I awoke this morning with God’s blueprint seared onto my mind and upon my soul. The new church will be named after me. It will be the Mattlic Church and the followers will of course be called Mattlics. The Lord gave me a rod much like Moses had in order to help me carry out his work. However this staff is made of faux cedar and was manufactured in China. Who knew that God was so frugal? While this is all very exciting, the Almighty’s instructions were at times quite Nostradamus-like so I am going to have to follow my instincts on some of His commands.
I am to, “Throw the money changers from their lairs, so they will no longer be on the air. Use their cameras for the world to see, that you the Matt-Man speak for me.” Now that’s easy enough. I am supposed to raid the studios of Trinity Broadcasting Network (Paul and Jan Crouch) and Rod Parsley’s World Harvest Church and beat them with my rod, expel them, and start my own televangelism ministry. However, the salvation that I am selling is free. My main office will be the World Harvest Church property and I will rename it “Mattican City”.
The Lord continued, “Free the cardinals from their cage. Let them fly happy and gay. When you do this, soon springs hope and no more silly Pope Soap on a Rope.” This is a daunting task but evidently God wants me to dismantle the Catholic Church. I’m not sure, but the French and Italian armies may actually put up a good fight over this one….Nahhhh.
“Eat some bacon, defile a cow. Muslim, Jew, and Hindu will bow to thou.” Holy shit, this better be one powerful staff because there are going to be some pissed off folks. I didn’t realize that doing God’s work was going to be so difficult. The next command was a bit more nebulous.
“You are a painter and the world is Van Gogh, drink some Bagwine and let it flow.” Upon some reflection, I figured that he means that I am to get a buzz and say what’s on my mind because I have the world’s ear. Pray for me that I might fulfill the wishes of God and cleanse this turbulent world of evil.
More details of Mattlic Church tomorrow…Until then, Pax Vobiscum and Cheers!!
oh my god
So your rod is made of faux cedar? Doesn't that warp when it gets wet? *snarf*
What? I am doing the Lord's work. And yes, I would have preferred something in a nice teak but who I am to argue with the Almighty!?
I wonder if Jesus ate prime rib?
Of course he did Hammer. One of his favorites is a nice slab of fattened calf medium rare and a schtickle of lemon and herb butter on the side. Cheers!!
I wanna be a Saint like Sanni!
No one could be a saint like Sanni.
The Lord sure works in mysterious ways. How the hell are you supposed to defile a cow without resorting to bestiality? Unless...
Bond: I annoint you St. Hicks, patron saint of overrated singers.
Songbird: Why must you sell yourself short young lady!!?
Lizza: Either I need to figure that one out or bestiality isnt inherently wrong. I'll get back with ya on that.
...and your followers will be called Mattlics...
you're killing me!
wasn't Mattlick the name of some tv show????
That was Matlock Mo...You're gonna have to get up to speed if you want to be saved. Cheers!!
Just came to say hello and blow you a Froggy kiss....ribbit...
I wasn't selling myself short, per se. I was really bashing on Bond!
I agree with turnbaby...YOU NEED MEAT! lol...only a few more days.
Oh, and sell myself short?
Short, yes.
Cheap, NEVER.
I'm really finding that last command hard to believe! (btw, Ghandi had a nice staff! Jealous?)
I knew she was coming after me.. and you know i used to like her
and the Hicks remark.. me thinks you dorh protest too much my savior
“You are a painter and the world is Van Gogh, drink some Bagwine and let it flow.”
You are going to paint with pee????
You fascinate me.
Bacon is a powerful tool of the devil. I myself was a vegeterian for 4 years before succumbing to the siren call of a bacon sarnie.
As for cows the brits have already defiled them enough by feeding them to themselves. Me I'm not a cow but I may very well be mad so I'll follow your new religion as long as I don't have to don Nike footwear:)
Well, Bond, that would explain a lot...
Still love you, Matty me boy, even if you're going to BURN IN HELL.
Wendz: Thanks for the French Lick!! Cheers...
Songbird: And bashing Bond is always fun!!
Jillie: A mere 92 hours or so...in the meantime I'll just look at your picture!!
Odat: Believe and be set free. I'll tell Gandhi you said hi.
Bond: icsnay on the ickshay!!
Cheesy: Maybe so, but it will be a beautiful Rose color.
Janna: Is that good or bad? Cheers!!
Cathy: Ha....very good and thanks for stopping by. Dont be a stranger, be a disciple!! Cheers...
Songbird: Why thank you, at least somebody still cares!!
So ... there'll be no arse-coverting going on in your neighbourhood anymore?
Matt-Man: Offensive to fundies since ... uh ... say, when did you start this Blog?
Seriously funny stuff (more ... more) ... !
(Oh, you might want to ease in to the re-meating, too, or you might end up posting on how the sudden reintroduction of flesh has affected you on a ... uh ... 'bowelogical' level!)
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