It’s not so much a result of what I write on my site.
In fact, as hard as I try, I can’t seem to offend anyone while they’re reading Bagwine Ruminations…
(Well, except for our resident crazy commenter and blogsite bunny boiler, Nicole.)
No my friends, the hate of me is the result of the comments that I leave upon the sites of others.
Case in point…
I made a comment on Sarge Charlie’s site the other day about how Liberal talking heads like Keith “May I Kiss You on the Mouth, President Obama” Olbermann still bash Bush, and right wingers, like Glenn (Hitler and Jesus Had Alot in Common) Beck keep talking about 9/11.
I was merely making a point that people on either fringe can’t seem to shake their ideologies and move forward on our nation’s problems.
Ol’ Sarge made a short post about my comment and here are some the responses that have been directed towards moi.…
Amazing Gracie: I don't know why Sheila and Matt have to continue to come here and pass gas where we all can smell it!
It just gripes them that we aren't kissing their messiah's butt. I stay away from fights, as a rule, but rudeness cannot be tolerated. Grow up, folks!
As it stands, I still have free speech. Don't know if that will remain true and that's why we knuckle-draggin' conservatives are trying to save your collective necks!

Someone needs to grow up alright, and it ain’t me, Gracie.
Here’s a classic…
Sandee (Comedy+): Who cares what he says? Just saying Sarge. He's never done anything worthwhile for his country. Well, except complain that is.
Ol’ Sandee, now there’s a piece of work. She should start something called the 4-M Club. Why?
Because she hates Mexicans, Muslims, and Matt-Man!! But, to her point…
I do plenty for my country. I pay taxes. I work. I help to raise a wonderful son. I vote. I help others whenever possible. And, I speak out both for and against things in which I believe.
And Mizz Bigot…I actually tried to join the USAF in 1988. However, I was not accepted.
Oh sure, I scored a 97 (out of 99) on the ASVAB or AFQT entrance test, but they DQ’d me…A TDQ for bronchitis and a PDQ because of eyesight.
I think they really said no because I mentioned an incident that took place in the early 80’s between my High School gym teacher Scrub Hubner, myself, a video camera, and a can of Gold Bond Medicated Powder.
What can I say? Back then, I was young and needed the money. But seriously…I do whatever I can, whenever I can for anyone, including my fellow Americans.
And, I do it without hating entire groups of people.

Holy Crap…I’d pay to see that, but I would feel sorry for Mr. Juarez.
Two of the things that irk me in the blogsophere are when people back down from saying what they feel and act as a yes-man and when folks try to silence others when a point of view doesn’t fit into to their Bubble of Truth.
While the vast majority of people who visit here are left of center, I adore the few who voice the differing opinions on my site.
Differing opinions are good. They’re useful. And most of all, they’re just plain fun.
And keep in mind, when two people (or more) agree on everything, every time…one of them is unnecessary.
I must give a tip of the hat to Sarge. He didn’t try to shut me up. Hell, he gave me big shout out in order to attempt to mock my point.
I dig that…a lot.
Mystery: You? Unnecessary? Nevah. I can't stop posting. I have things to say, dammit. ; ) Thanks, and here's to Number Nine for both of us. Cheers Chick!!
You and I more or less agree on most things. But, I would consider you a bit (okay, probably a lot) more liberal than me. But, at least you are willing to accept honest critiques of democrats and even dish out some criticism against them too.
It's those people who refuse to even entertain the idea that their side could even possibly be remotely close to wrong on ANYTHING at all that get on my nerves. They're so wedded to their ideology and party identity that they can't be objective.
I generally don't comment on blogs when they do political posts, unless I know it is someone who is respectful of other view points or whatever.
Jay: I think your assessment of where you and I stand is pretty dead on.
But like you said I try to be fair and let loose of my personal biases. Hell I used to work and in some instances run campaigns around here for Democrats. But I no longer do, because I cannot tolerate the majority of them.
I can be sarcastic and all, but I love a good back and forth between differing political views. Cheers Jay, and don't touch the Chips!! Jesus is watching. ; )~
You know, I read both Amazing Gracie and Sandee'sblogs, (I stopped reading Sarge's blog, but I still read his wife's blog). Whenever they post something with which I disagree, I just ignore it and move in. They're basically good people, and however we might disagree politically, they've always been gracious to me.
Then again, I don't rabble rouse like you, darlin' Matt, and while there are times when I totally get turned off by things you say (usually posts referring to Schmoop's menstrual cycle), I stick around because you have a great mind, a quick wit, and like someone said before, you're like the obnoxious, lovable oaf that we all befriended in high school.
Zoves to you, Matty me darlin'!
Songbird: I understand, but I just don't have it in me to move on at times. I just gotta get my digs in. Although, oddly enough my comment in question was hardly a dig. Oh, and obnoxious, maybe to some...Oafish? Never. Cheers!!
not being in the vast majority....
sometimes the sarge and the empress remind me so much of my grandparents I just love them. I don't always agree with them...but I will honor sarge's service forever.
Ya know I've had dinner with Sandee...and I think you may have misinterpreted along the line somewhere. As long as politics didn't come up you two would probably have a good time together.
I don't agree with any of you all the time.
Not sure why you and sarge keep sparing...I know differing opinions are good...but you seem to egg each other on.
And ya know dear one...when Nicole says something against you...YOUR readers step up and take your side...its not so surprising sarge's faithful will do the same.
