Thursday, July 21, 2011

Time Warner Cable Complaints

We have been having trouble with Time Warner Cable the past few weeks.  Our internet and phone lose connection frequently.

If you read I'm With Stupid you have already seen this, but my constant pain in the ass knight in shining armor, Matt-Man, has taken matters into his "subtle" hands.

He fired this e-mail off to Time Warner yesterday...

To whom it may, but probably doesn’t, concern…

As a Time Warner customer for many years, I have always been happy. Well, happy until the last eight weeks or so.

For the past eight weeks, I have been trying to get my cable line upgraded so my internet and phone connection do not go down multiple times a day.

In addition to the several online chats (all documented) with your online technicians, we have had two service calls about our internet dropping with frequency…One on 6/29/11 and another on 7/6/11.

On July 6th I was promised by the service guy, Mike, that we would have our cable line upgraded in a week or so. He did his job, and put in a line upgrade request while he was here. 

Needless to say, on your end, it has not happened, and sadly, I do not expect it to be done in the near future, because well…

Your oversized communications conglomerate only cares about new customers and doesn’t give a crap about existing, “been there for years”, customers.

Along with the anger I feel toward your company, I also laugh, because when I see your commercials come on TV (when my cable is working) where you advertise your “24/7 support”, I say to myself:

“Self, if only that were true; however, your $130.00 a month or so, is but a joke to them, and I and others like me, are but a mere punch line.”

I spoke to the apartment complex manager today (7/20/11) to see if she had been contacted by you to access the apartment above me in order to affect repairs two weeks after your promise.

She said:

“Matt…No, in fact I have been on them (TWC) for two years to upgrade the entire complex.”

Call me crazy, but I don’t consider that 24/7 support. I don’t consider that any support. I consider that, bullshit.

I edit/write two daily websites and do a twice weekly internet radio show and will be promoting your intransigence and lack of caring in this matter until hell freezes over or my connection gets fixed.

In addition…

I am organizing an informational picket outside of your Springfield, Ohio office located at 22 S. Limestone St. to voice my displeasure and the displeasure of others on August 3, 2011.

You have let me down, and seriously, you just don’t give a damn.

Matt Mahoney

2680 E. High St. Apt. 102

Springfield, Ohio 45505

Acct. Telephone number: 937.324.1798

Thus far, all we have received is a form e-mail.  Bastards.



Jay said...

I'm sure they are doing all they can. They're very busy, but your satisfaction is important to them. They will be with you as soon as is possible and will make sure that all work is done in a timely and proficient manner.

sybil law said...

Good for Matt!
Fuck Time Warner. We had it forEVER, and *all* companies are on my last fucking nerve with new customers getting all the deals. I mean, loyal customers - fuck them?! WTF> How does that EVER make sense?
We got Cincinnati Bell last week (another company I am not fond of, really) for internet and cable. So far, kicking ASS.

Beth said...

Jay: Oh I'm sure they will get to cut us off;)

Sybil: When we first got them, they didn't suck, they were great. You're right though, fuck the loyal customers. Hope you have better luck with Cincinnati Bell.

I'm With Stupid said...

But, it is nice of them to let us know that they, "appeciate our patience". That's so sweet. Zooooves.


Beth said...

Matt: Sweet? Let me know if Mr. Warner himself shows up at the door, then we'll talk sweet. Zoooves.

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Find a number for the corporate high ups. Call and lodge your complaints there, then call back to your local contact and let them know you called HQ. I'll bet you get priority service. :-)

MysteryChick said...

We have Comcast here and it's the same story. I hate giant (non)service corporations.

Beth said...

ETW: That's been done unfortunately.

Chick: The thing, we used to have such good service. Sucks!

Beth said...

Raquel: Oh he will, he will;)