The legislation being considered, if passed...
Will once again allow smoking in bars and a few other PRIVATELY-OWNED establishments should the owners decide that that is what they want.

Owners of a of bar being allowed to let folks enjoy a completely legal habit within their private property.
How wacky is that in these times?
You see, a couple of years ago, Ohio voters passed a law that banned smoking in any public place, not merely restaurants.
This ban includes bars, DAV halls, American Legion halls, bowling alleys, etc., whether they serve food or not.
Smoke-Free Ohio, the group that got the legislation on the ballot, had said that non-smokers would frequent these places when smoking was banned.
Ha. That’s why the overall bar business is off 30% in Ohio since its inception and many have closed.
In addition to that, I find it ironic that a veteran returning home from defending our freedom is prohibited from exercising his or her legal right to smoke when at a VFW hall.

While I inhale, you can blow me.
Your trumped up second-hand smoke (ETS) stats are a joke as are you…However, I and many other freedom puffing Americans are tired of being your punch line.
Seriously, some people should really mind their own business and allow other people to run their businesses as they see fit.
If mom and pop want their bar, restaurant, or private club to allow smoking, let them do such, and allow the free market and consumer choice determine the fate of their establishment.
Sure, cigarette smoke is an irritant, but in order to “second-hand” ingest the amount of carcinogens in one Marlboro, one would have to be in a packed bar full of smokers for 250 hours straight!!
If people want to do away with odiferous irritants, let’s also ban all chicks who wear three tons of make-up and a gallon of eau de toilet from public places.

Hell, speaking of banning irritants, let’s do away with Sean Hannity, Keith Olbermann, and Perez Hilton.
While we’re at it, let’s outlaw that fucked up Zyrtec allergy relief commercial with the chick who acts like she is about ready to have sex with her bicycle!!
And one more thing, dammit!! Let’s do away with alcohol, fast food, and self-rightgeousness.
After all, second hand alcohol, aka drunk driving, kills more people in a week than second hand smoke does in years.
Abuse and reliance upon fast food overwhemingly adversely affects more adults and their children than does second-hand smoke.
And…self-righteousness affects more people than all of those things combined. And more importantly?
Self-righteousness also has incredibly detrimental and long-lasting effects on the greatest document ever written…
Our Constitution.
here in our little liberal whiney ass nanny state we also outlawed smoking in bars...even those which did not serve food.
it has been ruled that bartenders and cocktail servers have a legal obligation to tend to business as per the ABC and AFT. (alcohol beverage control and alcohol tobacco and firearms)
Sooooo...they legally can not force you to not smoke...they have other duties which take precedent. As long as it is posted "no smoking"...if the ashtrays are can smoke.
you need to have The Teamster tell you the story about going with my fam to a bar the first time.
On the flip should be prohibited by formal decree from ever having another cigarette.
Kat: I know...I know. I shouldn't smoke. But I think you know that this isn't a post about the "postive" effects of smoking.
I am just so sick of government intrusion into personal lives and businesses.
I find both Republicans and Dems funny on this issue. Dems want to be nannies...And Repubs in spite of their less government stance do it. And they all do it so they can say they're all about the Cheeeldren. Blow Me.
Them, not you. Cheers Kat!!
it is just the first of many things that which ever group is in the majority with decide is "not good for us" and take away a little slice of our freedom with.
California rarely hears the excuse of "its for the children"...we get either the health or environment crazies.
wait just a sec.
you would rather have them blow you?
not me?
how can you hurt me so?
As I sit here chomping on yet another piece of nicorette gum and wishing it was a menthol smoke I can honestly say that I want to smell the smoke at the bar, at the restaurant and at the friggin gas pump! A bar is not a bar if it is not smoke filled and if the peeps do not wish to second hand inhale it then they can stay home in the little glass houses. Don't get me started on Sean Hannity, that worthless piece of wasted testosterone. And ya know it still pisses me off that I have to give my drivers license and sign for the good allergy over the counter stuff. But Matty my man, I am startled, WTF is up with you saying in actual print to do away with alcohol? Shame on you! I'm feeling witchy enough already tonight w/o you going postal on the booze.
Kat: You are correct, and I only phrased the blow job comment as I did because I was overcome by a very infrequent moment of discretion. I think you know that. Cheers Kat!!
Snugs: Ha. Good for you. My point about the alcohol is that it would never happen. People may not like a smoker's vice, but by God don't you let the government touch my nippy bottle, they will say in the same breath.
