Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Grab The Red Baron Pizzas...The White Death Cometh!!

It is going to start looking a lot like Christmas later on today. Between this evening through tomorrow afternoon, we are supposed to get anywhere from 3-6 inches of snow here in the Greater Bagwine, Ohio Metroplex.

I like snow and am fascinated by its ability to decrease the IQ of drivers and grocery shoppers by 84.6%.

Here in Bagwine, Ohio when the local weather folks predict that even a half inch of the white stuff will fall from the heavens, milk, bread, and eggs go flying off of the store shelves faster than a portly Jewish girl going down on Bill Clinton.

With the possibility of 6 inches of snow, not only will those items be selling quickly but so will dietary staples such as Little Debbie Cakes, Doritos, frozen corn dog nuggets, and Diet Pepsi. In spite of the chaos, the chance of snow definitely puts a smile on my face.

You know what else puts a smile on my face? Dreams and thoughts of a naked, oiled up Tyra Banks sliding and slithering all over my old, tired, used up body. And because she has been responsible for many of my daydreams and nearly all of my nocturnal emissions, I would like to wish her a Happy 34th Birthday.

Happy 34th Birthday Tyra. You are in my heart. You are in my mind. You are in my database of addresses of hot chicks that I have obtained illegally. Happy Birthday and bless you for soothing my pain of not having actual sex.

As I mentioned yesterday, there is just so much going on this week, and yesterday’s revelation that the Iranians halted their nuclear program four years ago adds to the hot topics. Hopefully President Bush will talk about his obvious lack of knowledge, and lying about their nukes in order to instill fear in the public and all the while getting a giant erection over it this when he holds his press conference at 10 A.M.

Steven Hadley, Bush’s National Security Adviser said that while the report that came out states that those pesky Persians did halt their nuclear program, they still held open options to seek weapons in the future. This, he says, proves that the Administration’s warning of the danger of the Iranians is sound. WTF?

The Iranians are dangerous because they might want to get nuclear weapons someday, and yet do not have an active technology program in this area? If that’s the case, I am a threat to national security as well, because even though I do not possess the technology, I would love to have a phaser just like Captain Kirk…Only my phaser wouldn’t have a stun setting, it would be “Kill” only.

I wish President Bush good luck today; it’s gonna be a rough one, because the word “noo-klee-err” is going to come up often.

Well kids, I am off to stock up on my staples in advance of the approaching White Death. My staples you ask? Bagwine, smokes, and frozen pizza of course, I’m not like those unhealthy folks that I mentioned.



RW said...

Ah that is very wise to get ready for the white blast of winter! Stay warm Matt!

Schmoop said...

Roger: Nothing warms the cockles more than Wild Irish Rose and a Frozen Pizza. Cheers!!

none said...

Tyra is pretty hot but she is nuttier than a fruitcake... mmm fruitcake

Schmoop said...

Hammer: I know she is a bit of a freak, but when it comes to her, I can overlook that fact. Cheers!!

Odat said...

Snow, sex and politics......god, it's a good morning!

Schmoop said...

Odat: It doesn't get any better than that, does it? Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...

Here's wishing you the best as you lay in supplies for your White Out Party. Party of one, I presume?

Anonymous said...

Soda and junk food!I don't understand the need for eggs.

I thought the word was "noo-cue-lar".

I figured out how to get in here but I'm not linked anymore. *pout*

Schmoop said...

Songbird: That is my lot in life. Cheers!!

Metalmom: Glad you got in, and I'm sorry that you aren't linked. If that happened to me I would go nukyular. Cheers!!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Here's hoping that Tyra will crash your party! She is a lovely creature visually...but have to agree with theothers...she is a fruitcake. Would you like egg nog with that?

Schmoop said...

Real: OOOOOO Egg Nog. Great idea. It can take the place of the oil. Cheers!!

Marilyn said...

Enjoy the pizza and smokes. I don't know anything about Tyra and I'd rather not know anything about Bush... but I'd be a happy camper if I had a phaser set permanently to stun.

