Today is April 1st, and we all know what today is…That’s right!!
Glenn Beck Day!!
Oh sure you may think today is April Fools’ Day, but in the World of Bagwine, I have taken tom foolery to the nth degree and deemed it, Glenn Beck Day.
Who better to represent the fools in our country? Damn straight. Nobody. Glenn “Slugnutty” Beck is the Pied Piper of Fools.
Ol’ Glenn has been around for awhile. He’s worked in radio, written books, had a show on CNN, and now is spewing his supreme goofiness to the masses via the FOX News Network.
If you are unfamiliar with the Beck-Tard click HERE. It will take you to a You Tube page full of videos teeming with some of Beck’s most hilarious work.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can fake cry, while pleading with the viewer to look into his eyes like the Beck-Tard.
For a guy who hates Muslims, Mexicans, Katrina victims, and anyone who doesn’t share his views, he is one sensitive son of a bitch.
He is also, the penultimate American.
He is George Washington, Joe McCarthy, and Lee Greenwood rolled into one.
Hell, with all of his fake crying and if he wears lacy, women’s panties like I think he does, throw a little Tammy Faye Bakker into the Beck-Tard mix as well.

The 9-12 Project is designed to bring us all back to the place we were on September 12, 2001. The day after America was attacked we were not obsessed with Red States, Blue States or political parties. We were united as Americans, standing together to protect the greatest nation ever created.
That same feeling – that commitment to country is what we are hoping to foster with this idea. We want to get everyone thinking like it is September 12th, 2001 again.
That is so warm…so American…so full of shit coming from a guy like Beck, who said this:
“It took me about a year to start hating 9/11 victim families…When I see them, I say, ‘Oh shut up.’…They are always complaining.”
God Bless You, Glenn Beck, you magnificent nut job, you. You make me laugh. You’re my favorite fool and my favorite tool.
I chuckle when you say things like:
“Believe in something. Even if it’s wrong. Believe in something.”
Ya mean like your 9-12 Project, Beck-Tard?
He is a fool…or is he? Hell, he’s making some big time cash. He has millions of viewers and listeners, and is idolized by many God-Fearin’ ‘Murricans.

Perhaps it is the people who take him and his goofy antics and blathering seriously.
After all, it is Glenn Beck who also says the following:
“As I say on the air all the time, '…if you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot.' "
Happy April Fools’ Day to all, especially those mouth breathers who adore the Beck-Tard, all the while being called, idiots.
I like Beck although he is way too moderate for me. He has a good radio show and counters the ultra liberal spin of the MSM.
However just like Rush, he is a media personality first and foremost and it's foolish to follow them like they are rock stars.
Hammer: I looooathe the man. He's not a serious thinker. He's a guy who started out as a comic/DJ, and found a niche. I find him to be a major league asshole. Cheers!!
I loathe him too. I'd hate him if he huffed Obama's jock. He comes off as such a smug self satisfied toad. And his stupid 1 man act they was preview before EACH FRICKIN MOVIE we saw for 2 months...I wanted to choke him to death with the Christmas sweater his mama made him. Bah Humbug.
He's just another smug s.o.b. who is nothing more than a cartoon-like character saying the most outrageous stuff he can think of knowing that the same group of people who follow Rush and O'Reilly and Hannity will also follow along behind him.
Starr: Oh he's a peach isn't he? His histrionics of late during his show are like something out of a Fellini film. And people eat this shit up. Well, I do too, but only for comedic value. Wow. Cheers!!
Jay: He is a dirt bag. Kinda like a televangelist preaching to the right wing. Of course, take Hannity, Rush, and O'Lielly out of your comment and you just descibed me. Cheers Jay!!
Heaven forfend poor Fellini having to deal with that!
Starr: I think Beck is channeling him. Cheers!!
Awww Matt-Man! You commie constitution hater you! You know I've got a soft spot (no! Not on my head!) for Glen. I'm with Hammer on this one - he is an entertainment persona first - but has some ideas that I think are quite sensible. I think you might just have a little bit of Beck envy *wink*
Dana: Beck envy? Sensible ideas? Yeah, I really thought his comment that "Jesus and Hitler had alot common." was spot on. Oy Vay and Donnervetter!! Cheers!!
Metal: Of course he's an ass, but just like O'Reilly, I watch him for the sheer comic value. Cheers!!
Perhaps it is the people who take him and his goofy antics and blathering seriously.
This is a REAL problem that the republicans have in this country, people take these guys complety for their word, no matter how outrageous they spin a subject.
Micky: I agree, but the same thing applies to those on the far Left who think Keith Olbermann and others like him, are always correct. Cheers!!
I agree, but there are many who don't watch TV and only listen to the radio. Oy!
Micky: True...I for one do both. And actually given my schedule I actually listen to radio more. And I listen to right wing talk. The people who call in are often more funny in an inane way than the hosts. Cheers Mick!!
So uh... why do you keep listening to him? I'm not a fan of talk radio as it makes me want to jab sharp objects into my ears but can't you just not listen to the show? I know, I know, you like to stay informed.
Knight: First of all, I am a news junkie. Whether it be straight forward news reporting or talking head opinion shows, I watch and/or listen.
And...Beck, whether intentionally or not, is one funny mo-fo, in a, "watching a man lose his mind" kinda way. Kinda like O'Reilly. Cheers!!
...I live for the day when I can use the word 'penultimate' in a sentence...
He is the kind that, when it becomes more popular to lean left hard, will do so...
Rush was a liberal commie bastard once, so was Bob Grant, until it was more economically beneficial to become a conservative ideologue
Phfrankie: Ha. I will tell you, and Schmoop will confirm it, "penultimate" has always been one of my favorite words. Cheers!!
Bond: Indeed. Hell, Rus Limpballs, who rails against entitlements, was more than once on welfare. "Damn my priciples, full ratings, ahead!!" Cheers Vinny!!
I discovered Beck by accident (much like his Mama did) when he was interviewing Danny Bonaduce - another clear thinker - and Beck was begging Danny to become born again as a way to save himself from his addictions. Nobody holds a recovery meeting like Jeebus does!!
I forget what Beck said he was addicted to - but the sheer theater of it was amazing
and now he has graduated to wailing while the flag waves on the green screen
I'm waiting for the day they find footage of him and Rush blowing each other in the Minneapolis bathroom surrounded by prescription drug bottles in the name of Jesus Christ and Uncle Sam.
Dianne: Well, Beck being a Born-Again Mormon (or is that Moron) is looking out for everyone's soul. He's Godly that way.
Wow...If Rush and Beck get together, who's the guy and who's the girl? Cheers Di!!
What a maroon
TB: I Love You...You know why? That's what Bugs Bunny would say. Love the Bugs. Cheers TB!!
Ok. Ok. But is he SINGLE?
Fantasy: Um...No...And I feel sorry for his wife and kids if he has any. Cheers Meg!!
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