Remain calm Snugs, I would never call for an actual ban on alcohol to be enacted. I would curl up into a fetal position and cry. Cheers!!
No lessons were learned from prohibition. The anti smoking coalition sounds just like the temperance movement.
I like to enjoy a cigar once in a I went to my favorite haunt to enjoy a stogie and a martini..the dude tells me it's outlawed because they serve food and there is no wall seperating the bar from the other patrons.
Guess what? I don't go there anymore because they took away the only reason I went in the first place.
Hammer: It is all messed up. I understand your plight. Cigar stores here, which have an inside cigar bar, under this current law, cannot let people smoke in them.
I'm pretty sure that CIGAR smokers going to the CIGAR store don't mind if someone is smoking a friggin CIGAR. Oy frickin' Vay!! Cheers!!
Ok, thanks for clearing that up, maybe I can sleep now..but "calm" has never been an adjective assosiated with yours truly..I actually think I might detest calm. Let's just give that to some of those conservatives of Sean's, ok? I am rather fond of routy or boisterous.
Snugs: Sorry to throw you off. Boisterate (yeah, it's a word now) away Snugs. Here's to Hannity getting a case of shingles. Cheers!!
What's wrong with having sex with a bicycle?
Candice: You're into that, eh? That would make you, "bicycual". Cheers Candice!!
I am just so sick of government intrusion into personal lives and businesses.Ha! You know I'm a card carrying member of that club.
Dear husband and I were out shopping for trees and flowers this weekend and there was a guy - OUTSIDE - smoking a cigarette. Husband about lost his mind.
I hate to say it (OK, maybe not) but it is conservatives like him that support these idiotic bans yet can't seem to come to terms with the fact that they are SUPPORTING government intrusion, the one thing they (we) all whine about!
Sorry - let me get off this soapbox and move it back over to my blog.
Dana: Yeah, God forbid that someone smoke outside.
Funny...Touchy feely uber-Liberals intrude by forcing things (helmets, seatbelts, smoke free places) on people in order to "protect" them from themselves.
Uber-Conservatives intrude by denying things (abortion, pot, marriage) to people in order to make sure GAWD loves our country best and so people don't go to Hell.
Either way, the end result is the same. Cheers!!
As a non-smoker myself, I'm not part of the vigilantes and I recognize that ciggies are a legal product for people to use. I can't pretend that I'm not glad that the bars and restaurants here in DC are smoke-free.
The law passed in DC allowed that if any bar or restaurant suffered 10% or more loss of revenue, they could be granted an exemption. Not one single establishment came forward with a 10% loss. I guess my fellow Washingtonians are not such ardent smokers as the folks in Ohio.
And they damn well better leave my jug of vodka alone!!!
Cheers Matt-Man and get to puffing away.
David: And at the same time that you are not a anti-smoker zealot I, in turn, am quite the courteous smoker and move as far away as possible from people when smoking.
And look!! It didn't take the government to step in to make those two things happen!!
But you're Ohio, and the Midwest in general, smoking is more a part of the culture and practice than in D.C. or the west coast or some other parts of the U.S. Cheers to ya, David!!
...tell Saint Peter at the Golden Gate that I just hate to make him wait...
Phfrankie: But I gotta have another cigarette...Cheers P-Man!!
is that first picture you and your mom?
Kat: Ha. I knew someone would say that. I just didn't think it would be you. Ha. Cheers Kat!!
I didn't think it was at first....and then I noticed the similarity in hairlines...
Kat: You turn me on when you tear me down. Cheers Kat!!
tear down? here I was thinking both you and the baby were kinda cute....and you KNOW I have a thing for bald men...
Kat: You're right. A Thousand Pardons. Let me know if Teamster gets lost and never comes back from his trip. Cheers Kat!!
I'm a non-smoker but I do agree with you. About the smoking ban and the Old Spice.
p.s. I've got cleavage in my post today but you have to sort of click and find it.
Fantasy: Thank You very much, dammit. Hope things are well with ya. Love the pic. Cheers Meg!!
Woo Hoo...I'm headed there now!! Cheers Meg!!
I like your answers to dear ol'Sarge Charlie ! He really represents the stupid American in all his glory ! After all these years in the army and still a sargent ....
In fact that's why I am here. Now I read your post and I agree, where is the so praised freedom ? Soon they will invent which kind of toilet we have to use !
