I never sleep straight through the night. I usually lay around awhile before taking a shower and getting dressed. I never eat breakfast, let alone go out for it with Schmoop. Odd indeed.
What is the strangest thing I have done so far early into my Saturday? At the grocery this morning, I bought fruit!! WTF? Other than the "grapes" that I ingest through a glass of Wild Irish Rose, I couldn't tell you the last time that I consumed fruit.
While I am a bit bewildered by this, I am also quite a bit excited. Just think, if today is going to be a day full of opposites in my normal life, I stand a good chance of getting laid tonight. Hooray for me!! Now if you willl excuse me, I am off to dust and vacuum...Wow, I am soooo getting laid today.
fruit in a can?
Can it really be fruit?
Who are you and what have you done with Matt-Man?
Tell Schmoop to take your temperature (and NOT with a rectal thermometer). I think you're delirious...
Matty love - fruit in a tin is not real fruit. Get thee back to the shop and get thee some fresh fruit. You'll poop better too.
Baby steps Katherine, baby steps...maybe I'll graduate to real fruit soon. Cheers!!
Songbird: I don't know what's going on. Maybe I need a drink. Cheers!!
Wendz: Good to see ya. I need no help in the poop department, and let's just leave it there. Cheers!!
Don't forget to clean the bathroom...that's a sure winner! Oh, and while you're at, make supper!
Matty: I already do that. Maybe this time I'll wear clothes while doing those things. Cheers!!
I take it that veggie burgers are on the menu tonight??
Have you taken a pregnancy test yet? The food craving could be explained. They sell 'em at the dollar store now!
Does this mean you're drinking fruit juice or milk tonight instead of WIR?
hint, hint - a nice back massage, or foot massage works wonders in the "getting lucky tonight" department. I agree with wendz - get thee some fresh fruit!
Gee. I am glad I am single. I'll just hit the bar tonight and buy a nice lady two Long Island Iced Teas. Matt...I think you missed a spot.
Yaay for sex.
And grapefruit.
Well I know if a guy would dust and vac for me I would find some way to show MY gratitude....
I'll be making papaya and avocado salad with cayenne dressing tomorrow... 2 fruits of the gods!
Metal: I guess all things have their drawbacks and that would be one of them.
Julie: The only craving I have right now is not food related.
Lizza: My liver is going to be in shock, shock I tell you.
Lisa: Thanks for the tip. I'll ask Schmoop to rub my feet.
Bud: Thanks for stopping by and letting me know that while I am at home drinking milk, you'll be out having fun. Cheers!!
Nat: You wouldnt think that those two would go together but somehow it works!!
Cheesy: I 'll be right over to suck things up. Cheers!!
weekend surges have been executed, Matt-man. hope you had a good one.
Eyechan: Good to hear it went well. My surge was executed with great precision...can't wait to do it again in six months or so. Cheers!!
I really hate to burst your bubble but fruit in a can? Come on Matt you can do better than that!!! HAHAHA..
Well...enquiring minds want to know...did you get laid??
cheers to ya ;o)
A man doesnt kiss and tell Jillie...Let's just say that I woke up this morning without that feeling that my prostate was backed up. ; )
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