Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Bagwine, Ohio: The Iceman Cometh...

The freezing rain has arrived and Bagwine is shut down. Schools, businesses, and meth factories throughout the greater Bagwine metroplex have been closed due to the weather...

Even Schmoop has given up for the day...

I'll take and post more pictures of the carnage later.



Raquel's World said...

Oh No! Not the Meth factories! Being snowed in is the perfect time to get high. Right?

Dianne said...

the ice on the lamp post makes for a beautiful shot but I know (cause it's icy here too) that this crap is treacherous

Schmoop looks like she needs company on that sofa :)

stay safe Matty

Schmoop said...

Raquel: I know!! You'd think criminals would not be deterred by a bit of ice!! Cheers Hot Stuff!!

Di: I shall be fine. We're supposed to get more overnight tonight. I love this shit. Cheers Sexy!!

Jay said...

So far, just rain here. But the temps are dropping. It's only a matter of time.

Knight said...

Freezing rain here and my dumb ass only has high heels with me at the office.

Schmoop said...

Jay: Good Luck and Fare Thee Well. CHeers Jay!!

Schmoop said...

Knight: Wow, that is a pisser, but I'm sure the ice melts beneath your hotness so you should be fine. Cheers Knight!!

desert rat said...

I'ma go run and then do some gardening. Of, course, come July, I'll be wishing for ice - and lots of it!

Stay safe and keep warm. Try to keep Corky out of the window.

Anonymous said...

Stay warm friend

Schmoop said...

Rat: Corky has finally, I think, caught on. Enjoy your gardening you son of a bi---lovely woman, you. Cheers Gorgeous!!

Nic: I shall try to perservere and keep the heat in my head. Cheers Nic!!

Mike said...

It's been sleeting here 12 hours now with 6 - 12 inches of snow to follow.

Tell Knight to video herself walking on ice in heels and send it to you. You could make a little money in video sales.

MysteryChick said...

Looks like we're missing out on the freezing rain portion of that storm but we sure are getting plenty of snow.

I feel for Knight in her heels. Been there. Yikes!

Schmoop said...

Mike: Why don't YOU tell Knight to do that. Uh-Huh...Thought so. ; )~ Cheers Mike and enjoy the weather!!

Chick: I am sorry to be so superficial, but when you talk about you and Knight in heels, I get a bit, well...HOT!! Cheers Chick; stay safe and and warm!!