It is 1 degree outside. One. We don’t even have degrees. We have degree, singular.
No warmth to share with ya here folks, because we only have One Measly Degree and we are clinging on to it like grim death. Brrrrrr.
Schmoop has been begging me all week to make her happy in a way that only I can. She wants me to put a big smile on her face. That type of smile that happens perhaps only once a year.
Well this stud is acquiescing this morning, and giving her figures a good working over.
That’s right, the Matt-Man is e-filing her taxes this morning, and getting her that return she so richly deserves. Bow Chicka Wow Wowwwww.
And yeah, I’ll be doing it naked. After all, it is also Cleaning Day Friday, and you know how I like to vacuum in the buff.
Talk about a good sleepi----Ewwww. What the hell is that?……Man, that’s disgusting. Did I really do that? I think mayb---Oh well.
Anyway, talk about a good sleeping aid. Move over, Ambien and all of you other sleep drugs. I watched the first 15-20 minutes of the Republican Presidential debate last night. I think it ranked second only to Ny-Quil in its ability to knock my ass into somnolent submission.
I fell asleep to the sounds of blah blah blah. I woke up at about 1 A.M. My head was contorted, my mouth agape, and drool cascading down my chin. I wasn’t sure if I was unconsciously impersonating John McCain or Rudy Giuliani.
FOX’s John Gibson is an asshole, not to mention incredibly dim-witted.
My Presidential campaign received its first endorsement late yesterday. I formally received the support of the Congenial and Loyal Alliance of Prostitutes with Prosthetics. Better known as CLAPP. Thanks ladies…and guy.
Man, I have a craving for a Crunchy Gordita. La la la la la la la Bamba. I wonder if the Aztecs ate Burrito Supremes. Yo Quiero, Montezuma?
I mean, sacrificing a virgin can work up a hunger up in a guy. I bet they would kill a chick, say hey to the Gods, and then pile into a cart and head over to Tenochtitlan Bell.
I need another cup of joe. Mmmmmmm zehr gut. Fellow Ohioan, Dennis Kucinich-D, has dropped out of the Presidential Primary.
Instead of running around the country and shaking hands with strangers, Kucinich can resume banger and mashing his hot British babe of a wife. I declare K-Man, the real winner.
Well folks the stream is drying up. Enjoy your weekend. Spend it banger and mashing a prostitute who wears prosthetic legs. Don’t just spread em’, take em’ clear off.
Stop by tomorrow to find out who is the winner of the coveted Bagwine Ruminations Comment of the Week.
At least you have ONE degree! We are 14 in the hole ... which might be fun if I weren't talking about the weather ...
Clap, Clapp!!!
Dana: Ha...Ouch, that's not good. I will refrain from my whining now. Cheers!!
Odat: Smile...Good to see you. I hope you are getting through as best you can buddy. Cheers!!
Oh I have taxes do to but I putting it off till the temperature goes up. I off to light a fire good weekend to you!
I even got Dana beat, we've been in the negative double digits for so many days I've considered climbing in the oven and baking myself like a biscuit, and no you cannot shove me down your pants...Papa Bear will have beat you to that!!!!!!!!!!!! I also still have mountains of white death all over the yard, and a car that thinks taking a crapper sounds like a good plan....hey wait, why I am I being a whiney biatch here....I am in a good mood, just read my Friday confessional today.
Peace out Matt-Man, watch where you put that vacuum cleaner hose today, okay....next President has to protect the jewels.
See she still has the sass!
:zing, badda, bing:
If you come do my taxes, I'll show you my biscuits.
Once a year, aye? Hrmm. I suggest turning off your cell phone at night to get a better night's sleep - did you hear that on the news? Cell phones are the cause of interrupted sleep. No more Ambien! :) But if you watch enough politics - that's enough of a sleeping aid!
Cheers!!! :p
Roger: Put some hash in the fire and be careful not to burn yourself. Cheers!!
Penelope: Brrrrr. I was actually hoping that during the freeze we could get together for lunch and share a hot roll. Cheers!!
Songbird: Hey Fred...Fire up the campaign bus, we're headed to Arizona to participate in a forum on income taxes and big, soft biscuits. Cheers!!
Deb: Hell, I don't even own a cell phone. The only thing that wakes me during the night is the recurring nightmare of seeing Dick Cheney and Madeleine Albright getting it on.
Have a great one too. Cheers!!
Today's high will be around 50 degrees F, so I think you'd find the biscuits indeed warm and fluffy and the reception even warmer.
Songbird: I'll supply the "butter". Cheers!!
"Tenochtitlan Bell" lol
That is funny, how do you come up with zingers like that?
Al: Ha. Thanks. I drink alot. Cheers!!
I'm frozen up here in the tundra, so one degree sounds good to me today.
And Matt - love ya to death my friend, but I have to say that I'm glad that Cheney's balls didn't make it into this post.
Angeel: Stay warm, and yes, we are all happy that Dick's boys didn't make an appearance. Cheers!!
No matter who wins the presidential election, the big winner in LIFE is the one who gets to go home to his 6 foot tall British wife with beautiful read hair and a stud in her tongue who is more than 20 years younger than him.
DK is the MAN!
