That’s right, another shameless promotion for I’m With Stupid!!
Thursday night at 11 PM EST Jayman and I will be discussing:
Tragedy in Tucson: The Lighter Side
Marty Martenstein will be chiming in…God will make his presence felt, and Kim Fragile will be reporting live from Matt-Man’s ego.
And although you don’t want to acknowledge it, Gabby Giffords is HOT!!
And we are going to tell ya just how hot she was…er…is…er…may be
Oh Hell, itsa gonna be HUGE!!
Until then, (and Mystery Chick if you’re out there, call me) I bid you,
So I guess the roof has not caved in on you from the weight of all the snow.
It's in time like these that someone needs to be there to lift the people's spirits. And that's just what were gonna do. Or something like that.
What day is this show on again? Can you be more specific?
The only light side/joy I see in Tucson is the response of its citizens to protect mourners from the creeps of the Westboro Baptist Church.
David: Pffffft. Talk about not meeting expectations. we got MAYBE 3 inches. I'm so dissed. Cheers David!!
Jay: Just call us the Sunshine Solace Brothers. Cheers Funny Man!!
Mike: Ha. THURSDAY 11 PM EST. THAT'S THURSDAY at 11 PM EST!! Cheers Mike!!
Nick: Westboro folks are a living example as to the dangers of inbreeding. Cheers Nick!!
Thanks for the mention on the last "I'm With Stupid" Show. I am truly honored. I was first! I know you said there was no order but dammit I was first so that means I'm the hottest...right? right? Just joking...seriously though...great show!
Raquel: Ha...You are indeed hot m'dear. Cheers Roc!!
I'm hoping I'll be able to listen in this week - the 'rents will be in town so we'll have to see...
Of course, I *really* enjoyed last weeks show (ha!).
Rat: Well have fun, and tell them that I love "Truckeewood". Cheers Hot Shot!!
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