“It doesnt matter who did it, as long we say “Saddam Hussein” as many times as possible when talking about 9-11.”
I have a very good idea who master-minded this cowardly attack. I came up with the answer after asking myself...
“Who profited from such an attack?” Osama? "
No, all he has gotten out of the deal is a lifetime of cave dwelling.
The hijackers? Helloooooo…DEAD. Oh sure maybe they got their 72 virgins, but I am certain that there is a reason that they were virgins...there are few really hot looking Muslims.
Perhaps, President Bush was at fault?
I don’t think so, because three of the four attacks were successful in terms of their intent.
This shows proper planning and execution of the plan. This of course, is quite the opposite of this administration’s history concerning Military and Foreign policy efforts.
So, who does that leave?
Who’s dried up career is resurrected every time a national tragedy occurs? Ladies and gentlemen, look no further than Branson, Missouri and you will find the culprit…

The man who rakes in royalties from his song(s) "Proud to be an American" and/or "God Bless the USA".
I have a feeling he was also the brainchild behind the the first Iraq War. As you know, you can't go to war without a rifle, a mess-kit and Lee Greenwood.
Nice try, Lee, but the Matt-Man is on to you and my next step is to call Oliver Stone.
To all of those who lost friends and family on that tragic day, "Pax Vobiscum" and...
A word of solace and unity from Ann Coulter:
"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."
--Ann Coulter (Speaking about the Chicks Who lost Husbands and Family During the Attack)
Damn, what a sweet woman Annie is!!
Poor Mr. A. Coulter with that track record of hateful statements. People might come to think he is an unpleasant evil bitch.
But I must throw a wrench in the works - Halliburton and its former CEO, major stockholder and then VP-USA had a lot to gain from the wars resulting from the attacks. How convenient that the former CEO is in a position to award non-compete unlimited-profit contracts.
I must say that your assumption that since 75% of the 9/11 attacks were successful exonerates Bush 43 resonates with me. Lord knows he has never had a 75% success rate with anything.
I only get to sing "I'm proud to be a permanent resident," so he doesn't get royalties. That's the only reason I haven't become a citizen.
LOL! I think you're right. Lee Greenwood is the bastard behind this whole thing. He totally did it because the cash flow was getting a little low, so he came up with this attack.
Obviously he's a lot smarter than I thought. ;-)
Of all the times I could have turned on the MDA telethon this past weekend, I picked when Lee Hussein Greenwood bellowed out "Proud to be and American".
It was probably a subliminal message.
perhaps Greenwood conspired with Toby Keith?
David: Ann's a peach. And seriously, what'a few huge, unbid contracts amongst friends? Cheers David!!
PITS: Ha.Since you are merely a permanent resident, that makes you only half-crazy. Cheers!!
Jay: Hee Hee. Underneath that bad bad comb over lies the mind of Aristotle. Cheers Jay!!
Jeff: Ha. You haven't lost your knack for funny, Jeff. Cheers!!
Kat: No...But it does point to what I have believed for a long time. Toby Keith has been riding Lee Greenwood's coat tails for years. Cheers Kat!!
Don't forget the flag manufacturers. It may seem small but still to this day flag sales go through the roof.
The 4th and now the 11th are big sale days.
Micky: That's true, too. Those 12year old Laotian and Chinese kids who sew American Flags are living large!! Bastards. Cheers Mick!!
Gotta read ya later just popped in to say Good morning handsome and have a great day :)
Lu: Right back atcha Sweet Pea. Cheers Lu!!
..and I'll betcha Lee didn't want the president speaking to his children...
Phfrankie: Ha. And I'll betcha you are correct. Cheers P-Man!!
OMG you made me laugh.. thanks.. I needed that
Cheesy: I know you did and I'm glad I could help. Here's to ya, Cheesy. Cheers!!
Bond: Gee Beav...When you read it in 2007, you laughed...
"Well the juxtaposition of my repeat from last year my friend... did not see it yesterday, but i laughed today
Bond, September 2007 Cheers!!
couldn't have been Bush cause 3 of the 4 attacks were successful !!!
good lord I adore you ;)
Dianne: Ha. I adore you as well. I hope everything went went well, you sexy thing you. Cheers Di!!
I'm gonna go way the fuck out on a limb here with what I am sure will be an unpopular response.
I am done with the Never Forget stuff. Seriously. This was a tragedy that has now turned into Grief Porn and has been given the Hallmarkification treatment. It's bordering on sick. I understand personal remembrances are important to those directly touched by the events.
But the need for every Tom Dick and Harry to chime in on one day of the year smacks of sensationalizing a tragedy.
Less talk. More do.
Remember it by volunteering on 9/11. If we all spent 1 fucking 10th of the time we spending talking actually doing something in our communities the world would be a better place.
/rant off
Amen Starr!!!
I want to be on a limb with Starr.
It's the day they kicked our royal ass, big human tragedy but let's get over it.
LOL =)
Starr: You are correct. Alot of the comments by some are merely empty lip service given by people lookin gfor some face time. Cheers, and Rant On!!
Dianne: Don't encourage her. cheers Di!!
Micky: who doesn't want to be on a limb with Starr? Cheers Mick!!
Starr: I'd rather see you bow. Cheers!!
i still cant figure out who would want to spend eternity with 72 virgins... just damn....
Clay: No kidding...If that's Heaven...sen dme to Hell. Cheers Clay!!
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