This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend, a time we spend honoring our soldiers who have gone before us, right?
Here's how we spend the time...
First we attend a parade, and delight in the pagentry of the floats and Marching Bands...
But...The parade quickly turns disturbing upon the sight of evil, candy throwing clowns and Shriners in little cars...
Yet, we still enjoy waving our American flags...Beautifully handcrafted by a 12 year old boy working for twenty cents an hour in a Beijing textile factory.
And then, it's back to the suburban backyard to enjoy a cookout consisting of that classic All-American food...The Bratwurst!!
Wanna Bite Mine!!?

Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday!!
Have a safe and fun-filled Memorial Day Weekend...
And may every soldier, from every war, who has passed on, find an everlasting and eternal peace.
I hope you can join me tomorrow for a spectacular, double-secret Bagwine Celebration.
I am so glad I stayed up late for this!! First you put the Shriner's and clowns where they belong (smooshed into the pavement), then you offer me a bite of your brat! Now I can go to bed and dream the sweet Matt-Man dreams ... *gigglesnort*
Why am I suddenly so very hungry?
Whew! A red wiener instead of blue balls. I'm relieved.
I stand and salute your flags, sugah. Oh, and I bow to your brats.
nothin' but bling and bratwurst
the curve of your leg and the curve of your bratwurst are disturbingly similar....and your sparkly chest is electrifyingly patriotic....
Dana: Mmmmmm. I'll meet ya in the dream. I'll bring brats and whipped cream. Yum. Cheers Dana!!
Covert: Well, I can fill your hunger pangs if you'd like. Cheers!!
Songbird: Thanks, and don'r bow to them...Eat 'Em!! Cheers!!
Kat: And my thighs are every bit as juicy and meaty. Cheers Kat, here's a salute to you. Cheers!!
Now that's a juicy looking bratwurst! My mouth is watering...
I have to work on Memorial Day. We have a big event. Maybe I'll leave at 3 though. I have a yen to grill some big, fat weiners now...
I don't know baby, if yours looks anything like the picture, I'd see a doctor. HHNT
p.s. nice pasties, salute!
Winter: Enjoy your big fat weiners Winter. Cheers Babay!!
Lu: There is a fine line bewteen delicious and infectious, isn't there? Cheers Lu!!
oh my holy hell~ u never cease to amaze me. i gotta say i LUV your holiday spirit; oh yes i do! and these facials of yours! u are making my morning a very CHEERful one for sure. just dont bbq your bratwurst 4 too long though~ just a word of warning from me 2 u because i care about your meat is why (giggle*giggle) ; D happy hilariousHNT 2 u mr funny man ; P
Smile: I'll make sure that nothing important gets burnt. Cheers and have a great weekend!!
LOL...You are a nut job! I love the sparkes and the Bratwurst! HHNT
I love the pasties...can I borrow them for Fleet Week?
I like my brats less burnt....and a little redder in the middle.
You're a nutjob Matt! A nice nut tho.
Naughty: Why thank ya. I'll be sure to stop today to gaze upon your hotness. Cheers!!
Odat: Ha...Enjoy the sailors. And I consider "nutjob" a compliment. Cheers Odat!!
WOW HHNT Matt and let me say, I feel so inspired and once again humbled by the patriotism that this great country inspires in some.
I love your boobie flags!
Leelee: Thanks, and when ones motto is "God, Country, Bagwine", it is easy to show one's patriotism. Cheers!!
Mmmm baby your bratwurst is so big and juicy I just can't stop staring at it.
Lady Jaye: Woo Hoo. It fits nicely between a set of hot buns too. Cheers LJ!!
Happy HNT Matt-Man!
Snig: Thanks and same to ya. Cheers Snig!!
Please hold~~As I wipe the mustard from my screen........
Cheesy: Ha. Very Good. Better yet, let's hook up and make a Cheesy Dog. cheers!!
Very creative!!!
Very patriotic Matt remember when cooking brats stay back at least three feet in a clothing optional environment.
Searabbit: Thanks and HHNT to you. If only I would hear those words while having sex. Cheers!!
Roger: My one rule of nekkidness...Always wear an apron when cooking meat with spalttering potential. Cheers!!
Now that woke me up!
I thought I'd be overwhelmed by your brats but I actually find your flaming nipples far more arousing. They're so sensual and subtle.
THIS is why the terrorists will never win.
...patriotic man-bosoms...and those are obviously Pope're like a cross between a Republican candidate and a vatican peep show operator...
Wow, you're packing back-up weenies...way to multi-task, Matt. They really do plump when you cook them. I bought a dozen yesterday & now I just know I'm going to think of you as I'm flipping them on the grill. Sigh.
Happy Memorial Weekend!
Dianne: Damn right, Dianne. My star spangled nipples are exactly what's RIGHT about America. Cheers!!
Phfrankie: Unwittingly, you just called me, Sean Hannity. Shame on you. Cheers!!
Jo: Well I hope you're smiling when you cook them. Just think of it as Mattmorial Day. Cheers Jo!!
Hot brats on a bun...
God Bless America.
Tug: Mmmmmmmm. And what I wouldn't do for a couple of Hot Tug Buns right now. Cheers and Rowwrrrr!!
I've never liked brats.... and I still don't!
I thought you had nice bling in the first two pictures so you can imagine my elation when I discovered your nipples all a sparkle.
So are you insinuating it's okay to bite?
Leighann: What about Matt-Wurst? Cheers!!
Knight: Okay to bite? Hell, lovely one, it's encouraged. Cheers!!
My friend, you never cease to amaze and impress me. Bravo!
