It has been exactly two years since I started this site and sent it through that series of tubes we call the internets.
May 23, 2006 was the day that I cracked open the first bottle and poured it out onto the world.
And now, 2 years and nearly 800 posts later it still tastes pretty good.
I am not gonna rehash what has transpired over the previous posts.
If you want to read about my desire to become a lesbian porn star, the attack of the ticks while engaging in sex, or my many thoughts about Jeebus, you can do that on your own.
No my friends, I am not here today to bathe in the glory of the past; I am looking towards the future.
And I think it looks pretty damn ugly…which is good because it easier to be funny when things suck.
I want to know what you would like to see over the next two years.
I am still going to do Blog-Fo-Mercials©, Inky and Lola, Streaming Fridays, and of course, Half-Nekkid Thursdays.
But, is there something you want to drink that I am not currently serving? Just let me know, because I am indeed, here to serve.
I just want to say thanks to all of you for coming by over these past two years, it has been a helluva lot of fun for me to read your comments.
I’ll leave you with a song that I did yesterday. I initially programmed a full band into the this song, but I couldn’t get it quite right…
So, I just went back to the bare bones and filmed my treasured left hand playing the chords…
So, enjoy Bitches…It’s a Celebration
Before I go, I do want to thank Schmoop for helping greatly in allowing me to continue bringing Bagwine Ruminations to the masses of social degenerates such as you and I.
Thanks Schmoop, and thanks for last night. The teeth marks on my shoulder and chest are going to be there for awhile.
Have a safe and riotous good time this Memorial Day Weekend, and as always…
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MATT-MAN! I wish I could say I'd been here since the beginning, but then again, what would that say about me??
Happy Anniversary! As long as I can have one of these puter thingys I'll be stopping by!
Dana: It would say that you are hotter than you already are. if that's possible. Cheers!!
Micky: Why thanks my good man. I wouldn't have it any other way. Cheers!!
YAY!! Blogaversaries!!!!! And a happy one to you!
Metal: Mmmmmm, thanks Metal. Cheers!!
Happy 2-Year Blogaversary, Matt-Man!!!!!!!!!!! I celebrate with you.
Dude, cool your anniversary, ha! a special day for me too. I think the simple chords worked great. Didn't need any more than that and your melodious voice to sing us into the third year of Bagwine; drink up! I'm a nubie here but it didn't take me long to realize, YOU ROCK.
Hey you!!! Happy Blogaversary! I, for one, am so glad you're here. You've made me laugh in spite of what was going on in my life. I love Bagwine! Hope you're around for a lot longer. Great song too!!!
Nick: Why thank you very much Nick, I appreciate your humorous comments. Cheers!!
Lu: You are too kind Lu and thanks. I am so glad to have been introduced to you. Have a Rockin' 50th B-Day my friend. Cheers!!
Odat: And I am glad to have had you stop by for such a long time. And I am happy to know I could help out in a small way. Cheers to you pal!!
Happy Anniversary Matt-Man, but I'm kicking Schmoop's ass, cuz your ass is mine.
Happy blog-a-birf-day!!
So schmoop is marking her territory for next HNT post?? COOL!!
Happy Blog-iversary you dirty bastard!!
I'll bathe in some WIR and fondle my breasts in your honor today!
Wait.... I'm already doing that for Lu's birthday. Guess you're shit outta luck pal!
Tyra: Ha. Don't get mad; join us for a three-way. Cheers!!
Cheesy: Thanks and hopefully she will mark it a few more times over the weekend. Cheers!!
Leighann: Rats...Could you at least take pictures and send me some? Cheers!!
Happy Blogaversary Matt! Been some good laughs thank you!!
Roger: You and I go back to your days in Michigan. Thanks for haning around all this time. Cheers!!
Happy Blogiversary, Matt! MUAH! Wishing you many more bite marks and scratches of pleasure!
Winter: Thanks and thanks for coming by nearly everyday. I thought the bite mark reference might perk your ears up. Cheers!!
Happy Blogiversary.I don't think I could possibly ask for more from you. Thanks for the serenade.
Oh, and nice work Schmoop!
Happy Anniversary baby! I can't wait to see what else is to come along! You know how much I look forward to your Half-Naked Thursday posts
Knight: You could ask me to do anything and I probably would do it. Don't encourage Schmoop. Wait...yes, please do encourage her. Cheers Knight!!
Lady Jaye: Thanks, and I am glad that you came across my site. Good luck with everything. Cheers LJ!!
Happy anniversary Mattman!
Wow, what more could you add? I just don't know. Let me think on that....you might be waiting a bit though.
have a great weekend.
way to go Mateo...two years...wow
I am grateful to be one of the Bagwine faithful. I appreciate the raucous intelligence that most always makes me laugh.
You put a great deal of yourself into the Ruminations MattMan...and a great deal of time and effort.
And yeah...I am fairly certain we all agree...Schmoop must be a gem.
I look forward to seeing more of your ass.
Sassy: Thank ya. I really must come by and catch up with you. Cheers Sassy!!
Kat: Thanks for the kind words Kat. If only our trip to Iran had panned out.
