it. Cheers!!
Oh I agree with you that that is what they are most definitely doing. But I think that bringing about world peace is what they would argue they are doing. That's the bass-ackward Republican mindset for ya. ;)
Allie: I know, I just try not to think about what twisted logic they are using, it hurts my brain. Cheers!!
It hurts your brain because you actually have one. It would hurt theirs too if they had one... I think between all of them, there might be the existence of a partial frontal lobe.
what a beautiful post for peace, my globe is up and flying today....Peace to you!!
Allie: For some reason, when you say "partial frontal lobe" it makes me incredibly hot!!
Tegdirb: Why thanks and thanks for stopping by. I'll be 'round soonly. Cheers!!
Peace be with you.... I'll make as much noise as I can today. Great post.
Marilyn: Thanks I hope to hear you all the way from here. Cheers!!
Enjoying the "noises of peace"....what a concept. This was wonderfully written, Matt. The images you set forth in the text are riveting.
"I know, achieving peace is much harder to do than inciting violence, but if we put our hopes into action there is always a chance. Do something loud, something tangible to bring this elusive dream of peace to fruition."
Mimi: Thank you very much and thanks for getting all of this started. Cheers, and of course, peace.
The only peace that I get comes inside a bottle of Ketel One.
Happy Peace Globe Day!!!!
SMOOCHES (from behind a mask)
Deb: Yeah well mine lies at the bottom of a fifth of Wild Irish Rose. Cheers!!
Dixie: Same to you. Get well. Cheers!!
Peace to you, Matt-Man! I had no idea it was Peace on the Blogosphere day - so I watched Desert Songbird sing a few extra times to make up for it.
When I get home, I'll play "Imagine" - in your honor!
Tigger: I think you have enough on your plate right now with the move. Tell Mr. Lennon that I said hey. Cheers!!
Great post! Peace to you on this special day and always.
Misty: Thanks and thanks for stopping. Peace to you and I'll make sure to swing by before the day is through. Cheers!!
making a joyful peaceful noise with you Mateo...
Peace to you and yours.
Kat: Thanks, and enjoy the rest of this peaceful day. Cheers my friend.
peace to us all matt-man!
What a sweet thing for Tiggerlane to say! I value her musical opinion; she's talented, you know.
So, Mimi thinks your post is cerebral today, huh?
Wayne: I hope that is true from this day onward. Cheers!!
Songbird: Well, would you expect any less? Cheers!!
Not at all, sweetie, not at all!
Songbird: You're too kind ; )
Hi Matt-Man, You echo my sentiments exactly! Peace.
Peace bro.
And can I ask what the heck a loosemeat sandwich is?
Nice peace Matt!
You wrote a thought-provoking post. Peace to you and all the world.
Robin: I am glad that I could be your echo. Thanks for stopping and Cheers!!
Oswegan: Peace to you and a Loosemeat Sandwich is only the most glorious sandwich you would ever eat. I can give you the recipe if ya want. Cheers!!
Roger: Thanks and peace to you Raj.
Karen: Why thank you. Peace to you and thanks for coming by. Cheers!!
Akelamalu: Thanks alot and same to you. Cheers!!
I enjoyed your take on the concept of the sounds of peace.
It doesn't always have to be warm, soft fuzzy feelings. Loud and energetic has its place too.
Jeff: Why thank you and thanks for stopping by. Cheers!!
Still trying to catch up.....happy belated Peace Day my friend. Great globe there too!
Well said, Matt! Belated happy peace day!
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