Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Excitement is Close to Peking!!

I’m off today and I am going to spend it working on a new Matt-Man for President ad.

Well…Until my Campaign Chief of My Staff comes home early this afternoon.

When she gets home, the work on the ad will have to wait, as we have a backdoor…er…closed door strategy meeting scheduled.

However, before I begin my work on the aforementioned ad, I want you all to know that I have taken ill.

It’s true, I have a bad case of the 2008 Summer Olympics Fever…

Okay, maybe not a full blown fever, but at the very least, my body is stricken with the symptoms of a mild bout of Asian flu, and perhaps a touch of Montezuma’s Revenge.

Yes, the Olympic games begin August 8th, taking place in that mecca of Capitalism, Chinese Restaurants, seismic activity, and polluted air.

No, not Los Angeles, ya goofballs…Beijing, China!!

I actually always have enjoyed the Summer Olympics. I enjoy the boxing, basketball, and as I grow older I really enjoy vicariously running really fast through others.

I am more excited this year because there are a couple of new events being held on a trial basis. Events with a distinctively Asian flavor.

First up, is a woman’s event that involves agility, speed, and well developed embryonic skills.

The Rice Paddy Biathalon…

Yes indeed, this event places female athletes within a two acre rice paddy and each woman has 15 minutes to harvest as many bushels of rice as she can and birth as many babies as she is able.

Each Paddycake, as they are called, receives 1 point for each bushel of rice collected and 3 points for each child that drops from their womb.

The current World Record is held by Lee-Ki Pi of Vietnam.

After a slow start during the 2006 Asian Games, which saw her harvest 15 bushels of rice yet drop only two baby boys in the first twelve minutes...

Ms. Pi snatched five more bushels and with three seconds left, dropped a set of bouncing female triplets!!

With her incredible score of 35, she received her gold medal.

Unfortunately, all three of the baby girls were quickly killed off for they are a burden to the family in particular and the Vietnamese economy in general.

When asked by a reporter how she felt about this, Pi replied, “We go to Disneyworld now, Big Boy?”

Another fun event scheduled is the fast and furious, American Flag Sewing Dash.

This event is comprised of three bolts of nylon, needle and thread, and grim human determination.

Each contestant sews his oriental ass off to determine who can sew an American Flag the quickest.

The current World Record was set late last year by a 14 year old Chinese boy named Yu So Ho. He created a perfectly done 3 x 5 version of Old Glory in a mere 1 minute and 57 seconds.

He will not be participating in the Olympics because after hearing the news of his skills, Wal*Mart hired him to the post of President of its, Asian-Made American Flag Waving Division.

Along with the job, Wal*Mart signed Ho to an incredibly lucrative 6 year/$702.00 contract.

Since Ho, is not participating, the odds on favorite is an 11 year old kid from Thailand named, Phuket Khunt.

Phuket is referred to as, "The Big Tsew-Nami".

Excitement abounds!! I can’t wait. Somebody strike up, “Theme for the Common Man”!!

Have a great Thursday all; I hope your day is made of not only gold, but silver and bronze as well.



Knight said...

Phuket Khunt? What an admirable name for a child. I noticed you didn't say the sex.

I'm personally looking forward to the mani-pedi races. Acrylics give an opportunity for the athletes to show their creative side.

Jay said...

China also has the favorite to win the men's pole vault competition. His name is Sum Hung Guy.

I'm going to Hell, aren't I?

And don't forget that it's each night after all the events are over and the day after the Olympics close when China will really show off it's domination in the Paramilitary Olympics. They are experts at shutting down all dissent and communications with the outside world in super fast times.

Schmoop said...

Knight: I think he's a boy. Maybe he's bisexual? Bisexuals and Asians...they all look alike. And I'm betting the Koreans will have a formidable Mani-Pedi Team. Cheers!!

Jay: Hell? We'll party together!!Those darn Chinese "Peacekeepers". They really know how to shut down the party in World Record time.

katherine. said...

"Big Tsew-Nami"

laughing....still too funny mateo.

Lu' said...

Phuket's Sister, Phi Shee Khunt had dreams of competing but alas she is all thumbs.

Dana said...

I can't stop laughing ... and you said goofball

Do you think it's too late to get Cam into the flag sewing event? I could use a $702 contract to help out with his college education!

Anonymous said...

Ok. I'm pissed at you here's why. Your use of "Big Tsew-Nami"

Made me snort which caused my dog to jump on me and proceed to knock my coffee from my hand and spill all over me.

