Saturday, August 02, 2008

Driving Thru My Thoughts

I have to work all day today.

Yes indeed, 11 A.M. until 9 P.M. That’s an entire 8 hours…er… you figure it out. It’s a long time.

Hopefully, Schmoop will stop by with some food and a smile.

My brother, Marte’ may come through and harass me for a minute.

And Sherri, if you’re reading this…

You are more than welcome to stop by and talk on your cell phone while I stand there looking like a big goob.

I worked last night and it’s funny the thoughts that enter my mind when I work. Here’s a few that permeated my mind last night in between customers.

It would suck to be homeless, but I’ve noticed one thing that the homeless folks here in Bagwine have on me. During the summer, those urban nomads have killer tans.

We are located next to a Donatos pizza.

I think people enjoy torturing me by picking up their pizza and then coming through my place to pick up pop and beer as their Serious Meat pizza sits on their passenger seat. The smell is incredible.

I have been analyzing the word, “hoagie”. I mean, I love hoagies, but I don’t know how I feel about the word itself. Do I like it or not?

After working at the Thru for a few months, I have found that 95% of all people are pretty damn nice.

I have a new addiction. I am hooked on the energy drink, Nos.

Man, that stuff is liquid speed. My pusher was my 13 year old son. He turned me onto it…The little shit.

Sometimes I wish wearing a cape was socially acceptable. I’d wear one. I’d look good in a cape.

I haven’t made breakfast for us in quite awhile. I think I will Sunday morning since I am off.

I came to the conclusion at about 8:15 last night that I am one goofy mutha fuckah.

And there you have it…

I will be awarding the COW tomorrow. Until then my friends…



Jay said...

I worked for a pizza joint while I was in college. It was illegal to deliver beer, but not illegal to just pick some up for somebody on the way to their house with the pizza. And then they could just give me a big tip that just happened to cover the price of the beer and a couple of extra dollars for my trouble. I almost got fired when the boss found out I was doing that.

He wasn't too happy when he found out I was trading pizza for free admission and free beer to a couple of clubs in town either. He wasn't much fun.

Dana said...

Well, of course they pick up the pizza first! It's OK if the pizza gets cold, but don't let the beer get warm!!

... and no. you're not one goofy mutha fuckah, you are a goofball - there is a distinct difference!

katherine. said...

11 to 9...isn't that ten hours?

I wonder how many people would give you a piece of pizza if you asked?

NOS Ruminations?
nah...doesn't quite have the same ring to it....

Dice Mardell said...

Yes, purely as a social experiment I (anyway) would set out to ask every customer who drove by my window with a pizza if I could have a slice.
...this is just one of the many ways I entertain myself.
And it would make excellent blog fodder t'boot!

and, D'OH...of course a pizza can get cold and taste almost equally as good if not better - but nobody wants a warm beer. Thank you, Dana.

So don't feel bad, goob, their intent is not to torture you at all, but to make the person at home who didn't stock up on the beverages WAIT for his or her pizza! Thus, torturing them! HA!

Schmoop said...

Jay: Some people are just can't get their arms around the barter system, your old boss is the goofy one. Cheers!!

Dana: And I am assuming that you mean that in the kindest of ways. Cheers Dana!!

Kat: Ohhhhhhhh. Ten Hours ours. Thank You. Yeah, NOS Rumionations sounds too religious. Cheers Kat!!

Lu' said...

That's one way to get a comment out of Dice, mention pizza :) Add dealer to your list of professions. I may grab some NOS for my trip to Illinois. I've been tagged as the driver and we want to make it a straight shot. Plan was Starbucks with a shot of expresso and oh yes sugar; buzzzzzzzzz. I get sleepy in the car, whatch the new and see how this turns out HA! Yo Matt-Man, YOU WOULD LOOK GOOD IN A CAPE.

Schmoop said...

Dice: Aha...Maybe you have touched upon the real reason indeed.

I told a couple that their KFC that they had smelled good. They offered me some of their chicken and a biscuit. How Sweet. Cheers!

Schmoop said...

Lu: I would look good wouldn't I. Hey that NOS is some goooood stuff. And by the way, when driving thru Ohio, wave to me. Cheers Lu!!

Ken said...

That's nice of you to offer "us" breakfast. Were leaving here this morning on our way north so we'll plan a Motel 6 in your neighbohood for tonight and we'll see you for breakfast say...8:00 AM. That good for you? My eggs over medium please.
We do MoTo 6 because our Lab Luca is always welcome.

Schmoop said...

Micky: Have a safe trip. And in all seriousness, if you come near us on your way there or back, feel free to stop by.

I'd be happy to make breakfast, lunch, or dinner for you guys. Happy Trails, and Cheers!!

Cheesy said...

Holey crap!! Pass me a wing lol

I think an Inky and lola toon posted right before the drive thru requesting a slice-o-pie would be funny!

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: They have decent wings.

I have had a major Inky and Lola mental block of late. I can't think of anything funny for them. They're getting restless. Cheers Cheesy One!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Try some NOS and vodka :0

Anonymous said...

Wearing a cape is NOT socially acceptable? Is that why people stare at me?

You can Call me AL said...

I look like Dom DeLuise when I wear a cape. Sucks trying to fight crime when everyone is laughing!!!

Mo and The Purries said...

I've not heard of NOS.
Is that "no ordinary shit"
or "now open sesame"

Damn, I miss Donatos. We don't have 'em up here!

Dianne said...

By my calculations you are already 4 to 6 hours into your work day - what with time zones and exchange rates.

I like picturing you there - in my mind you always wear a cape.

Karen said...

I think you can certainly wear a cape. A black one of course. Maybe with a top hat and stick cane. Oh, and a monocle! You would be one sexy fella dressed like that.

Travis Cody said...

After 43+ years you are just now recognizing your goofiness? Sheesh! I knew I was goofy at 3.

And dude! If you start the midwest cape renaissance, I'll try to start it in the pacific northwest. We'd be dashing in capes. Let's go for the top hats and walking sticks too.

Jeff B said...

If you're going to start wearing a cape does that mean there's a side kick in your future?

Shot Glass Boy perhaps?

CreativeMish said...

Love your random thoughts. Must be the NOS. Work, Play, Food, Fun.. at least you're not a dull boy!

Schmoop said...

Starr: Brilliant!! Cheers Starr!!

Metal: Noooo. They stare at you 'cause you're HAWT. Cheers!!

Al: Ha. Very Good, Al. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Mo: I dunno what it means. No Donatos? Outrageous!! Cheers Mo-Man!!

Dianne: Ha. You are a mess. I love it. Cheers Di!!

Karen: I'd kinda look like Mr. Peanut in that get up. Maybe I'll change my Phibert. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Travis: Thy will be done. Bring on the Capes!! Cheers Travis!!

Jeff: Ha. I like that idea. Maybe I'll start open auditions. Cheers!!

Marilyn: I try not to be and yes, that NOS is some kinda of good legal drug. Cheers!!

Lex Valentine said...

Motley got me hooked on the low carb Monsters. Little bitch. And you posted hot wings! GAH! I am now starving! And I had hot wings twice last week. I guess you can never have enough hot wings. I'm off to order some. Hope your weekend is great!

Schmoop said...

Winter: Love da wings. And see hot these yungin's are? Energy drink pushers. Cheers Winter!!

Schmoop said...

Evil: It is the best of both worlds!! Cheers!!