Friday, July 11, 2008

Eh, Thanks for the Comment, but You're a Dick

It’s been a couple of wacky days here at Bagwine Ruminations.

Between the alleged child porn of Gilbert Chan on Wednesday, and the Just Say No to Obasso on Thursday, the comments have been fast and furious.

I am going to be spending much of the day with Ryno today and then I have to work 3-9, but…

I wanted to make sure to tell you all, that the comments on my site over the last couple of days prove a couple of things…

First, you guys are wicked smart…

Secondly, you guys are funny as hell…

And lastly, I respect each and every one of your opinions…

But…I do have one exception.

Doggy Bloggy…Dude, you waited for the “perfect moment” to comment on my site and then “nailed me” on my post about the guy who videotaped cheerleaders.

I understand that in Manhattan, for many of its denizens, life revolves around their own self-absorption…but to imply that I am a redneck and a dumb fuck?

Seriously, I may be an asshole, but I’m not a redneck or a dumb fuck. I am very pale and my IQ is 152.

Myself, Kat, Vin, Dana, Starr, and many others have disagreed over various things these past couple of days, but we never attacked each other in an elitist, ad hominem way over the issues.

We midwest rednecks and west coasters, are kinda civil, eh?

New York City is a wonderful city, but it does have a reputation.

A reputation of being a city full of assholes.

I know Odat. I know Knight. And I know they, much like most of the people that live there, are wonderful people…

But you, my dickhead, Bloggy Doggy, do it no justice.

You are something that I have no interest in, yet oddly feel the need to call out.

You sir, are pedantic, pretentious, and arrogant...

As for the rest of you, I guess what I am saying, is that I appreciate your sarcasm, the zings, and the thoughts that you post.

This may be just another funny site, but you guys make it much more than that.

Okay, I feel better now.

I won’t be around much today, but by God babies, enjoy your Friday.



katherine. said...

it is always a pleasure to banter and debate with you (although I would have guessed upwards of 152)

how boring it would be if we agreed about everything?

cheers for friday my friend!

Desert Songbird said...

Your blog is always good for a cerebral aerobics session.

Lu' said...

I start every day with Matt-man, when able. Ah if you could only reduce cholesterol... This is a good example of why, you are a good read Sir. Your words are seamless. Doesn't hurt of course that our opinions are shared, for the most part and I think you are whitty as hell. Enjoy your Friday as well. We have big plans for tonight. I think we are replacing the main bathroom toilet, yee ha!

Doc said...

Sounds like someone needs a good therapy session with a bottle of WIR and some Marlboros.... Matty, I say screw the haters.

Ken said...

Your knocking them out of the park this week Matt-Man.

Schmoop said...

Kat: Indeed. If everyone thought the same, life would suck. Cheers!!

Songbird: Thanks and we all have a good time. Cheers!!

Lu: Thanks Lu, and man, enjoy your plumbing party. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

TB: Ha. It was the first time in my life that I have ever been lumped in with the word redneck. How could I let that pass? Cheers!!

Doc: This type of post is atypical for me, but arrogance rubs me the wrong way. Cheers!!

Micky: And the comments have been home runs as well. Cheers Micky!!

Dana said...

152? Are you sure that is your IQ and not the number of times you've thought about sex over the last ... say ... 47 minutes?

Redneck *gigglesnort* I am still chuckling about that one, although maybe it's a guilt by association thing? I have been spending a lot of time on your blog lately!

... and Matt, have a pleasant, Bagwine day today *wink*

Odat said...

I am wonderful, aren't I????? And so are you!!! :-)


Schmoop said...

Dana: Well that too, I do think about sex frequently. In fact, if you knew what I was thinking right now, you'd either blush, or smack me. Cheers Dana!!

Odat: You my dear, are one of the swellest people I know. Cheers Odat!!

Schmoop said...

Odat: Ha. It is done. Cheers!!

Cheesy said...

Red-dick-head maybe.....

By jove you have a faboo Friday yerself dude!

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: Ha. Yet another example of why you guys are the cream of the crop. I said cream. Hee Hee. Cheers Cheesy!!

Dianne said...

there's a quote - "I never learned anything from people I agree with" - of course I don't know who said it since, although I am from NYC, I am from the outer boros and most likely white trash. Plus Lord only knows what 5 years in NJ have done to me.

I fucking hate labels. And I find the people who use them do so because they can't get it up in a real discussion.

Enjoy the day with your wonderful son.

You brilliant MFer you!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Please be advised that that doggy person is NOT indicative of NYer's...

Matt I am also a NYer...

The 'reputation' you speak of is overblown and untrue...I promise you

I appreciate the banter here over the last few days...we do not all agree on the answers, but we respect each other enough to act like adults.

Schmoop said...

Dianne; I was gonnba lump you in with Oday and Knight, but I knew that you had some Garden State taint. ; ) Cheers you beautiful mind, you!!

Schmoop said...

Bond: I know that. That's why I said just that. Are you fucking stupid or what? Ha.