Damn. Mention cleavage and you're all over it.
Matt, you didn't click far enough--there's the blog behind the blog behind the blog. It's there. It's me.
Arthur: HA. Thanks for stopping and for the comment.
I won't say he's stupid, but he represents, to me anyway, a line of thought that goes like this...
"Things are like this or they are like this. There is no middle ground or room for thought and flexibility."
It is not so much stupid as it is just a lack of curiosity. I know many people on the far left and far right who cling to their ideology like grim death.
And, they do it, so they don't have to think. It makes life easier. Much more boring, but easier, nonetheless.
Thanks again for the comment. Cheers to ya!!
Fantasy: Damn You. Now that's not fair I've been stopping by...And NOW, I'll be over again. You are good. Cheers Meg!!
Colbert stole from you! He shoots in NY and lives here in NJ, I'm gonna go fuck him up ...
I was standing at a bus stop on a busy street in Brooklyn smoking a cig. As is the case in Brooklyn there were cars double and triple parked all over the place - with their engines running. This cow gets out of a giant SUV, leaving her husband to sit there in the AC waiting for her while she waddles over to the store. She stops to tell me my smoking is killing her. I offered to make the end come quickly for her.
Dianne: Ha. God, I love you. I hope you made the offer concise and succinct. Which I am sure you did.
When I worked for the Ohio Dept. of Transportation, we could fire up 20 diesel-fueled dump trucks in the garage, but weren't allowed to smoke in there. Here's your sign.
Cheers Sexy!!
I smoke. So I thought I was going to hate the smoking ban when it came to NJ. But you know what - I LOVE IT. It makes me smoke less. It gives me reason to socialize with people I wouldn't have ordinarily met. It saves me from burning strangers in crowded areas. I am not sure I can even remember what it was like 2 years ago.
Karen: That's cool, but I am just against the government dictating such things. There is still smoking in bars in Ohio.
The bar will charge smokers a dollar for an ashtray and they save that money in case they get fined for allowing smoking. Ha. I dig that.
Cheers Karen!!
we could fire up 20 diesel-fueled dump trucks in the garage, but weren't allowed to smoke in there.
Laughing so hard ....I think I pissed AND shit in my pants!
Micky: And I see that you understand, the funny thing is that it is frickin' true. Cheers Mick!!
made me laugh too! the fucked up stuff is always true
and yes my love, I was very descriptive in how she would meet her end - I believe it involved ripping out hearts and feeding them to pigeons
I watched both of my grandmothers die slow, horrid deaths from emphysema caused by a lifetime of cigarette smoking. It was just awful. Essentially, they suffocated. Lungs: kaput.
I really wish you wouldn't smoke, Matt. I want you to be around blogging for many many years to come.
(Not *that* O silly)
Desert Rat: My Dad's demise went the same way. I know i shouldn't smoke but I do love it so. But thanks my friend. Cheers Rat!!
Tug: Mmmmmmmmm. Even if you didn't mean it that way, I am more than a bit aroused. Cheers Tug!!
I don't like the smoke because it jacks my sinus' in a big way so I just don't go where the smoke is unless I really really wanna go. In my perfect world there is no smoking but since people smoke I will adjust accordingly as should everyone. It is like the f-ing TV just turn the station if you don't want to watch something don't get all in someones face about it.
Lu: And THAT Ladies and Gentlemen, sums up the situation perfectly. Cheers Lu!!
The way I see it, it's like being a nudist. There's nothing wrong with it, so long as you're not exercising your rights in the wrong place or at the wrong time, thus offending someone else. If nudism is offensive to someone, they just go to a different beach, right? Pretty simple, isn't it? So why not give smokers their own beach? Or whatever ...
Coco: We had our own beaches but they took those away as well. Cheers Coco!!
Sorry Matt, I can't help you with one. I loath and despise cigarette smoke. I really don't like spending hard earned money at a restaurant and taste nothing but the smoke from the table next to me. With that being said I just don't to go out to eat at places that allow smoking.
Michele: And that's just fine. I'm more specfically talking about the overbearing law passed in Ohio that prohibits smoking in places that don't serve food. Cheers Michele!!
Can't even smoke outside here in many places anymore. Headline yesterday was a new bill that WILL pass that will cite you $90 if you drop a butt....
I have a plan...Cheers Cheesy One!!
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