Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Morning Church Disservice: Cat-tholicism

It’s going to rain cats and dogs on this Sunday in Bagwine.

This may mean my eight hours working the Beer Mines may be a little slow today.

Praise Jeebus, ‘cause Friday night, I had more people coming in and out of the place than Paris Hilton’s hoo-ha.

And…speaking of raining cats and dogs…as you probably know, we have a cat named, Corky.

I was recently asked by a reader, as to how we came to name our precious, furry friend, Corky.

It has nothing to do with a wine bottle…It’s not because she is a brownish, tan color...which she is not.

It is all because from the moment we rescued her from the gas chamber, we immediately recognized that she was “special”.

Not special in a, “worshipped by the Egyptians” kinda way, rather she is special in a, “Corky, As Life Goes On” kinda way.

She runs into things. Falls down a lot. Stares at the ceiling often...

Makes best friends with inanimate objects such as empty boxes and my HP Printer.

Oh yeah, she’s wayyyyyyy special.

In fact...

Schmoop was thrilled the other day when she went to the store and finally found a scoopable litter that is worthy of Corky's name and condition…

I’m sorry the picture is a little blurred, but it was taken through the eyes of our beloved Corky.

Life in the Bagwine digs is finally complete, as life goes on.

Amen and Amen…

That’s it for today for I must get ready for the work day. I hope you enjoy your Sunday, and tomorrow I have a very special announcement.

That’s right folks…I will be letting you in on a major change in the lifestyle of the Matt-Man.

I hope you can join me and share with me my life altering announcement. Until then…



snugs said...

I am waiting on the edge of my seat in anticipation!

Schmoop said...

Snugs: You and I may be the only ones. ; ) I have a special announcement to make Tuesday as well. Wow..."Big" doings on Bagwine Ruminations. Cheers Snugs!!

Ken said...

Your buying the beer mines?

Schmoop said...

Micky: Oh if only I could afford that. But, no. Cheers Mick!!

Michele said...

We also have a "special ed" kitty. He likes to follow us when we take the dogs for a walk then he gets lost.

Schmoop said...

Michele: Hahaha. We both just laughed out loud. Poor thing. Do you make your cat eat vegetables?

Maybe a little protein would improve his directional skillz. Cheers Michele!!

Desert Songbird said...

a major change in the lifestyle of the Matt-Man.Hmmmm......

Going to have sex using the other hand now?

Jay said...

You're going to experiment with an "alternative" lifestyle?

Or maybe you just enjoyed going meatless so much that you are going to become a vegetarian?

katherine. said...


why tuesday?

Marilyn said...

You are going Vegan?

Dana said...

You are a perpetual tease!

And we have a cat whose best friend in the tie-cord from a pair of nylon shorts. She guards it, sleeps with it and drags it with her everywhere she goes.

I think she and Corky would make great friends - or be oblivious to the fact that there was actually another cat in the same room.

Dice Mardell said...

I love a good cat story, and yours is no exception.
My cat [Terra Bella], although ferral and scopped up by us way before she was weened, is quite intelligent and bright. She's still a bit skiddish of strangers, but quite the personality. I wouldn't have it any other way - although I know all other ways are just wunnerful too.

Schmoop said...

Songbird: No...It's bigger than that. Anyway, I'm already ambidexterous. Cheers!!

Jay: Oh it's alternative alright. Cheers Jay!!

Kat: Monday Kat, and another announcement on Tuesday. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Marilyn: Oh Dear God...Nothing THAT drastic. Cheers!!

Dana: Of course I am. Cats soooo rock. Cheers!!

Dice: The personality, quirks and independence of cats is so damn cool. Cheers Di!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Oooh...can I make a wildly non PC comment about short buses?