Yee-Ha people, Jenna Bush is engaged to some suit wearin’ dim bulb. Okay that’s not fair. I don’t know if he is a dim bulb or not, but I thought if Jenna wanted to marry someone like dear old Dad, that’s what she would pick.
I am so tempted to post about the perspective marriage happenings but that would take away from my typical streeeeeam. Oh my, the thoughts about this ceremony. Would Dubya give the bride away or the real man in charge, Dick Cheney? I can already hear George saying, “C’mon Padre hurry up with the knuckle-tials, I want to get started with my invasion of Jack Dan-Istan, capiche?”
I also heard yesterday that Jenna is writing her first book. I can imagine that it will be a generic title such as “Jenna: My Life As First Daughter”. I hope that they will go with a more accurate title like, “ Jenna: Mai-Tais and Chinese Baskets”. I am fricking sweating; does anyone have any heroin they could spare? A Blogger friend of mine may be visiting next week. I’ll take pictures. Just don’t tell Schmoop.
I am going to catch up on all of my favorite blogs today and tomorrow. What did you guys do on your vacation this year? I was lucky enough to spend extra time with my son. Nothing fancy, but it has been fun. George Bush is on vacation in Crawford, Texas. He’s probably drinking Lone Star beer, moving brush, and getting in trouble.
I can hear the First Lady saying, “Dubya, you quit that right now!!” And I can hear him replying, “Laura it’s not what you think…I’m just a tryin’ to help this sheep over the fence.” It’s good to see him relaaaaaax.
Our Congress is on vacation too. It’s nice to know that they are probably spending it like you and I…seaside cabanas, cruises, and having fundraiser competitions in the Hamptons. Even the Iraqi Parliament is taking off. Where the hell do Iraqis go for vacation? I can hear Akbar saying to Al-Maliki, “ Oh sure, our desert is nice, but the Saudi sands are to die for.”
Ironic, while they vacation, our soldiers are spending their vacation sweating their asses off and dodging bullets. Wouldn’t you like to see George W. Bush sweating his ass off? Okay, not literally, because watching drips of ass crack saline from his ass would be nasty, but you get my point. Mooooooogly.
I like corned beef and Thousand Island Dressing….Do You ? If not, that’s okay, I also eat clay. What? I know that the word out of the Utah mines is very dire, but one good piece of info is that they found Dick Cheney’s undisclosed location. In my opinion, let’s return him for the life of the lost miners. Hey Dick, “Go Fuck Yourself.” I guess I am done streaming for today. I promise to catch up with all of you.
Enjoy your weekend, spend it thinking about jokes to make up about Jenna Bush. I’ll see you Saturday with an Inky and Lola entry and some special Birthday wishes on Sunday.
A bit Jenna obsessed today, are we love? She's soooo not worth it, babe.
So, who's the blogger friend? Sure ain't me (couldn't even get off your lazy ass to drive up to Medina county for me...yeah, yeah, you love me, whatever...)
Of COURSE you like corned beef - you're frickin' Irish. Isn't that required? I like Irish meat, too. Oooooo, did I just say that out loud?
Jenna Bush is getting hitched, huh? Doesn't that make it another "Ho-down"? I'm not the blogger being met either. Who be it? I'm with Songbird, I love me some Irish meat too! Have a Wild Irish weekend!
Songbird: Obsessed? Ha i laugh at you. I want nothing but the best for the Bush family. I love themm so. And if you want some Irish meat, here I am...Did I just say that out loud?
Metal: Yo Ho...Enjoy your meat and have a WIld Irish weekend yourself. Cheers!!
I enjoy 1000 Island dressing, but not so much with the corned beef. I'm only a little bit Irish.
I'll just be over here subbing in some nice chicken or turkey to go with my 1000.
Happy streaming.
Trav: Schmoop hates it and I am lucky that I can get it into the house. It would indeed go well with both of those. Have a good weekend. Cheers!!
Corned beef and thousand island dressing. Gee, throw on some cabbage and stick it on some chewy rye bread, and that would make a great sammie. Wait...well slap my ass and call me Reuben! What am I thinking? Isn't that already a sammie? Oh yeah, it's a tuna melt, right?
Ohhhhhh so it looks like there will be a White House wedding...
Let's make sure that Dubya doesn't do any toasting... ;-)
Have a great weekend!
Songbird: I love Reubens but the tuna thing sounds good as well. Cheers!!
Dixie: There will be no toasting because Cheney will say,"Okay they're married...all of you mo fos get back to work dammit."
actually Jenna's book sounds like something worth reading.
I make a corn beef. potatoes, carrotts and onions with a mustard sauce that is to die for. I don't think they serve Thousand Island in California anymore...
Bush is on track to topple Reagan's record of most vacation days by a sitting president. He's at like 423 and Ronnie topped out at 439.
Of course W still has year and a half...this is one war he should win easily.
You eat Clay? He mentioned something about that once but I didn't believe him.
Come visit if you want to see the TIT.
You make Friday's even better...LOVE IT!
Can you imagine, even a drunk like Jenna will be sooooo embarrassed when her dad does his mambo dance at the reception!
Have a great weekend matt!
Have a great weekend matt!
No jokes about Jenna now, my ma always taught me to be kind to dumb animals.
Priceline Negotiator!
The fact that another of these idiots will breed is enough to make anyone want to go on a spay and neuter campaign around the country. I hope her husband shoots blanks.
So, what did you do, sit on The Couch and throuw in a billion Cheney references here?
You know, my attorneys "Guido, Kneebreaker & Whachagonnadoboutit, LLC", will be contacting you regarding copyright infringement...
And stop making fun of me.... Jenna and I are going to be very happy and I usually use my 1000 Island dressing on her corned beef....
I do not like Thousand Island Dressing...Bleck!
A president's ass crack sweat, I believe that is the first time in the history of blogging that has been mentioned. Congrats, you should get a badge for that one, to place ever so neatly in your side bar! :) Heh heh heh...
Have a good weekend, Matt-Man!
So I decided to find out how funny you are with me under the influence....Bwhahaha!!!
**goes to the kitchen looking for fixins' for a reuben**
I don't want a Jenna book.... but I think I'd like a book by Janna.
Me loves me some thou on turkey.. yep yep....sorry I missed the friday stream I was other wise "occupied". Mind is now a glowing satisfied blank..cheers!
"just helping the sheep over the fence." priceless.
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