Jeff B said...

Tyra's ta ta's transform Matt's tired taliwacker today.

Schmoop said...

Marilyn: Wouldnt that be fun? A phaser is like a Taser on steroids. Cheers!!

Jeff: Your alliteration is awesome and actually adds to my already apropos allegory. Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...

I love a man who can alliterate. Shows he's a good linguist.


katherine. said...

I want snow!

(I trust GeorgeW far more than the little guy running Iran....)

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Linguistics are good aren't they? Cheers!!

Kat: Good luck with getting snow out there. As far as my trust as Dubya, sure I trust him more than President Alphabet, but that doesnt say much. Cheers!!

the Book of Keira said...

Mmmm.... Tyra. Threesome?

jillie said...

You know, as dingy as she is, I do like Tyra. Now as I wonder off in the land of pain meds...maybe I too will dream of Tyra, pizza and white death...wow..if that doesn't sound morbid.

down the hatch!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Cool, I didn't think we'd get to see the declassified omissions for 50 years. I had a sticky note to remind me...

Schmoop said...

108: My naughty bits just got all jumbly baby. Cheers!!

Jillie: I thought it sounded fantastic. Keep up the drug intake and get well soon. Cheers!!

VE: Ha...Comment of the day my good man. Cheers!!

Sparky Duck said...

Too the french toast shopping list, i would surely add bourbon. But really, Tyra can come too

Travis Cody said...

Thank you for saying the things I would say about this current administration. I would have said them myself, but I don't write political posts.

Tyra is hawt. You'd watch Dancing with the Stars if she was on it.

Unknown said...

So it’s Tyra’s 34th birthdat, huh? Why didn’t I have that vital piece of information in my “should know” file! Speaking of “pieces,” Tyra is… but you have learned that in your dreams, haven’t you.

Louisville is forecast to have a “dusting” of snow. If I know the local meteorologists as well as I think I do (I used to live within sight of one of the TV types), we’ll probably get a blizzard.

Unknown said...

Effing lying piece of crap Bush.

That's all I have to say, really. I've missed this place. I'm sorry i haven't been around much. Luv ya! :)

Crazy Working Mom said...

Could you send some snow down here to Arkansas, PLEASE?!

Thanks, Tisha @ Crazy Working Mom

Kila said...

I was impressed with the coordination of intelligence it took to produce this news. Intelligence agencies don't like to cooperate with each other.

I will NEVER trust Iran anyway.

Folks running to the store before snow storms do crack me up. These days it's highly unlikely they'll have to kill Fido for food.

Schmoop said...

Sparky: Mmmmm Boubon and Tyra. Now that's a nice mix. Cheers!!

Travis: Thanks and yes, I would finally brak down and watch DWTS if Tyra was on there. Cheers!!

Nick; I am glad that I could keep you abreast on such items of import. Enjoy your dusting or your blizzard. Cheers!!

Allie: And this place has missed and so have I dammit. Stay in touch and a big ol smack on the ass to you. Cheers!!

CrAzY: If I could I would Tish, but there's just barely enough for us this go around. Cheers!!

Kila: I dont trust anybody foreign or domestic!! And you are right, a little bit of snow isnt quite as hazardous as it was in the 1850's. Cheers!!

Unknown said...

so, how much white death did you get??? I don't think we got much more than 4" last night and crazy us were out driving behind all of the fools who forget how to drive in the stuff.

Schmoop said...

Sassy: Folks forget how to drive in it every damn year. We've gotten about three so far. Cheers!!

Liz Hill said...

"""(I trust GeorgeW far more than the little guy running Iran....)"""

Ugh kat you just made me throw up in my mouth a little----I don't see how anyone could trust either one..

What no Spam Matty???

The Boy said...

At least you get snow, all we've got is rain rain rain

I missed that little nugget of news, through the glory of the internet have now filled myself up with the wonder of US politics. Bloody hell...

Schmoop said...

TB: Tuesdays are always SPAM free...

Boy: Arent we a grand bunch? Cheers my good man.