So now I'm sitting here with burnt thighs marveling your genius but pissed all at the same time. What's a girl to do?

Schmoop said...

Kat: Ha. Good to see you, and I hope you are doing well after your "trip". Cheers!!

Lu: Ha. That would lend itself to a bit of self mutilation. Cheers!!

Dana: Hee Hee. Yeah that money would go along way in buying three or four textbooks. Cheers Sexy!!

Schmoop said...

Lady Jaye: Ha. Let me make it up to you by applying soothing aloe to soothe your aching thighs. And any other place you deem necessary. Cheers LJ!!

Cheesy said...

Let the games begin!!


Schmoop said...

Cheesy: Would you like to do some naked Greco-Roman wrestlin' wif me? Cheers Cheesy!!

Lex Valentine said...

I eagerly await the new campaign ad. The Olympics...not so much. Ugh.

Schmoop said...

Winter: They don't seem to be what they used to be do they? Cheers Winter!!

Phfrankie Bondo said...

..."Chief of my Staff" one phunny boy, Matt-Man-San......

Schmoop said...

Phfrankie: Ha. I think most people may have thought that I made a typing mistake. Good pick up P-Man. Cheers!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

You left out the Tiananmen Square Obstacle Course event. It's a new twist on an old favorite. Points for every citizen you run over with your tank!

The Origins of the Logo

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, Olympic fever is usually undiagnosed gonorrhea. case you wanted to call your doctor or something.

Schmoop said...

Starr: Ha. Good One on the cartoon. It's funny you mentioned that obstacle course because I was actually gonna do something with that. Oooo Weeee Oooooo. Cheers Starr!!

Dan: Thanks for the tip, and for stopping by. Can I save the Doctor's visit and cure it by drinking Green Tea? Cheers!!

Ken said...

After dealing with Wal-Mart I'm sure

Yo So Ho needs Nu Ahh So

Schmoop said...

Micky: I am so done with you. When you poke fun at Wal*Mart, you are poking fun at Amurrica. Cheers Mick!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Ooo! The things you could do with the Flying Monkey motif.......

Dianne said...

I think you could combine your latest campaign ad with Olympic fever - plus 8/8/08 looks so cool.

Perhaps a 30 second spot explaining how important it is that all American corporations sponsor the Olympics and that they let us know hundreds of times a day in all their ads.

Actually - you could become a sponsor - then you might be able to run your ad for free.

Make sure to show lots of happy American athletes - all healthy and strong! It's a wonderful contrast to the starving, beaten people living right outside the Olympic venue.

Schmoop said...

Dianne: Excellent idea. I will make it a point as well to say that if you don't support the Corporate sponsors, you are in turn, not supporting our athletes. Damn, America Haters!!

As far as the poor and starving in Beijing...Let them Cake, or rather Rice Cakes!! Cheers Di!!

Dianne said...

See Matt this is why you are bound for greatness! or just plain bound.

I would take your improvement on my ad one step further.

Perhaps a tagline - "Every time you pass up our product another tiny gymnast dies"

Schmoop said...

Dianne: Ha. I like that. AND I think I can work it in. I am indeed going to release my new ad with an Olympic flair next week. Cheers and Thanks for the idea, Di!!

ambergail77 said...

Along with the job, Wal*Mart signed Ho to an incredibly lucrative 6 year/$702.00 contract.

That is great! You are too funny.

just a girl... said...

did you know that beta fish live under rice patties? LMAO you are freaking funny.

Schmoop said...

Amber: Ha. Why thank you very much. Cheers to you and have a great rest of the day!!

Just: Ha. Why thanks to you as well. I have my moments. Cheers Just!!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Alas, I've heard some of them were disqualified for performance enhancing devices...they found small Singer sewing machines when frisked...

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for you as Prez Matt...

Ok maybe not.

Off to eat my rice patties now.

Season said...

Your humor is so much like that of my boyfriend. I am going to have him start reading your posts... you may be his new best friend :)

boo said...

I bet I could give them Asian beeyotches a run for the money in the baby dropping department. Have I mentioned I have five freakin' children?!?!

I don't know that I could compete with them in the rice gathering though... I was never very good with phallic symbols smaller than a cucumber. Maybe that's why I've never dated Asian men? *wink*

Schmoop said...

VE: He is now known as Phuket Scissor Hands. Cheers!!

PP: I am hurt deeply. Enjoy your rice. Cheers!!

Season: Please do. The more the merrier. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Boo: We have something in common. I've never dated Asian men either. Cheers!!