Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The First Amendment Rocks!! Amen...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

--1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."

--Thomas Jefferson (Letter to the Danbury Baptists)

"practical distinction between Religion and Civil Government is essential to the purity of both, and as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States."

--James Madison (Principal architect of the Bill of Rights)

The 1st Amendment to our Constitution is the keystone upon which this great nation has been built.

Two hundred and thirty-two years into America’s existence, this simple, yet fantastic idea, is the one that still separates us from many other nations.

It allows PETA members to gather and protest the annual, Bowling with Possums tournament.

It makes possible the gut wrenchingly painful to watch Fox and Friends morning show…It guarantees me the right to call my neighbor a dick twizzling fuck nozzle. (And trust me, he is.)

I like that.

The First Amendment is also the catalyst for endless debate about prayer in school, and the teaching of Creationism.

Many overzealous, rapture ready Evangelicals claim that nowhere in the Constitution does it actually read, “separation of Church and State.”

That’s true…but nowhere in the Bible does it tell them send salvation money to freaks like Pastor Rod Parsley, or engage in incessant whining about how Christians are having their rights trampled upon.

I think it’s pretty clear, that the Constitution and the words above offered by Jefferson and Madison say that yes, a separation between the two entities is critical to the success of both the country and religion.

Can’t you pray in school now anyway? I mean hell, I used to pray before every Chemistry and Trig exam I took. Nobody prevented me from doing that.

Funny thing, my prayers were answered in Chemistry class…In Trig? Not so much.

The religious right should actually be against public, school-led prayer. After all, according to Matthew 6:5, one shouldn’t pray in public in order to be seen by man.

And Creationism?

That is something that is based on faith, not science. It doesn’t belong being taught along side of the Theory of Evolution.

If you want public prayer and the teaching of Creationism, send your pious little rug rat to a private school that offers those things.

I had a funny thought yesterday.

Some right wingers and Evangelicals in this country are eating up the Internet and Talk Radio rumors that Barack Obama is not a Christian, but rather, he is actually a raging Muslim.

He's not a Muslim, but if he was, I really wouldn’t care if he was, and if he's elected President, I want President Obama to do the following…

Hold a press conference in the Rose Garden, surrounded by some big time Evangelical leaders and announce that he will work to make school-led prayer a reality.

After the applause and shouts of “Praise Jeebus” die down, continue on by saying, “and those prayers will come straight from the Quran.”

Ha. Let’s see how fast those “Godly” fuckers discover that the Constitution does say that there should be a separation between Church and State.

When blogging this week leading up to the 4th of July, remember…

The 1st Amendment has made that possible.



leelee said...



Schmoop said...

Leelee: Ha. You go baby!! Cheers!!

Ken said...

Yea for the FIRST amendment!

[dick twizzling fuck nozzle]
I like that too!

Jeff B said...

Allowing relegion to be taught in school is a two edged sword that most don't fully think through when jumping on their soapbox to have it put in place. What I think most fail to realize is that if one relegion, Christianity, Judiasm, Muslim or any other is to be taught, then all would have to be taught. Isn't that the whole point of free speech in the first place?

I also wonder why, after a couple thousand years, evolution is still a theory and not a proof?

BTW you were the recipient of this week's Horse Laugh.

Schmoop said...

Jeff: Why thanks Jeff...I'll be by to see it. I still haven't fully recovered from being gone through the weekend.

Proof? Well, the theory has actually only been around for a 150years...but you're right. All would have to be taught. Cheers!!

Mick: Ha. DTFN was offered up to m evia Schmoop. Cheers!!

Leighann said...

dick twizzling fuck nozzle

Sounds fun, we should try it!

Schmoop said...

Leighann: Ooooo Baby, dick twizzle me. Cheers!!

Cheesy said...

Excuse me for a sec... I'm off to don my leotard~~~~~~~

Ok I'm ready to exercise my rights.....

