Wednesday, July 30, 2008

General Discontent for the Major Pandering Towards Our Privates

Even more so than during the Presidential Election of 2004, I see a very disturbing trend coming to full blossom in the 2008 election.

Damn the policy issue differences between McCain and Obama…

Screw the differences in the direction that each wants to take…

To Hell with the positives and negatives of each candidate…

What is becoming a major issue in various ways is, “Who do the soldiers, sailors, and Marines want elected as their Commander-in-Chief?”

I have a four word response to that question: “I Don’t Fucking Care!!”

Allow me a moment of exfoliation explanation…I don’t care in the sense that I don’t consider the vote of a soldier under the gun in Iraq (or anywhere else) to be worth more than mine…

Much like I don’t consider my vote worth more than his or hers.

The McCain camp has made a big to do about Obama “dissin” the injured military personnel during his stop in Germany.

Yeah, it was a bad political decision by Obama.

Of course, McCain conveniently omits that Obama spent plenty of time with soldiers while in Afghanistan and during the Middle East leg of his trip.

The political imagery faux pas is not my point…

My point is that people in the military have become electoral tools of visceral reaction as far as the political process.

For God sakes, Bill Cunningham, a talk show host on 700 WLW has stated that soldiers are almost in unanimous support of McCain, as if that should decide my vote.

He has, in the past, even said that the vote of military personnel should count as two votes.

Sure he may be kidding (or more likely trying to ease his guilt and cowardice over being deferred from service during Vietnam due to a “bad knee”) but by God, his slope headed listeners eat it up.

Under Cunningham’s system, if Julius Caesar were running for President of the United States, he’d be a shoo-in!!

I have already seen spokesmen and ads from Veterans’ 527 groups on both sides extolling the reasons as to why their candidate is the best choice.

As for me, save your breath boys…I don’t care about what you say in your 30 second sound bites, here’s what I care about and as a member of the military so should you…

Stop pontificating on who missed out on a nice photo-op with injured, bed ridden men and women who stepped up to serve their country proudly and bravely.

And don’t tell me how much more one candidate respects your service more than the other.

Instead, focus on who may repair the neglect of those of you who serve as far as pay, health and death benefits, mental and physical rehab, and a decent quality of life.

You guys deserve more than a photo-op…

You deserve to be able to take care of your families and yourselves comfortably.

And, if you return home with injuries, you deserve to be healed inside and out.

Much like any other group, I myself would, if I could, do anything to insure that…

Well, anything short of having my vote be worth less than yours.



Willie G said...

Great thoughts. Couldn't agree more!!

Jay said...

Come on now, Matt. You know that it all comes down to the fact that Democrats all hate America and want the terrorists to win. I mean sure, while John McCain was in Germany earlier this year, he wasn't allowed to go visit the troops because we was on a political trip instead of official congressional trip so he went to a fundraiser instead.

But, he doesn't have to visit wounded troops. He's a republican. That means that he loves Gawd and America more than you do.

I hope you understand how it all works now.

As for how the military will vote, it will be pretty similar to the way it always is. Obama, the democrat, will do better among the enlisted and McCain, the republican, will do better among the officers.

Schmoop said...

Willie: Thanks you my good man. Cheers!!

Jay: Thanks for the enlightenment. I am but a simple caveman blogger.

Y'know, the sad thing is, if we weren't "at war" no candidate on any level would give a shit about the troops.

Our military is such a convenient backdrop when deployed in harm's way. Cheers Jay!!

Lu' said...

The average American really doesn't have a clear picture as to the bad hand the soldier in our country is dealt with regard to the govenments commitment to their well being and the well being of their families.

Dana said...

Being the snobby veteran that I am, I don't even think that my vote - or those of active duty military - should count more than your Matt-Man ... well, maybe more than yours, but not more than Jay's *giggle*

Like you, I'm tired of hearing that I should vote a certain way because it's what [insert your favorite special interest group here] thinks I should do. This country would fare much better if people would take the initiative to vote responsibly, based on the issues and the past performance of the candidates, rather than on the media coverage.

And damn it! Take care of those that serve this country. We are most definitely failing them!

Schmoop said...

Lu: Yeah, it's a shame. But hey, in some cases a military family can get all of the free cheese that they want. Cheers Lu!!

Dana: I was just bringing the two vote one man idea up because people like Cunningham and his mouth breathing listeners are out there.

Far too many voters, in my opinion are missing one crucial element...The ability to think critically.

They also lack of ability to break away from group think. Cheers Dana!!

Ken said...

