Monday, June 09, 2008

Matt-Man, De-Funkified!!

If you read my post from yesterday, you know that I was in a bit of a funk…Okay, a major funk.

But, I am in a much better mood now.

I appreciated everybody’s comments, and especially the emails that some of you took the time to write.


In addition to those things, here is what picked my spirits up yesterday…

I had to work all day yesterday at the Drive-Thru. It was hot. It was busy, but I didn’t mind it so much, because these things happened…

An old friend, Alan, who I worked with some ten years ago came in. He always makes me laugh.

He invited Schmoop and I over to visit him and his wife and swim in their pool. Sorry Schmoop, but if I accidentally swim between Alan’s wife’s legs a couple of times, it would be a mere “coincident”.

An old girlfriend Sherri, whom I have now known for nearly thirty years (yes, it’s been that long, Sherri) came through not once, but twice.

And here’s why…

The first time through she just came by to say “hi”. Her and I were talking, and her cell phone went off. She answered it. Jokingly, I said, “That’s rude.”

After a brief conversation, she left.
She came back about ten minutes later, and apologized for having her cell phone on while talking to me.

How often does a person take the time to do that?

She’s a sweet woman, and I wish she would comment today (ahem), but she won’t.

That‘s okay, to this day, after all of this time, I find her adorable.

My son and the ex came through as well. She came by to pick up her weekly, “no longer married now” cash dividend. But that’s fine, because I asked her to.

She knows how much I hate it when people come to the Drive-Thru and are on their cell phone when ordering.

So, she pretended to be talking on her phone. It made Ryno laugh, and that always makes me laugh.

At roughly five-thirty or six, the phone rang at work.

On the other end was Bill, my co-worker. He is a guy who works days and he is also a sales rep for the Legal Service link that appears ON MY LEFT SIDEBAR…

Anyhoo, In the grand scheme of things, I barely know him. I have talked to him ten to fifteen minutes every day for the past two months, as I come on and he goes off.

He’s working on opening his own pizza place. Yesterday, he called me and said,

“You are probably busy. I need to stop by for some smokes. I am cooking burgers (for the family). Would you like me to make one for you and bring it by?”

WTF? If more people were like that, the world would be a much better place. A big Bagwine Shout Out to Bill. And his wife, because she always wears one of my shirts.

Lastly, when I got home last night, Schmoop, who likes to go to bed early on Sundays, got up and had a few beers with me.

She read my post from yesterday…

We had a ninety minute chat that was, well, to use an overly-used, vaguely descriptive, yet in this case a totally appropriate word…"nice."

Life is good again, and thanks, to all of you.

A new segment for this week only…

Dana, who has a massive blog crush on me (and really, can ya blame her?) is in San Antonio all week with her family, and yes the HUSBAND is there.

So, in order to keep in touch with her and not step on any familial frolicking, I thought I would give her a shout out in code all week.

Dana, here’s the first of many…

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, of my crotch. Watch out for the roosters, and be careful whilst oiling up your epiglottis.

Don’t worry. ..She knows what it means.

I am working 10 A.M-5 P.M today, so I won’t be able to comment back to you as usual, but have a great day!!



Jay said...

People bringing you free burgers to work at the drive through? That's awesome! And not those crappy McD's burgers either. A home made one! Not bad.

When I was in college there was a guy who lived in my dorm who worked the drive through at a liquor store. He said underage (as in under 21) girls would drive through all the tim wearing skimpy bikinis or even less and say "I don't have any I.D. on me" and want him to sell them alcohol.

Has that ever happened to you? I hope it does. You deserve something cool like that to happen to you. At least once. maybe twice, but no more though. ;-)

Schmoop said...

Jay: He seems to be quite a nice guy. And as far the bikini clad young girls?

I card, but more importantly...I had sex in my twenties, it wasn't very good.

I am more into hot 40 and 50 year olds such as Schmoop, Dana, Dianne, yada, yada, yada, oh and you, Jay!!...and most of the people on my link list. Cheers Buddy!!

RW said...

Don't work yourself to death Matt, take a break if ya can!

Odat said...

Glad you're feeling better!


Schmoop said...

Roger: It's a part time job that helps to fund this, and other ventures. I should be working harder. Cheers my good man!!

Odat: Much better now. HAve a great Monday, monkey girl. Cheers!!

Desert Songbird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Desert Songbird said...

So glad you got da funk OUT, Matty me darlin'. Methinks you got some good karma goin' at work on Sunday.

Enjoy the work day, and I won't get too upset that the first name you DIDN'T pair with hot 40 year olds (after Schmoop's, of course) was mine. (insert my best West of Ireland *sigh*)

Schmoop said...

Songbird: Oh, puhleeeze. You know I'd do ya in a minute if it didn't involve a right upper cut and a left hook from you upon my attempt.

Actually, that sounds kinda hot; Somebody, ring the bell. Cheers!!

Ken said...

Well, Cheers to YOU!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Noone ever brings me food at my

I am planning a trip soon..going to drive the 10+ hours to Bagwine and just drive through your place of business...order a bunch of things and do it all while talking on my cell phone to anyone....

Schmoop said...

Micky: Life is good. I'll catch up with ya tonight or tomorrow. Cheers!!

Bond: Ha. Cute. Have a great day, Vin. Cheers!!

