I need a little down time today.
Maybe just take it easy, and catch up with some blogging buddies.
You see even though it is Hump Day, I don’t want to blow all my wad, all too soon.
We have a big weekend coming up…Memorial Day Weekend.
I have to save some of my Blog Lovin’ for the rest of the week leading up to the unofficial start to the Summer debauchery.
Tomorrow is Half-Nekkid Thursday, and I will be putting up my Memorial Day Edition of HNT. I’m sure it will be a stirring and patriotic sight.
And then boys and girls, on Friday, I am going to be kicking off the long weekend with a special Bagwine Celebration post.
I cannot tell you what it’s all about, but it will be one gloriously Wild Irish Rose colored event. Boo Yah, Bitches!!
But, I cannot leave you empty-handed, and empty hearted for a full day, so…
I present to you a very brief video of my favorite pussy in the whole wide world…
You have heard me talk about her, now meet her live over the internets.
My dear Bagwine Readers, I present Corky!!
Happy Hump Day, and Cheers!!
Honestly, I'm almost afraid of what your Patriotic Memorial Day HNT might be. But, I know I won't be able to stop myself from looking.
Corky clearly had all the adoration she could take for one day. Cats are that way.
Honestly, I'm not sure I could take the sight of your ass painted red, white, and blue. Don't you think your blue balls are enough?
Corky knows you like your pleasure mixed with pain, doesn't she?
You know, my birthday is on Memorial Day (May 30th). I'm having a party at the beach house...the highlight will be a pie fight on the beach.
You should totally come out here for it!
i have been making my way through you to get to HER! she is a CUTIE!
Meow.... ;)~
PS, I want to go to GM's party too! ;)~
I am sure that a certain something of yours will be performing the flag salute tomorrow...
Do you have a tall mast for that memorial day flag?
Jay: Knowing that you'll be looking on makes me hot. As for the cat, typically she is very needy which is just as annoting as being aloof. Cheers!!
Songbird: Y'know...you gave me qquite a good idea. I do love it rough. Cheers!!
GB: I'll mark that date down. How can I pass up a pie fight on the beach. Cheers!!
Jahooni: It's nice to see your face out of the books. I'll pick ya up for the party. Cheers!!
Mr. Fab: I'm sure there will be a flag of sorts involved. Cheers!!
Dana: Eh, it's functional at best...but it's cute. Cheers Dana!!
Corky winked at me! Like, "Watch how I make Daddy BEG for my attention..." Kittys will play hard to get with their affections. Rumpleteaser, our cat, loves only my husband. That fact, to me, just BITES. Like Corky.
Happy Hump Day to you Matt.
Micky: Ha. True, but don't think I haven't thought about it. Cheers Mick!!
Jen: I thought someone might catch the wink. Corky is the same way. Schmoop does everything for her, and yet her heart belongs to me.
She was a little ticked at me here because I had woken her up. Cheers!!
A patriotic post, well if anyone could run it up the flag pole and salute it, it would be you. Thank you for the kitty vid. I enjoyed it. Kitty bites you because kitty loves you. Chomp chomp...
Lu: I'll give it the good ol' American try Lu. She is adorable. Chomp and Cheers!!
When are you going to take that cat back to the neighbors.
Happy Hump Day Matt
Since this is a big election year I am really looking to your patriotic HNT to be inspiring, arousing even.
Love the video of you and Corky. It confirmed what I already suspected - you are a complex guy - with a full range of emotion. You can be sarcastic and irreverent and then loving and attentive to your Corky.
You are a true Renaissance Man!
Roger: Are you crazy? I rescued this precious, albeit bitchy cat from certain death nearly five years ago. Cheers!!
Dianne: Ha. That's what I call myself, and thank you for confirming it. You are my new favorite reader. Cheers DiDi!!
I hope Corky appreciates his fame on youtube.
Happy Hump Day.....
Odat: I'll pretend that you didn't call her a him. She would be traumitized. Cheers Odat!!
Honestly, I think Corky was winking at ME....
Phfrankie: Maybe, but I think more likely it's because I poked her in the eye. Cheers!!
That is one furry pussy you have there baby.
Btw, I think this is now the appropriate time to mention my very first drunken experience included mass quantities of Wild Irish Rose and watching a porno called Cowboy Cuties 2.
