A video on that later.
However, while I looove the Baby Jeebus…His self-proclaimed mouthpiece, Pope Benedict XVI, has pissed me off once again.
Yep, Blitzkrieg Benny during his recent tour of Africa, said that condom use is evil. “No Condoms, Dammit!!”, he said.
Okay he didn’t say, “Dammit.”, but he said that they shouldn’t be used.
He says that condoms will cause more problems than they will help to prevent the spread of AIDS.
Benny, just because you were lecturing while touring the Dark Continent doesn’t mean you have to remain in the Dark Ages.
I know…God doesn’t want the gift of sperm-driven life wasted merely on the pleasures of sexual gratification, but…
What the hell? Should we take you and your Priests lead on how to practice birth control?
And no, I’m not talking about celibacy.
I’m talking about boinking 12-16 year old boys. I mean, yeah, that’s an effective method of not getting anyone pregnant, but c’mon!!

Does he have to initiate a religious schism between a young boy’s ass cheeks to do it?
And another thing…Why can’t women be Priests?
Y’know…If you Joan of Arc, Mary Magdalene, or even the Virgin Mother herself were alive today, they would not be permitted to be Priests?
And as I said, still today, the Catholic Church is speaking out against responsible, safe sex and birth control practices.
The Catholic Church, and the current Nicene Nazi are just not getting it.
The hierarchy of that Church blows, and that is why I haven't considered myself a Catholic since Notre Dame won the National Championship in football back in 1988.
In fact, I think all organized churches blow. Jeebus never needed a church. He just needed a crowd with whom to discuss peace, love, and understanding.
And that my friends, is how it should be. And how I wish it was today.
And now…A short video of the Bagwine Easter Tree.
Enjoy, Bitches!!
not to mention in the 21st century in a major metropolitan city in the United States of America there is no way to get any other soup in a restaurant on Friday other than clam chowder!
nice tree.
Kat: Ha. Thanks...Mmmmmm, clam chowder. Love it. Cheers Kat!!
Easter tree?? And here I thought a Christmas tree was a bad idea!
I'm taking donations towards fulfilling my quest to be the first female priest. I'm think a little female half-nekkidness is just what all of those disturbed pedophiles ... I mead priests ... need to overcome their addiction!
You and I are of one mind on organized Religion. And can I just say that the line "dead stick figure baby Jeebus" killed me? I choked on my bacon.
Oh gosh...did I just say bacon out loud?
PS....blogger is a whore.
When the Pope made his asinine statement I was like, "WTF" and why in God's green earth are people taking his word for ANYTHING! Organized religion sucks and the only good faith is within.
If a PEZ dispenser is still in the wrap, is it really a dispenser?
I really love your dead on drawing of Jesus. You really nailed him.
Oh shit, Jay may owe me a new computer. I just spit coke on my screen. And I *NEVER* spit.
Condom use goes against most of the social mores in Africa anyway so Bennnie boy is just keepin it real.
I wonder what kind of bare backed action ole been-a-dicked got when he was in the hitler youth?
so what do you do about stockings?
Dana: You wanna be a priest? I thought you liked your Sundays off. Cheers!!
Starr: Ha. I appreciate your humor induced choke....your use of the word bacon? Not so much. Blogger can be more than a bit annoying. Cheers!!
Michele: I agree and I must say. When it comes to matters of faith, why does anyone follow other mere mortals. Sad. Cheers Michele!!
PITS: Ha. Brilliantly humorous in a minimalist way. Well Done. Cheers!!
Jay: Why thanks, Jay. I just hope I didn't cross the line. Cheers!!
Starr: Wow. You're choking and spitting all over the place. That makes me hot. Cheers!!
Hammer: Ha. Been-a-Dicked. I like that. Cheers Hammer!!
Hope: Don't use no stinkin' stockings...Benny said not to. Cheers Hope!!
Poor Judas, I think the Easter Bunny did it
Dianne: Well, can ya blame the Easter Bunny? He was just looking out for his own commercial interests. Cheers Sexy!!
The condoms, the discrimination against women, the no eating meat...so why is it you are observing lent?
Nice tree.
Fantasy: Thanks. I think it looks good. I started the 46 meatless day three years ago, just as a personal challenge, and Lent was the perfect fit. Not a Catholic thing, really. Just a Holy Happenstance, I guess. Cheers Meg!!
...you chose those two guys over Martin and Lewis?...
Phfrankie: Hey Laaaaaady...Yeah, they were the first popped into my head. I feel so ashamed now. Cheers P-Man!!
Love the video. To read the word Jeebus is funny but to hear you say it...priceless!!!
Jay & Starrlight, you're the topper on my comedy tree this morning. Thanks for that!
A couple of things we have in common, M-M (well, sorta...): (A) I LOVE PEZ. I used to refer to myself as Auntie PEZ because that is what I always brought to my neice and nephews. I have been to the PEZ Museum. It's not far from my house. (B) I decided to leave Doug II (my xmas tree) up all year too this year. Although I don't decorate him each month. He simply stands, in all his majestic greenness, in the corner of my living room patiently awaiting Xmas '09.
Dice: Ha. Thanks for the comment Di, I dig ya. And as for your tree...
I am going to save up all year so I can be under it naked when X-Mas 2009 comes 'round. Is that too forward of me? Cheers, Baby!!
Another freakin video...another day of not being able to see it...
Man dude...Jeebus wants me to see your videos...he implores you to send me an email
Bennie (the jet), and the rest of the Catholic Church needs to come into the 21st century and realize that condoms are not the devil's play toy
Bond: If Jeebus wanted you to see it, HE'D send you an email. Rubbers are the Devil's toy...when they bust. Cheers!!
Bless me father for I have sinned....my last confession.........
oh wait....I'm a recovering Catholic as well as recovering from many other things..
There are many things I disagree with the Catholic doctrine and I'm glad I was able to escape Catholism...(although some of it still sticks with me)..
and I love pez...I usually just unwrap it and stick the entire package in my mouth...
OMG! How on earth are you going to top this tree!! How about flowers for May?..Nah..Flags for the 4th? Nah..How about ME?!! J/K. Maybe. Zoves!
Dude? Where are the Peeps and eggs?
Teamster: Good Man...No longer a Catholic and eat Pez straight. I dig that. Cheers!!
Anony: Mmmmmmm. I'll top ya Schmoop; I'll top ya. Cheers!!
Cheesy: Peeps? Eggs? You Godless Secularist, you!! Cheers Cheesy!!
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