(I'm NOT saying your commentary is anywhere close to Nicoles...I'm just saying the defense of friend is a common theme here to)
its late...I'm rambling...
Kat: I haven't any problem with Sarge at all. I enjoy the tit for tat with him.
As for Sandee...I know you met her awhile back, but eh, she has lamely bashed me on more than one occassion for whatever reason.
I know you have defended me before and I have appreciated it. There's a difference though.
Sarge's readers weren't defending him in these comments, as much as they were just trying to dump on me, while completely missing my point.
Ramble on, Kat. Cheers!!
..I looooooves me some Gold Bond Medicated Powder!...
I don't like confrontation but I will kick ass if need be. I'm not a yes woman I simply wont post a comment that is going to draw a lot of shit except when done unintentionally like what happened right here some time back. You afford people the oppotunity to disagree with you without getting in their face about it. I like that. I could call you a dick (but I would NEVER) and you wouldn't verbally put out a hit on me. Sorry but I like soft fuzzy critter, funny movies, pretty flowers, bright colors, hard liquor and a stiff man, oops did I say that :) I try not to upset my apple cart ya know what I mean. Have a good one Pal!
Phfrankie: Me too, but it cakes when applied to a sweaty gym teacher...I think I've said too much. Cheers!!
Lu: You can call me a dick anytime you'd like. I would find it arousing. But seriously, I don't mind being called a dick from time to time, because from more than time to time, I am!!
Enjoy your fuzziness pal. Cheers!!
You mean you were serious about your commentary all this time? ;)
Of course I'm preaching to the choir here when I say to those guys "Waaaah".
Now I'm off to have a steak with Satan during Lent...
VE: Hey. I have my serious side. It exists on three skin cells just below my right middle finger.
Enjoy your frickin' steak. I hope you don't choke on it. No, really. Cheers VE!!
First off, let me say that I totally agree with the concept you were trying to share. Zealots of any stripe be they red, blue, or any other color of the rainbow are annoying because they are incapable of changing their minds. Which makes them intellectual concrete. Not. Good.
I have plenty of folks whose politics I don't agree with 100%. Same goes for religion. And since I plan on moving to the South I am smart enough to know that talking either is like picking up a loaded gun.
But for the most part my red counterparts in the bloggin world are very polite and let me have my say and I let them have their say and we all agree to disagree. But with a zealot, you will never get that consideration.
It's two bad the two ladies in question had to exhibit such playground behavior and props to Sarge for letting you have your say.
There are many many ways to support one's country. I despise the implication that if one hasn't served in the military they haven't done anything for America. That is unbelievably ignorant thinking.
Now, I AM impressed if someone tells me they are a farmer.
"Left of Center." I like that.
Starr: Damn right. I love a good debate no matter the other person's leanings. These two chicks are just happy to live without thinking. It makes life soooo much easier. Cheers Starr!!
Desert Rat: Oh, and those people are out there. And more than I thought. Ha. Love the farmer comment. Cheers, you desirable bag of scientific bones, you!!
Sounds like it might be time for Ol Sarge to do a post on "tolerance". :-) You know I'm always interested in what you have to say, Matt-Man. There have been few occasions where I truly disagreed with something you said, but I've never known you to be rude or disrespectful to anyone for having their own opinions. Rock on, friend!
Giggle: I try never to shut someone up. As for Sarge...We never agree, but he isn't the problem, it's mainly his readers. Rock On, Baby. Cheers GP!!
We love you just the way you are. Fuck 'em if they can't recognize brilliance.
Sarge loves to take comments like yours and turn them into posts. He used to do that to me all the time. Those who visit him are the biggest group of sycophants i have ever seen. Their opinion is all that counts and if you are not five steps to the right of Attila the Hun, then you are a commie pinko useless humanoid to them
I have given up on going to his site...
Hate is a four letter word~
the biggest group of sycophants i have ever seen
Angell: Brilliance? Shut up and Kiss me. Cheers Angell!!
Bond: Well I dig it when he does. I am an attention whore. It does make my monitor lean when I go in there. Cheers Vin!!
Cheesy: That's very good Cheesy. ; ) Cheers!!
Kat: Maybe not sycophants, but it is a big blog bowl of group think. Cheers Kat!!
OMG, maybe you are my twin and we were seperated at birth. I am going thru the exact same thing. I detest that oposing opinions are not tolerated. If you are go ing to have an open blog put your big boy britches on and accept the fact that people are not always going to agree with you! You really are the best Matty!
While I appreciate Sarge's service and I really do adore Bee I just have no need to go there.
I love you Matty but I'll also kick your butt when needed. I also will not allow bashing of commenters on my site. A good bristling give and take discussion is one thing--bashing is another.
Snugs: Well maybe we she get "rejoined". Thanks Sungs and I say have good ol' open debate anytime and be a man about it. Or a woman as the case may be. Cheers to ya!!
TB: I love going there. ; ) It's what I do. I think if I am reincarnated I'll come back as a hot needle. And my butt is open fo rkicking anytime you feel the need. Cheers TB!!
I read the post at Sarge's and the comments, and none of it surprised me. I've stopped going there because it's not a debate or even a civil discussion. There isn't any respect shown to differing opinion there, and I refuse to get bogged down in that crap any more.
You, my friend, at least appreciate the debate and respect those who's opinions differ from yours.
Travis: Thanks Buddy. I didn't think I was out of line. Cheers Trav!!
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