Dianne said...

all those circumstances came together to make ya feel better! the universe reads this blog :)
and thanks for thinkin' I'm hot, I needed that.

Happy Monday Kiddo!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you feel better today. I feel like such a bad blogging-buddy since I totally missed yesterday's post. Don't work too hard today!

Schmoop said...

Dianne: i couldn't help think that same way. And don't thank me, thank you. Purrrrrr. Cheers Di!!

LadyJaye: Pfffft. No apologies needed. If anyone should, it should be me. I have been remiss in commenting on the blogs of others for the past two weeks. Cheers LJ!!

desert rat said...

Matt, Dearheart, I'm so happy you're feeling better! Amen and amen!

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...a reverse burger're living in the Bizarro World!

Schmoop said...

Desert Rat: Why thank ya. Now, if only the A/C would get fixed. Cheers Rat!!

Phfrankie: Ha. Good One. And more often than not, it's a pretty good world in which to be. Cheers!!

Lex Valentine said...

Your cloud had a silver lining. That's wonderful! Especially when the silver lining is a hunk of meat delivered right to you. Yuuuuum. I'm glad your spirits have picked up!

Karen said...

I am glad you are feeling better. :)

Deb said...

Welp, like everyone else, I am very happy you're feeling much better today. It's the little things that lift up our spirits, right? And, I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a burger today... mwahaha.... that is a great friend indeed - what a great exchange - burgers for smokes! Can't beat it!

Stay out of this pea soupy weather buddy!

And how do I get one of these bagwine shirts of yours?

Ed & Jeanne said...

I've got my encryption staff working on decoding your Dana message. So far all we've got is that there aren't really any roosters in Spain...

Cinnamon Girl said...

Glad you are feeling better,Matty. Email me when part two bites your ass. I am always available for a rant/whine fest for my brother from another mother ;)

Leighann said...

It's good to hear that you've worked the funk out. Just think.... your AC is being fixed today too!

At least it had better be, right?


Liz Hill said...

I'm glad you got the funk outta yo face ;-)


leelee said...

BIG Improvement....YAY for YOU! no really



Anonymous said...

I wish people would bring me homemade burgers at work! Of course, I don't think many people would like to swing by a mortuary to drop off a burger...

Schmoop said...

Winter: Thanks, and you're right about the meat delivery. Wait...are we apeaking of the same typrf meat? Cheers!!

Karen: Feeling just dandy now. Cheers, Karen!!

Deb: The A/C has been fixed, and things are cooling down. Click on the tank top and you'll find all sorts of groovy Bagwine stuff. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

VE: Oh c'mon, are you telling me that there are absolutely no cocks in Spain? Cheers!!

Starr: I realize that, and I damn well apreciate it. Cheers Sis!!

Leighann: And the bastards actually came thorugh. Thanks and Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

TB: So am I, AND since I don't have to work tonight I am making Brats. Mmmmmmm Brats. Cheers!!

Leelee: Ha. Thanks for the big ol' hug, you vixen, you. Cheers!!

Motley: Oh I dunno, maybe Willy Loman wouldn't mind bringing ya one. Cheers Motley!!

Unknown said...

So glad your life has had a turn-around, Matt-Man. It is always great to be able to look on the bright side of life.

Schmoop said...

Nick: Typically I do. I am an optimist, but it sometimes the dark side of thins catch up with us all. However, I am once again in a good mood. Cheers, Nick!!

j said...

Thank Goodness you are feeling better! Best news I've had all day. Love the way you got those Random Acts of Kindness just when you needed them most.


Schmoop said...

Jen: Thanks. The only problem...Upon further review, I don't think they have successfully fixed the A/C. Oh the humanity. Cheers, Jen!!

Dana said...

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, of my crotch. Watch out for the roosters, and be careful whilst oiling up your epiglottis.

Raindrops keep falling on my head, as it moves to the rhymthm of the night.

“It ain't the heat; it's the humility.”

Jeff B said...


Mack trucks swim in purple gravy.

Kimmie said...

Well you sound really good today. I am happy you got rid of the funk! Now if you could just get some A/C all will be right in your world. :-)
Take Care Sweetie.

Travis Cody said...

I firmly believe that if you are a good person and are kind to all you meet, then good things will come back to you when you are most in need.

Call it karma if you will, but you're a good guy and you were in a funk, and people came through for you.

That's definitely "nice".

Cheers my friend.

(And sorry if that was too mushy. It's the kind of mood I'm in.)

Schmoop said...

Dana: Stay tuned. I did you a favor. I hope you are having fun. Cgeers!!

Jeff: Ha. The light bulb was shy and twisted counter-clockwise. Cheers Jeff!!

Kimmie: Yeah, these guys really need to get heir act together. We DESERVE A/C. Cheers!t

Schmoop said...

Travis: I never think of anything that you write as anything other than well done. Cheers my good man!!

Schmoop said...

Matt-Man: Seriously, I am not drunk...My typing IS that bad. Cheers!!

Sparky Duck said...

The drive up was always happening, though you have seemed to have found yourself a stalker

Schmoop said...

Sparky: You leave me confused. Cheers!!

katherine. said...

how fun it would be to visit you at work....but I'd be on the phone.

that Bill sounds like a real pal for sure!

Schmoop said...

Kat: I bet you would be. And yes, I mean we don't know each other that well, and yet he thought of bringing me a burger. That's nice. Cheers Kat!!