And yes, Schmoop is a gem. My ass thanks you as well. Cheers and I appreciate you coming by as you do!!
Happy Anniversary. And very creative song. :)
Karen: Thank you very much Karen, just don't tell Zager and Evans that I stole their melody. Cheers!!
Happy Anniversary Matt.
Your treasured left hand is quite talented.
I've only been visiting for a short time but I am hooked on you ;)
Dianne: Thanks and I am glad that you have been coming around.
My left hand is not only talented it is far too often my lover. Cheers Dianne!!
Happy blogiversay Matt-Man! Here's to another great year in Bagwine!
"But, is there something you want to drink that I am not currently serving?"
Full Frontal Fridays?
I didn't say that! It didn't happen! Nobody saw that! ;-)
Jay: Ha. You're a riot. And, this being a humor blog, that idea would work perfectly. Cheers Jay!!
Will there be a party? More importantly, will you be serving cake?
Christine: There is a party wherever I am. But cake? Only if it's made out of ground beef or bacon. Thanks for stopping by, and Cheers!!
Happy Bloggoversary Sir. I still remember the day I somehow came over here and you were on vacation and a series of reruns were being posted. Your dinner party with W was the post that day...
I howled with laughter and immediately put you link up on The Couch...
Since then, a roller coaster of brilliant posts and disgustingly sick photos of yourself...
Thank you for making each day a bit brighter...
And since it is a special day
Bond: Ha, and thanks for the Smooch. To this day, I think those four or so posts about the Dinner Party would make a great HBO comedy special.
Thanks for coming 'round, and have a great weekend Vinny!!
Tubes? There are TUBES?
I always miss out on the tubeage.
Happy Matt-a-Bag-a-versary!!
Tug: According to the venerable Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska that's how it works.
Thanks and I hope you keep coming 'round hot stuff. Cheers!!
Wow we really are sympatico. Birthdays right next to each other and blog anniversaries 4 days apart!
Starr: What the? You and I are twin siblings of different mothers.
Which kinda makes sex between us a little creepy. Oh, fuck it. ; ) Cheers!!
Hail to the Kink, baby!
Seriously, I wanna come hang out and drink with you and The Schmoop.
Starr: If you ever make your way out here, you are more than welcome and I know Schmoop feels the same way. I'll even cook. Cheers Starr!!
Happy Aniversary dude, just keep doin what ya do man it's all good.
The Rock Hall of Fame calls so I just may show up on your doorstep, kidlet in tow :P
Trukin': Why thanks. I'll try to keep it up Dawg. Cheers!!
Starr: Anytime. For you, our door and our floor is always open. Cheers!!
Happy Anniversary! Wow, two years of complete nonsense - you should be very proud! ;)
Have a great weekend!
Covert: Ahh. Thanks. But there is always a method to my non-sense. Cheers!!
Happy Blogoversary Matt-Man. Looking forward to more insane hilarity from the Bagwine. Loved the tune. Have a great weekend. :)
Sandee: Thanks alot. Keep on keepin' on, yourself. Cheers!!
that was funny, and i didn't see a thing...
happy 2 years to you matt-man. i promise to be there for the next two since i only have about 6 months in.
i am kinda jealous of the teeth marks!
Jahooni: He is funny. And don't be jealous, you are adorable all on your own. Cheers Jahooooooni!!
Happy Anniversary! Also I thank you for your shout out for my EXTREME patience! You are welcome baby for the bite marks, more on the way!!! Loves...
Holy hell Matt, 800 in two years? My 2 year anniversary is next week too but I haven't quite hit 500 yet. You are one prolific dude! Happy blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary, Matty sugah. It's been a hoot visiting every day.
Love your Streams, love Inky and Lola; the only thing I'd love to see at least once? You actually participating in a meme! (I know, I know, it's highly unlikely, but if it can thunderstorm and be 57 in May in the desert just three days after it reached 108 degrees, anything is possible. And I mean ANYTHING.)
Happy Bloggoversary!
That was a nice tune too.
Schmoop: MORE marks!? Yum-Oh. Love ya baby, and thanks for everything.
VE: Thanks. Some of the posts have actually been funny as well. Cheers my Man!!
Songbird: And it's been a pleasure having you around for such a long time. The memes? I dunno. Cheers!!
Travis: Thank ya sir, and thanks for stopping by as much as you do. Cheers Travis!!
Congrats to you, Matt-man! A very successful blog in only two years, Wow!
Come by and help me celebrate my birthday on Sunday...there will be cake and balloons... :D
Teach: Why thanks for stopping. I'll be over. Cheers!!
Shoot. I missed it. Happy Belated Blog-a-versary. Your blog is one of my guilty pleasures and until one of us is converted, will remain that way!
Love Ya Matt and I truly wish you the best!!
catching the tail end of year two, I will definitely stick around for one more!
Happy Anniversary!
I enjoy all your videos.
Jeebus Christ you make me LAUGH and that means everything to me.
er, al LOT anyway. my guy would have to do the cooking too. LOL
ha Ha HA!!!
Happy Anniversary, Big Guy!
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