"My head was contorted, my mouth agape, and drool cascading down my chin. I wasn’t sure if I was unconsciously impersonating John McCain or Rudy Giuliani."
This has got to be the sexiest thing you have ever written.
I would gladly fry you spam and wrap it in bacon if you would do my taxes!!
Are you sure it was drool?
Just asking :)
Jay: Damn Straight. The diminuitive one has it all going on. Cheers!!
Metal: It was pretty hot and wet wasn't it? Mmmmmmmm. You know how to get me to file a rturn. Yum-Oh. Cheers!!
Leighann: Pretty sure. My neighbor hasn't broken in and violated me in my sleep since I added the chain lock. Cheers!!
I heard that the mother ship returned to claim Dennis Kucinich as the Lord High Mayor of Uranus.
Any truth to the rumor?
How does Uranus feel now that he's back?
Dirkstar: My anus feels just fine now that he's back. Thanks for asking. I hope your's is well too. Cheers!!
Dang I thought we were cold! Well for Oregon we really are cold. And I have a cold, how is that for kismet?
I beg to differ though, John Gibson is not an asshole. He is, in fact, a douche nozzle. Not the bag, oh no, he the nozzle. A used one. By one of your CLAPP girls. Or guy ;)
Hell, at least we had 6 degrees up here this morning.
When is good old Denny gonna give it up and stay home during these presidential things. He doesn't even take care of us here at home...I'm not going to vote him in to take care of the country!
Starr: Don't be dissin my CLAPP chicks. But yes, Gibson is a dick twizzling fuck nozzle. Stay warm, and Cheers!!
Raven: I think Denny boy has resigned himself to living out his years getting nekkid with his Bristish Isle beauty. I know I would. Cheers!!
I will be spending the weekend caucusing with the former Mrs. Kucinich as she does not "spread 'em for freaking' losers" as she told me on the sex chat line last evening... she saw i had reached my 500th post and knows I AM a winner...
Pictures and a sound track will be available at 1-888-Got-Her-good sometime after 8:00pm on Sunday...
Bond: Well congrats on 500. I haven't made my daily appointed blog rounds as of yet. I'll be by at soem point.
But as far as Mrs. K, I thought being British, she had better sense than to get involved with a descendent from the Roman Penisula. Cheers!!
Phase two of my economic program is now in effect...
Thanks for asking, my anus has been feeling a little empty lately...
I'm not saying watching Republicans plural in the same room can lead to madness, but I dreamed Keith Olbermann was directing The Music Man and woke up with the song "But He Doesn't Know The Territory"
come to think of it, maybe that was you making schmoop happy.
Dirkstar: Glad to hear about your bung. I'll be catching up on your plans later today. I am currently consumed with self fear and loathing. Cheers!!
Jamie: Ha...Very Good Jamie. I never expected you to sling such hurtful barbs at me. Cheers!!
The republican debate...yawn. What a waste of time. I don't want to banger and mashing a prostitute. Hello. Have a great Friday and weekend. :)
Sandee: Ha...The pros are weeping. Thanks again for posting my ad. I'll be by when I catch up on things later today. Cheers!!
It was 39' driving to work this morning in California... that HAS to be equivalent to 1' in OHIO!
As for the drool, I told you to stop dreaming of me. Stop Stop Stop! ;-)
It was 11 here this morning. Brutal!
Hope you're in for the same warm weekend we are! 60 degrees! Bring it ONNNN!
Happy Friday Matt-Man!
Jahooni: It could be. As for the my drool, you have so busted me on the source of my moisture. Cheers!!
Real: Hi Hot Stuff. 60? We will be lucky to get 40. But that's not bad for January. Cheers and have a great weekend!!
Hey Matt Man... sorry about the chilliness. Maybe congress can legislate some warmth like they are trying to do with the eceonomy....anywhooo I agree on Kusinich... He may look like a nerd but I guarantee that guy has a closet with ball gags and floggers that the Mistress uses on him !! I think Dennis Kucinich was the inspiration for the GIMP character in Pulp fiction (and don't act like you don't know what I am talking about there Matty...)
Hope your nurdles don't freeze off this weekend... I am outta here!
Doc: Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies ever dude. As far as the cold, I will initiate an embargo on cold air from Canada. Cheers!!
You should be proud of your 1 degree. Cherish it. Nurture it. Be one with the degree.
Travis: Thank you master. Cheers!!
I just did a post whining about the weather here. After reading about you single digit I really feel like a pussy.
Jeff: I thought I heard something meowing when I opened the comments. Yeah, I was being nice. Cheers!!
*reading Trav's comment...snickering and giggling.*
Good one, Trav!
And here I am bitching that it's 22 and I'm freezing. 60 degrees tomorrow, baby!
Too bad the Republicans didn't duke it out like the Dems. Damn.
Songbird: Don't encourage him. Cheers!!
Tigger: 60 sounds nice. Yeah the Repubs were really boring. Cheers!!
Once it gets below 20 degrees I really don't think it matters. Unless of course it's windy and the you feel the snot in your nose freeze up.
I remember my mom tying a scarf around my face, covering my mouth and nose and my glasses would fog up. Pissed me off!
Julie: I hate the glasses fogging up thing. What a pisser. Cheers!!
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