Woo fucking hooooooo
It's all about the preparation~~~

Dana said...

I've always found that people support the First Amendment until they hear something they'd rather not hear from someone they'd rather not speak, but you, my friend, just let the shit fly! I like that in a First Amendment supporter (not to be confused with an Athletic supporter)!

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: Make sure to exercise your left as well. You don't want to be out of balance. Cheers Sexy!!

Dana: I try to stay true to the 1st Ammendement...Even if I was to be trashed on here. As far as the other...

I do have some Athletic-Type support I could offer to you. Cheers Dana!!

Knight said...

They say Obama is a raging Muslim? I'm so used to hearing another word follow raging and to tell you the truth I would love to have a gay president.
I wish I had been taught the basics of all religion in school instead of just christianity. I've wasted so much free time in my adult years.

Schmoop said...

Knight: Wow. Obama is a gay Muslim? Let the rumor start with us.

I think schools having a comparitive religion class as an elective at the High School level, is a good idea. Cheers Hot Stuff!!

Schmoop said...

Lady Jaye: Ha. We usually use it as a term for a stupid, annoying person, but by God, it could be turned into a most interesting sexual position. Cheers!!

Crazy Charlene said...

great post~~sure am thankful for the freedom of speech~~
and all the rest also

katherine. said...

the first amendment is one of my faves too...freedom of speech is intrinsinc to blogging....and what makes the USA so different from many other countries.

just wanted to mention...the originial intent of separation of church and state was NOT to keep religion out of the government...but rather to keep the government away from controling religion. In fact a great deal of the structure of the United States was created on the basic tenets of Christianity.

The school prayer thing has always an issue for me...specifically at the high school level.

The Supreme Court ruling in 2000 was that "administrators could not allow students to conduct formal prayers before school games ... including over the school's public address system," but that "truly voluntary prayer by students is always protected speech, both before, during and after school."

And yet a prayer is said before each session of Congress and the House....and most other government fuctions and NASCAR.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Dana's comment reminds me of the time an Asian man called Howard Stern and told Howard how funny he was and he loved to listen to him...then he stopped and said "But yesterday you made fun of the Chinese. I am Chinese and I do not like you anymore because you made fun of my people, so now I will not listen to you anymore."

It was all perfect and good and gave the guy a hardy laugh to hear Stern trash Italians and Irish and Jews and anyone else...BUT DON'T F**K WITH HIS HERITAGE!

I guess because of the 1st Amendment I could have spelled out the F**K word, but this site is "Kid Friendly"

Schmoop said...

Char: Why thank ya sexy. Have a lovely day full of free speech. Cheers!!

Kat: Many things are based upon the philosophy that is contained in the New Testament. Many teachings in the New Testament can be found in earlier writing, so basic tenets found in our origins as a nation is not unique or unusual.

However, in Jefferson's writings he typically used the term "one's God" not "THE God" or "God." Thus showing a respect for all religions, not just Christianity.

As I noted, I always prayed voluntarily prayed before tests. But a teacher led prayer has no business in PUBLIC schools.

As NASCAR is not a govt. entity, they can pray all they want, but as far as the Congress praying, I think it's kind of silly actually. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Bond: And the sad thing is that there so many people out there who feel the same way the Chinese guy did. Cheers Vin!!

katherine. said...

I agree teacher led prayer in public schools is wrong...but they can't stop players from taking a knee before or after a game.

the founding fathers used Christianity and referenced same in their creation of our government. Jefferson did indeed insure no single faith was mandated and no others excluded.

Yesterday Obama actually came out with his intention to expand the faith-based progam the Bush administration started. That means more money to church organizations to do good works.

(I know NASCAR isn't is a religion!)

Jay said...

Yeah that 1st Amendment thing is okay I guess. If you into that sort of thing.

desert rat said...

