His name will be stricken from the textbooks and World History curriculum that will be taught in Texas, and ultimately due to the state’s incredible market size and purchasing power, in a classroom near you.
Evidently the Born-Again, Baby Jeebus Lovin’, God and Country right wing motherfuckers that sit in pious judgment on the Texas Board of Education, feel that John Calvin had much more of an impact on political revolutions that transpired after 1750 than did Thomas Jefferson…
Mainly because Jefferson wasn’t “religious" enough for their tastes…anyhoo…
Perhaps, you are asking yourself: “Who is this John Calvin of whom you speak?”
Well John Calvin was a theologian who lived during the 16th Century. He was an integral part of the Protestant Reformation.
John Calvin loved the Baby Jeebus, believed in predestination, and the theory that God has absolute authority over one’s salvation.
According to Calvin, one’s salvation is not up to the individual; in this area there is no free will. A person’s eternal life or damnation rests solely upon whether his or her lucky number came up in the Salvation Sweepstakes.
I think Jefferson and other founding fathers would kind of have a problem with this whole lack of free will kinda thing. And to me, this entire line of thinking in general, comes in conflict with the teaching of “enlightenment.”
Of course these curriculum loons probably like Calvin more so for having a guy burned at the stake upon a pile of his own books because his views came in conflict with those of Calvin. Yeah, that’s an enlightened view.

“I have never seen either a drop of piety or a grain of truth or ingenuousness—nay, I have never found common sense in any Jew."
According to these nut jobs, if this country was founded exclusively on Judeo-Christian principles, and their hero, John Calvin is correct, that means the United States was partly founded on the teachings of Nonsensical Baby Jeebus Butchers.
Heresy!! Heresy, I say!!
They want no liberal groups mentioned, but they do want the NRA, Phyllis Schlafly, and The Moral Majority highlighted. Falwell’s in Hell getting sodomized for all eternity by a gay Muslim guy, get over it.
Differences between sex and gender would be removed from textbooks because one Barbara Cargill said that that would lead students “into the world of transvestites, transsexuals and who knows what else.”
No…I’m not kidding.
Ken Mercer wants references to “capitalism” removed and replaced with “the free enterprise system” because “capitalism” has a negative connotation.
Hey Jughead…we are a capitalistic country. It’s okay.
And listen Einstein, we don’t have a free enterprise system, if we did, I could walk down to the corner and get tea bagged by a hooker without fear of being arrested or paying a luxury tax…Dickhead.

Leave this, America Uber Alles crap to political speeches, cable TV, and talk radio.
And while you’re at it …remember what Jefferson wrote back in 1785:
"An honest heart being the first blessing, a knowing head is the second."
Just because you ass clowns have neither, doesn’t mean that you and your agenda should keep our kids from developing both.
Haha, Texas always makes me feel thankful about my own state.
Lady: Ha. Yeah me too, but we have more than our fair share of nutjobs in Ohio who are probably cheering this effort on. Cheers D!!
Amen! As a librarian and a historian I'm seriously offended by these actions.
Michele: I know. However, religous bigotry, nationalism, and an over developed sense of self-impotance and self-worth tend to lead to these types of things. Thanks for the inspiration. Cheers Michele!!
why cant any fucking group that has the time, money and nads to pick up a cause like this do just one thing right? its either have a text book that gives one page to lincoln and three chapters to bill clinton, or one that sees people like calvin as A hero of all that is good & right with the world...
just damn.. political correctness and zealotry in any direction is a cluster fuck from the word go...
and god damn a jew.. they killed jesus.. LOL
Clay: Ha...You kill me. It's a sad state of affairs.
People haven't got time for the facts or the truth, they only have time to rewrite history and push their own agendas.
Let's move to Mars. Cheers Clay!!
I'm appalled that people in charge of educating (some of) the youth of America have these nutjob ideas.
>>>an over developed sense of self-impotance and self-worth
And I'm laughing my ass off about self-impotance. This may be the real issue...impotence.
