First of all, while typically, we are lucky to enjoy overcast skies and a high temp of 50 degrees on St. Paddy’s Day at best, it’s gonna be Sunny and 70 today.
Secondly, and maybe more importantly...
We found out yesterday that on Thursday July 16th, former front man of Men at Work, Colin Hay, will be performing at the Bagwine Summer Arts Festival.
I saw Men at Work along with INXS in concert in 1982. Twenty-Seven years later, I still dig Colin Hay…great voice, freaky eye, and all.
I have to work tonight, so no Hibernian-esque celebration for me. Which, being a man with the last name of Mahoney, is a bit hard to take, but…
Perhaps, when I come home tonight, Schmoop, who hails in part from the Callahan Clan, will allow me some celebratory time with her.
One can hope…And that my friends, would be my pot o’ gold.
Anyhoo…The times are a hoppin’ in Bagwine, O’hio today. There are a couple of Irish Pubs in town that will be O’ Rockin’.
One is called Murphy’s, and the other?
And that lads and lasses, is where my brother Marte’ and his band will be playing tonight. They’re pretty damn O’ Good.
Although there is one problem. You know what they call themselves? The Dreamboats…

My only solace about the name is that I know that when they came up with it, they were drunk and laughing maniacally.
So, to Marty-Boy and his mates…Break an O’ Leg tonight, O’ Bitches!!
With music on the mind, let’s us end our St. Paddy's Day post with a song. How about a video of me singing, “Lily the Pink”?
O’ why the Hell not. Enjoy…
And now, here's a 39 second outtake of the same video, because a Telemarketer decided to call...
Have a fun and safe St. Patrick’s Day, all.
Cheers and Slainte!!
I'll come back later and listen to the vids, but wanted to be first!
Happy St. Paddy's Day to ye, me darlin'.
Happy St. Paddy's day to you boyo. JR and the lad will have some corned beef, cabbage, potatoes & Guinness just for you.
Songbird: Well that's cool, but I hate to tell ya...There is no prize. Happy SPD and Cheers!!
Michele: Yeah, so I've heard. Man, a reuben sounds soooo damn good right now. Happy St. Paddy's Day to you and the family. Cheers Michele!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to my fellow Irishman! Watch out for all the dumbass drunks while you're at work Tuesday night.
And why am I not surprised that you have a green jacket and tie. ;-)
Alright Matty, this is an important question. Men at Work or Cargo?
Happy Bog Trotting Day! Bog Trotter is what my Grandmother called the Irish, nevermind that even if she was born in England her Father was Irish (Wild Bill Killian) and her Mother was Scots (Bets McGibbon)which would make her half bog trotter. Oh and Bloody Orangemen as well ;)
Happy Saint Paddy's Matty!!! I'm having a Reuben in your honor--a local Irish pub makes them with buttery corned beef sliced thin and piled high, dripping with savory juices mmmmmmmmm wanna bite?
Well done, laddie!
Have an enjoybale and unsober St. Patty's Day.
Happy St. Paddy's Day! I hope you and Schmoop have fun doing the "jig"
Jay: Right back at ya O'Jay-Man. That jacket is a thing of beauty. Hopefully the revelers will stay at the bars until I get off at 9. Cheers Jay!!
Starr: Ooooooo. Tough question. It usually depends on my mood. I like em' both. Wanna get together and do some Bog Trotting. Cheers Starr!!
TB: No thanks, but I would loooove to lick the savory juices off of your chin. Cheers Sexy!!
Nick: Why thank ya sir and Have a loveley St Pat's Day as well. Cheers!!
Vodka: We're going to play Insurection Irish Girl and the British interrogator. Cheers VM!!
I will pass my broken leg to the band!
Have a slap happy green #9!!!
Ahhh and LOL at the damned phone!
Cheesy: Ha. Number 9, Mmmmmm. I'll send Marty a picture of your cast and let him know. As for the phone? Those bastards always seem to know when I am making a video!! Cheers Cheesy!!
No Corned Beef? This no meat for Lent thing is not as important as Corned beef on St Paddy's Day dude...
So, what were they selling and did you buy any?
Bond: I beg to differ...Jeebus outranks St. Patrick. I have no clue what they were selling. Didn't answer it and they didn't leave a message. Cheers Vin!!
Happy St Paddy's from our humble abode to yours, Matty dear!
May you be half an hour in Heaven before the Devil knows you're dead!
Anndi: Right back at ya Sexy. Enjoy the celebration and the libation. Cheers Anndi!!
...you're like...the David Archuletta of Bagwine, O'hio...
Phfrankie: Ha. Good One. Bastard. Cheers P-Man!!
oh you are a good Irish lad!
Happy St. Paddy Matty
Dianne: Same to ya, hot stuff...I am such a good Irish lad that every St. Paddy's Day I wake up and piss on a picture of Lord Mountbatten. Cheers Di!!
In our house we had corn....and we had beef. Never did we have, corned beef. I remember cabbage a few times, certainly not on the top my list.
Anyway this Sicilian Frog wishes you a very happy St Patty's day.
Micky: Ha...Well next January, I will make it a point to wish you a Very Happy St. Ciro Day. Cheers Mick!!
Way to work that tie, Mattman!!!
I'm Scotch Irish Mexican, so only 1/3 of the xox is actually Irish...lol
Happy St. Patrick's Day anyway.
Hope: Ha Thanks. And let me tell ya...1/3 of a hug and a kiss from you is worth 5 from most chicks. ; ) Cheers Hope!!
Nice song, but why aren't you drinking an Irish beer?
Fantasy: Eh? I like Harp, but it's no big deal.
Hell, the biggest seller in Ireland is Bud, and Miller is owned by an Irish Company which makes Milwaukee's Best Light, so in essence I am drinking an Irish beer. Cheers Meg!!
I love how you sing, "ra-a-ace" and keep time in your head. What might you be thinkin' is the "medicinal compound?"
I saw MAW in 1982, also! Ha! I remember there was an interpreter for the deaf off to the side of the band - kind of bouncing along and signing the lyrics. I thought that was the coolest thing!
Happy Saint Paddy's Day to YOU, a ghra'!
Desert Rat: Well, I try to keep true to the Irish Rovers version. You saw MAW in '82? I saw them at King's Island. It was fun. Although,, I'm dissed...
I don't think we had an interpreter for the deaf. I want my money back!!
Happy St. Paddy's Day and to you I say, grrrrrrr. ; ) Cheers Rat!!
Any room in that little Irish game for a real redhead? ;)
Happy St. Patty's Day, MM!
Desert Rat: I love it when you speak, animal. Cheers Rat!!
RLL: Oh Hell yeah. No matter what...There's always room for a hot redhead. Cheers Sexy!!
happy St Paddy's day Matty! I bet you were busy at work today. And I am jealous that Schmoop gets so much bend over action! You might just be the closest to the perfect man that I know in the blog world.
Snugs: Ha. Why thanks and it's funny you say that considering the post I am writing for Wednesday.
It was busy, but only one jerk, so all in all not a bad night. Have a lovely evening, Snugs. Cheers!!
I like the picture with your Irish eyes a-smilin'
the videos were great...you can really sing..
Kat: Thanks...You may be alone in that assessment of my singing however. Cheers Kat!!
Hope your St. Paddy's day wasn't a total wash. Nice jacket and tie. Be back to watch vids when I'm on a computer with speakers (boss disabled mine somehow after I listened to one of Vinny's entries at full blast).
Angell: Ha. I would have disabled them as well. Enjoy your evening, Angell. Cheers!!
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