Thanks for pointing out the significance of this weekend. Happy HNT!
Mr. Fab: Why Thanks. If only you were a hot looking babe, I'd be set. Cheers!!
G&S: HHNT to you two, and have a great weekend. Cheers!!
chopped beef, pork and veal wrapped inside a thin membrane...
OK, that IS you!
Bond: In a way, indeed I am. I am one meaty man. Cheers Vinny!!
Are you suggesting you have 6 weiners? You almost have one for every day of the week? What happened to Sundays?
You know, I'm getting ready to head to the AIRPORT and yet here I am getting my HNT fix before I leave.
You're always a breath of fresh air - tinged with aroma of nose-hair-frying fire, brimstone, and roasting meat.
I love the sparkles!
VE: The sabbath is reserved for a most fine meal. Prime, Grade A, tube steak. Cheers VE!!
Desert Rat: Thanks, but I can't help to be concerned. If you're getting on a plane and it crashes, me naked with a picture of bratwurst over my wanker may be the last image you have. I apologize. Cheers Rat!!
LOLOL Fun theme. That second pic made me LOL. :)
Love a bite or your sausage!
cool post!
TK Kerouac's HNT
I can think of a lot worse last images - Tammy Faye, Dubya, Speedy (the Alka-Seltzer guy). Oh, now I am concerned!
Vixen: Ha. Thanks. However, when I actually see clowns and/or Shriners my face is much more contorted. Cheers!!
TK: Thank ya hot stuff. Bite Away. Cheers!!
Desert Rat: Ha. Yeah, ya got me there. If you are flying, have a safe one. Cheers!!
Be sure to use tongs on the brat--you don't want to lose any juices before you get it in your mouth;-)
TB: What a coinky-dinky...I was gonna say the same thing to you. : )~ Cheers TB!!
You seriously have some fucked up parades there buddy, we do not do clowns and Shriners for Memorial Day around here...they actually insist it be called a Procession.
Just got treated to the High School Band practicing rigth out front a few seconds ago.
More than likely we will see them at least once more too.
I would be marching if I didn't have a pending surgergy, and the boys will most likely be marching in their Boy Scout Uniforms, the Scouts usually march.
Yummy brats, I'll be there quick, make sure to put the sauerkraut on!
Sassy: Yeah baby, brats and sauerkraut. Yum-Fricking-Oh. I'll save ya one or eight. Have a great weekend Sassy. Cheers!!
I think I'm blind now. Bwahahahahaha.
I have a challenge for you...
The BlogBlast For Peace Meme ~ Join The Revolution.
Have a great day. :)
I was hoping for Blue Balls! Dammit now I am gonna pout.
Love your summation of our countries attitude towards these holidays. You capture the zeitgeist of a nation!
After that picture of your "sausage", you may have convinced me to become a vegetarian.
Sandee: Well maybe if I show it all, it will restore your sight, or at least your sex drive. Cheers Sandee!!
Starr: Sorry, but my blue balls are for my Doctor's eyes only. Zeitgeist...You know how to turn me on. Cheers Starr!!
Jeff: I think thou doth protest too much. Cheers Jeff!!
You always capture the spirit of these things so well...
I like shriner clowns, but I'm a little odd that way.
Marilyn: It is that very disturbing quirkiness that I love so much about you. Cheers!!
Can you make my chest sparkle like that too?
I am hungry now after this post. In more ways than one! ;)~
God Bless America... God bless you Matt-Man!
Jahooni: Ha. I don't think I can make it sparkle, but I can buff it. Would you like a high buff or low buff? Either way I'm all over them. Cheers Jahoooooni!! Purrrr.
mmm, so thick and meaty. i want a taste of your sausagez
Tequila: Woo Hoo and Mmmmm. Tequila and Matt-Wurst. What a Combo. Cheers!!
If I ever drive through your neck of the woods, and think of looking you up to have a beer, it sure as hell won't be on a Thursday!!!!!
Micky: Very Good. HA. But it still hurt me to the marrow. Cheers Mick!!
The horror of it all. Six count them six severed bratwurst Avert your eyes children.
Ugh, I HATE clowns. They should never be part of any parade, ever. =) Great post and pictures! Happy HNT!
Well, HHNT to me!! I just got steak! It was spectacular! Ha!
Jamie: No brats were harmed in the making of this pictorial. Cheers!!
Amorous: Clowns are so very evil. Cheers!!
Schmoop: One Word...Rowwwwrrrr and thanks!!
Mariposa: Same to ya. Cheers!!
Oooh, you're so sparkly :)
Happy HNT!
Clowns are certainly creepy. But the Shriners don't bother me so's the Tall Cedars who can give me the heebies!
Ms. I: Same to ya hot stuff. Cheers!!
Travis: Ha. That was kinda funny. CHeers Trav!!
I wanna bite it! It looks pretty plump and juicy.
Good Lord! I shall never look at the flag—or a wiener—again in the same way.
I'd forgotten about Memorial Day. Seems fitting, my friend Arielle was technically in the Army. She had an honorable discharge.
GB: What's mine is yours. Cheers!!
Nick: Sorry about that. It was unintentional. Cheers!!
Motley: Such a sad commentary on our youth. Cheers Motley!!
Turn around...I'm gonna need some buns for my brat! ;)
Happy Memorial Day!
RLL: Rowwrrrr. Let the buffet begin. Cheers Real!!
Hey Matt Man, I love your stars and stripes. Does your hot dog plump when you cook it?
CrAzY: It plumps up pretty well...if I haven't had too much to drink. Cheers!!
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