David: No shit, and Ha...I assidently made a joke. I didn't even notice that. I like that. Cheers David!!
Did Glenn Beck take over as head of the Texas board of education?
What a bunch of dumbfucks.
Texas used to have a great educational system. But, over the years they've drifted towards teaching two topics above all else. American exceptionalism and Texas exceptionalism.
Jay: Perhaps he has. He one of the foremost historians in the U.S. ya know. I mean, when he's not busy crying and loathing.
As for the exceptionalism? That was mentioned in the article I read. (Huffington) The article found it ironic that while teaching American exceptionalism you would want to diss one of the most exceptional Americans ever. Cheers Jay!!
Have you read this? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeff-schneider/an-open-letter-to-the-tex_b_497695.html
Michele: I did just now, thanks. I read all of the over wacky crap they want to do, but man, if I included everything that Mr Schneider did, this post would be 1,500 words long.
Those folks have lost their minds. It's an affront to education and to thought itself. Cheers Michele!!
Isn't Texas always yakking about seceding? I say let 'em go! See how well they do on their own. Won't be long before they're coming back looking for "aid".
Let's give Texas back to Mexico. They almost have it reannexed anyway.
Chick: Indeed they are. Their pretty boy Governor is always bringing it up. Cheers Chick!!
Mike: Why do that Mexico? Cheers Mike!!
Just when I thought I was out….they pull me back in! Damnit! I even stopped reading the fucking retarded lunatics at Rapture Ready…..I stopped reading everything that pisses me off, so I could further enlighten myself. This kind of shit just gets me boiling in rage. It festers inside me.
This is the PUBLIC school system, they have to be stopped. They can not rewrite history to their amoeba brained agendas. I really hope that normal, intelligent people everywhere are putting up one hell of a fight. I honestly believe that the US is at a major crossroads and within 10 (or maybe 2?) one of two things are going to happen; someone like Palin will win the presidency, and subsequently fuck up the entire world…if not end it outright. Or there will be a spiritual shift in consciousness to enlightenment, compassion and empathy. I have to start that other blog I’ve been thinking about soon.
On a much related note; have you read Under the Dome by King or The Sign by Raymond Khoury yet? If not, do so!
Scott: I get burned on this stuff as well and just try to distant myself from it from time to time. But shit...I can't help myself when it comes to religious zealots and people who try to foist their beliefs on others.
I have not read either book but I will check them out soonly. Cheers Scott!!
I was hoping this was a joke... but am afraid it's not.
Doc: Sadly, it is not, but we need Gawd in our public schools. Cheers Doc!!
...I vote for discontinuing all textbooks and issuing nothing but old copies of Mad magazine...
Phfrankie: Maybe in elementary grades that would be okay but as kids get older we should step it up to National Lampoon. Cheers P-Man!!
having your number come up in the Salvation Sweepstakes killed me Matty
no one twists a phrase like you do
these Texan fuckers are making me angry and sad, and they scare me
and they're not just in Texas
these dumb crazy ass pieces of crap are everywhere
I went to a town hall meeting where, during the open forum portion, several neighbors asked how they could go about getting two gay men with adopted children added to the sexual offenders website so that all the parents in town would know not to let their kids play there!!
needless to say I had a few things to say, starting with holding up my cell phone and asking each person to re-state their "query" so I could contact the media
As a progressive and very liberal Texan, I just wanna let you know that that idiotic bloc of conservatards (and other equally stupid followers) don't speak for all of us. We're equally pissed and embarassed.
Dianne: Ha. I can't imagine you speaking your opinion Di...that's so unlike you,a nd you're right. These folks are everywhere. Cheers!!
Anony: I know that. Like Dianne said, these folks are everywhere. If it hadn't come up in Texas, it would have someplace else. Thanks for the comment and Cheers!!
So Texass is rewriting history, maybe their star resident Bush can be their next god.
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