Broken, I'm telling you, it's all broken.

I'm not saying it can't be fixed, a natural disaster of biblical proportions would most likley help the most.

Anonymous said...

I certainly don't think their votes should be worth more than mine but I do respect the opinion of those who serve in the military. I think they know what is best for them as a unit but their opinion isn't going to sway me (cause I vote Republican anyway).

Schmoop said...

Micky: Well Mick, when the Rapture comes, Baby Jeebus will initiate that disaster that you so look forward to. Cheers Mick!!

Lady Jaye: Well the worth more than mine thing was of bit of an aside. Have a great day you Republican, you. Cheer, LJ!!

Lex Valentine said...

What a grisly photo! The McCain one, not the guy on fire. That one is beyond sad.

Schmoop said...

Winter: Ha. Very Good, Winter. Cheers!!

Knight said...

I'm going to vote for whoever Kanye tells me to. He is the new Jebus right?

Schmoop said...

Knight: Ha. I always knew you were a deeper thinker than most!! Cheers Knight!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

And I am with Mickey. The human races needs a HUGE enema and frankly it would be better off in the first world rather than just wiping out a bunch of poor Indonesians.

Schmoop said...

Starr: As you have done so very often, while I would like to respond to your comment in an eloquent way, I have nothing to add to what you just said. : ) Cheers Starr!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Danke =)

My current post has to do with the Army as well although it is rather less complimentary than yours. Not that it makes the military any more or less special. Their are asshats in every labeled group in society.

Unknown said...

I rather suspect that Bill Cunningham doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.

Schmoop said...

Starr: I'll be by later and read what I am sure is a most scintillating post. Cheers!!

Nick: Oh he knows EXACTLY what he is talking about. He's a ratings whore. Im sure you can pick him up where you are...He's on every weekday 12-3. Cheers Nick!!

Unknown said...

I shall not try to listen to him. I am still trying to flush Rush out of my memory!

blue said...

lol at your comment'd I miss that???

I have a soft spor for our servicemen. I was just listening to an ad this morning and turned it off. I'm ashamed that either side is using our guys and gals as pawns for their political bullshit.

Liz Hill said...

It's just been a while but this tactic is so not new.

leelee said...

"Far too many voters, in my opinion are missing one crucial element...The ability to think critically. "

ACK!!!!!!..this is what gets me the most...



Schmoop said...

Nick: I feel your pain. Cheers Nick!!

Blue: Ha. Glad you liked it. And you're right, it is bullshit. Cheers!!

TB: Not new, but oh my how Johnny Mac is gonna play it up. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Leelee: Good luck wishin' for that!! Cheers Cutie!!

As American as Apple Pie said...

So really, the only good candidate left to vote for is you!

I have a great idea for your platform. Actually Lu came up with it. Check out my latest blog comments.

Dianne said...

The fact that Rudy Guiliani didn't make it past Florida gives me some hope in the 'do they realize they're being manipulated' department.

That asshat mentioned 9/11 every 30 seconds and tried to pass himself off as having single handedly rescued NYC. Fucking dick! And he tried the usual Republican tactics that Jay described so eloquently. And he failed!!

All I want is for McCain to keep being himself and for more of the public to pay attention.

Schmoop said...

Apple: Damn Straight, and I shall be over. Cheers!!

Dianne: Rudy was awful. He did indeed mention nothing but 9-11. Hey did you know that McCain was in the Navy? He sure was. He was in the Vietnam War too. Betcha didn't know that. Cheers Di!!

Ed & Jeanne said...

What about siamese twins? Do they get one more vote than you? Is your vote worth less than theirs? This is important stuff!

Schmoop said...

VE: If they are attached by the head they get one vote, anywhere else, they get two. Cheers!!

Travis Cody said...

All politicians pander. But to insinuate that one group's vote is more important than another group's is irresponsible.

A person becomes President for all of us. And I know that thinking is naive because getting elected has almost nothing to do with being President.

Schmoop said...

Travis: Well said as always Travis. Political skill and being President are two different things. Cheers!!

Marilyn said...

I'm a Catholic homeschooling liberal. I should get more votes because I belong in so many demographics all at once. I'm a woman too. If only I were a part of a minority ethnic group, I'd be worth six or sven votes, at least.

I'm so tired of the whole political campaign thing. Can't a celebrity be caught in a sex scandal with a Senator or something so we don't have to hear about all the trumped up pretend issues for a while?

Schmoop said...

Marilyn: Your crystal clear grasp of the fabric of the American poltical process is dead on Marilyn. Cheers!!