Kidding Vin, you know I loves ya. Cheers Vinny!!

RW said...

Matt what a week, have a great weekend man!!

Schmoop said...

Roger: I t has been wacky, hasn't it? Thanks and I'll try to get a picture to you this weekend. Cheers!!

Knight said...

Doggy Bloggy, don't speak for New Yorkers. If you are just going to spew ignorance we don't want to be associated. I, for one, am embarrassed by the way you handle yourself.

Schmoop said...

Winter: I am glad that you are back up. And no, no need to kick his ass, although I am sure you could. Cheers Winter!!

Lady Jaye: I like it when people mess with me, it's fun. But yeah, you should be pissed that I have stolen your label. Cheers LJ!!

Knight: Eh, no need to be embarrassed, Knight. Most people know that sterotypical east coast snobbery is just a perception.

All of you guys (except DB) from the Big Apple that I have encountered, rock!! Cheers Lovely One!!

Leighann said...

My my my, you're making friends all over, huh?


Schmoop said...

Jay: Ha. That's a very cogent point. I may have to re-examine who exactly I am. Cheers Jay!!

Schmoop said...

Leighann: Ha. Yeah it's just a big ol' Matt-Man Love Fest happenin'. Fuck em'. Cheers Wondrous One!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Matt you left out jack-booted, pseudo-intellectual facist....oooh or my English grandmother's favorite...bullet headed, bloody Prussian facist pig.

Yes that is indicative of the familial soup I was raised in.

Interesting tidbit on my Grandmother Eileen. She was the first person I talked too. Up until 2+ years I did the single word or two routine. One afternoon tea party with her the first time I met her and I was conversing in full sentences.

When my parents expressed shock and informed her that I had never talked to anyone like that before her answer was both classic and likely dead on. "Perhaps she just hasn't had anyone interesting enough to talk to, dears."

Schmoop said...

Starr: bloody Prussian facist pig. Ha. I can hear my mom saying something like that and she was half-Prussian.

I have a sister named Eileen, we are definitely related somewhere in time. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

RLL: Ha. Spit yore tobacky out yore mouth whiles ya trim 'em. Cheers Sexy!!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Ladies don't spit, Matt.

Schmoop said...

RLL: Ah. You are so right. I stand corrected. Swallow it, baby.

The Mountain Cat said...

Matt-Man, I live in Jersey so technically I don't count right? LOL

Tiggerlane said...

OMG, I step out of the blogging world for a wee bit...and BOOM! All hell breaks loose (or looser?) at Baggyville.

And what was the joke I heard last nite? It was about the Red-White-and Blue of America? Redneck, white trash, and blue collar!

I live in Redneckville, and lemme tell ya - BACKBONE of the country, my friend!

Interesting that Doggy hasn't responded today.

Schmoop said...

Mt. Cat: EVERYBODY who comes here counts. Cheers!!

Tigger: Of course he won't comment. But I must say, if you are the backbone of America, I want to look at it. Good to see ya, Tigger. Cheers!!

boo said...

Hey! It's the first installment of Fuck-wit Friday!

Jeff B said...

Damn, sounds like everybody's pissin' in your wheaties this week. Is it a full moon?

Travis Cody said...

I have enjoyed the debate here this week precisely because I did not run across any name calling foolishness. You put your opinions out there, and the readers chimed in with theirs. And it was a fan-dam-tastic display of mature freedom of speech.


CreativeMish said...

Isn't it great to have a bunch of brainiac opinionated readers that can agree to disagree???? I respect other's beliefs as long as they respect mine :)

Schmoop said...

Starr: How true. I for one, however, love colorful trash. Cheers!!

Desert Rat: I don't know what compelled me to do it. But it was quite enjoyable. Thanks and Cheers Rat!!

Boo: Ha. That's not a bad idea at all. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Jeff: I dunno. But it has been fun this week. Cheers!!

Travis: Yep. I thought the past couple of days were great fun. Cheers Trav!!

Evil: Ha, well put tag line at the end. Thanks and Cheers!!

Michelle: Yes it is, and you guys are the best. Cheers Michelle!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

If I do not respond like that, who will you have to call names?

Now ya wan yer legs broken in like ten places...huh?

we don like to be having names called at us... him some manners...


Schmoop said...

Bond: Having my appendages broken, kinda makes me hot. Cheers Vinny!!

Christo Gonzales said...

"The pedant is he who finds it impossible to read criticism of himself without immediately reaching for his pen and replying to the effect that the accusation is a gross insult to his person. He is, in effect, a man unable to laugh at himself." - Sigmund Freud, The Ego and the Id.

how do you fit in with this my erstwhile friend.


Schmoop said...

Doggy: It certainly doesn't apply to me. If you have been reading my site over the course 800+ posts, you would find the following:

Much of the scorn and mockery upon which I write, is directed at myself. I am an incredibly self-deprecating soul who laughs at himself on a daily basis.

So I guess in this case, your implication of who I am is quite unfounded.