Winter: Oooooo, baby Meow...I have to work all day Sunday and half a day Monday. I am soooo dissed. Cheers!!
Leighann: Not wrong at all, it's good. But not nearly as good if our roles were reversed. Cheers Baby!!
Lady Jaye: Ha. LJ drunk on Rose and watching porn!? Ride em Cowboy!! Oh how I wish I had been there. Cheers!!
Knight: Why thank you, would you like to pet it? Cheers Knight!!
You can't even imagine how happy I am right this moment... I COULD SEE THE geoduck VID! First one in over 2 weeks.. Tell Corky she took my video cherry! Did you post this in a different way? Maybe my puter reset the missing setting?? Who cares ~I got to see her play "luv luv bite bite"!! Purdy green eyed gurlie you have there.. enjoy the day babe.. you made mine....
oops not geoduck lol "Corky" sorry had pressed the paste button I guess....
Cheesy: Yea!! Corky must be magical because I posted it the same way I always do.
And thanks, she is pretty cute, unfortunately, the little "princess" knows damn well that she is. Cheers Cheesy!!
I can't wait to be stirred...of course, I prefer to be shaken.
RLL: Ooooo Baby, Shaken or Stirred, I'd love to be your Matt-tini. Cheers!!
you might need this
Kat: Ha. Very Good. Don't you dare wish that on her or us. She has had her brushes with it. Cheers!!
ya know I would never wish it on anyone...but she only gets to brush it eight times....
my father, sister, and BOTH my girls are feline fans....there have always been cats around....at one time two litters of kittens...thirteen of them underfoot at the same time.
and now....all your fans can watch your stroke your pussy whenever they want...
A couple years ago when I lived alone in the mountains one adopted me...seriously attached itself to me in the middle of a forest....the kids named him "the kat's meow" It was weird.
Kat: Ha. The KAT's Meow. How appropriate. I do not like getting so attached, but I love her so, and so does Schmoop.
Pets are such a double-edged sword, but I wouldn't trade her for the world. Cheers Kat!!
I see you know how to stroke your pussy proper. Corky is awesome.
I have an award for you over at my place. You don't have to participate if you don't want to. Have a great day Matt-Man. :)
Sandee: Yes she is and thank you, Sandee, I'll be over before the day is done. Cheers!!
I’m sure it will be a stirring and patriotic sight.
Um...what exactly will be 'stirring'?
I couldn't help it. Katherine provided a link, I HAD to look. Bwahahahaha! You know I'm not a cat fan, so I just HAD to look! Honestly - I HAD to!
I see corky is Daddy's little girl!
Happy Hump Day my hump my humps
Golly! Stirring Matty and Biting Pussy. Heck of a post!
The Corkster is cute =)
Tug: Oh you'll see. I'm tearing up as we speak. Cheers!!
Songbird: You are so very cruel. I tell ya. Cheers!!
Bond: I don't questions thing like that, I am merely grateful. Cheers!!
Leelee: Yes she is, wanna join her? Rowwwr. Cheers Lee!!
Starr: Ha. That was good. Cheers to you Starr!!
I can see from the video that you are obviously pussy whipped! I suggest old reruns of Wild Wild West, a good stiff drink, BBQ something, and a 70s mustache. There, that should cure it...
Rrrrrr rrrrrr rrrrrrrr
I never met a cat I didn't like.
Corky's a fine specimen!
I give her an 8.
VE: Spoken like a true fan of Jack Daniels and Aretmis Gordon. Cheers!!
Dice: I won't tell her Dice-Man she'd be appalled that you didn't give her a 10. Cheers!!
Yo, "Katt-Man" - I speak Cat and although Corky has a bit of an accent I think she was saying "You woke me up from my nap? I think I must go pee on your shoes." But I could be wrong.
Katherine - I HAVE that book! ha!
Mr Tucker says Corky is hot.
Desert Rat: She was definitely peeved at me, but I don't think to the point at being peed at me. Cheers!!
Travis: Sweet. Tell him he's in luck; Corky can't get pregnant. Cheers!!
So many pussy jokes...so little time.
Jeff: I know. It was so cheap of me. Cheers Jeff!!
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