First, to answer Jeff's question, Evolution can only be a theory because it is in the realm of scientific knowledge where a theory IS the pinnacle of explanation. Theories allow us to predict what will happen under a given set of circumstances. Darwin's TOE is the pinnacle of explanation for survival of the fittest... In the world of science, theory is more certain than most ordinary peoples' "facts."

Proofs are mathematical - a different, albeit related, field of knowledge. In science you cannot actually PROVE a theory, you can only support or refute it through experimentation. (And, yes, I'm a scientist.)

Matt-Man, as usual, you are brilliant! That WOULD be a great thing to see: "...and those prayers will come straight from the Quran." Amen and amen!

Schmoop said...

Kat: Yeah I saw the faith based thing with Obama. Pandering is such a groovy thing. Cheers Kat!!

Jay: Ha. Good One, funny man. Cheers!!

Desert Rat: I have always told Schmoop that I have found it funny that you, being a well-educated an Enviro Scientist would read me.

And now you call me brilliant? Be still my heart and somebody try shrink my ego. Cheers and thanks, Rat!!

Dianne said...

You always inspire me to be funny or irreverent (or both) and you often inspire me to keep fresh batteries for the vibrator


this post deserves a serious, reverent response ...


Schmoop said...

Dianne: Well I appreciate that quite a bit because I find you to be so damn funny and bright. Thanks, and Cheers Di!!

desert rat said...

Ahhh... but I am left-brained by training and right-brained by nature... thus I appreciate your intelligence, irreverence, and humor.

You are a welcome respite from the mostly humorless, albeit interesting, reading of my profession, (e.g. "Canada's craton: A bottoms-up view," and "Critical Zone Studies of Soils and Weathering.")

Schmoop said...

Desert Rat: Man, those tomes you are reading? That's better than porn!!

Actually, I have a niece who just got her Masters from FSU in Anthropology, and she is quite amusing. I shouldn't be surprised. Cheers!!

desert rat said...

If we don't laugh, we'll cry.

The Mountain Cat said...

Thou shalt not hinder freedom to blog. I blog, therefore I am. - James Polk

none said...

Dude this post rocks!

If we could eliminate the barriers to free speech in this country we would be much better off.

It seems that congress and the courts are all about whittling away the constitution until it is unrecognizable.

Schmoop said...

Desert Rat: I think we are all in that boat. Cheers!!

Mt. Cat: Much like you, Polk was a figgin' genius. Cheers!!

Hammer: Ha. And this post is so YOU. When and why did this frittering away of the Constitution happen? Cheers!!

ambergail77 said...

I really enjoy your honest take on life. I agree that prayer can be in schools, as long as it is not teacher/administration led. There are so many diverse groups in this country that school days would need to be lengthened in order to fairly teach just 2 sets of religious beliefs.

boo said...

I fail to see how a group which consistently forces it's artificial morality on the rest of us gets off saying their rights are being trampled on.

Oh, that's right. Because sex is evil and it's the only way they're allowed to get off.

CreativeMish said...

I'm praying for you Matt :)

Travis Cody said...

I'm sitting here unable to formulate a comment. Why? Because you said it better than I could have.

Well done.

Lu' said...

I had a funny thought yesterday. Evidence shows you have a funny thought MOST days :)

smarmoofus said...

Yeah, I got lost... I came here for your HNT, and saw "First Amendment", so I had to read. I don't have many articles of clothing with writing on them, but I do own a T-shirt with the full text of the this Amendment. I LOVE the First Amendment! *swoon* I'm not a geek... I'm a lawyer.


Schmoop said...

Amber: Why thank ya dear. And you are absolutely correct. Cheers!!

Boo: I just got off, when you said, "get off." Cheers!!

Michelle: Some would say it might be too late, but I appreciate it. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Travis: My good man, you are always too kind. Thanks. Cheers!!

Lu: (see my comment to Travis) the man part. Cheers!!

Smarm: You in fishnets is HAWT!! And thanks for the comment. Cheers!!