Guess what I did? I did something completely wacky and which goes against my psycho emotional make-up.
Allow me to ‘splain.
I’ve had this computer roughly two years. Over these past couple of years, I had saved nearly 1,400 pictures onto said computer.
Many were pictures that I had personally taken and others were pictures that I had downloaded from the internets to use in my posts.
Well, late last week in spite of my acute disposition towards saving everything from old, illegible notes, worthless coupons, and copies of successfully resolved court orders to appear for paternity tests…
I, my friends, broke my fear of letting go of crap. I eschewed my character trait of being an uber-pack rat, and cleaned out my Pictures folder.
I started deleting this one and that one…That one and this one…And then, I made the ultimate leap of faith.
I said to myself...
“Hey dickhead, if you haven’t used these by now, you never will. Furthermore dumb ass, the ones you have used can be copied from your previous posts.”
So I, in mid-epiphany, hit “select all” and deleted every damn one of the pictures in my Pictures folder. All 1,400 of them.
It was liberating. It was life changing.
So I, in mid-epiphany, hit “select all” and deleted every damn one of the pictures in my Pictures folder. All 1,400 of them.
It was liberating. It was life changing.
And most importantly, I was impressed with myself for crying uncontrollably for only three minutes upon being smacked in the face by the reality of my actions.
I quickly dried my tears, and did a victory dance throughout the digs. Naked, of course. How refreshing.
For those of you suffering from a similar pack-rat related affliction. I hope you too will soon experience the joy that I did due to that “out of bondage from my fucked up mind” moment.
I quickly dried my tears, and did a victory dance throughout the digs. Naked, of course. How refreshing.
For those of you suffering from a similar pack-rat related affliction. I hope you too will soon experience the joy that I did due to that “out of bondage from my fucked up mind” moment.
Good Luck, but now…
A time to reflect on the incredibly sad passing of Bea Arthur, who died over the weekend.
Bea Arthur was not only a talented actor, he was one helluva guy as well.
His career spanned decades and he was best known for playing the sarcastic, pantsuit wearing, feminist Maude in the 70’s sitcom of the same name.
He won an Emmy for Maude and later an Emmy for his Golden Girl role as well as picking up a Tony for his role on Broadway in Mame.
Most do not know this, but Bea Arthur (whose real name was Beakman Arthur) opted to live as a woman because he could not get acting work in his early years in New York.
So, Beakman decided to bend his gender, shorten his name, and see if that would change his luck. Boy Did It!!
In addition to his Emmys and Tony Award, Bea was responsible in part for two Academy Award winning movies.
A time to reflect on the incredibly sad passing of Bea Arthur, who died over the weekend.

His career spanned decades and he was best known for playing the sarcastic, pantsuit wearing, feminist Maude in the 70’s sitcom of the same name.
He won an Emmy for Maude and later an Emmy for his Golden Girl role as well as picking up a Tony for his role on Broadway in Mame.
Most do not know this, but Bea Arthur (whose real name was Beakman Arthur) opted to live as a woman because he could not get acting work in his early years in New York.
So, Beakman decided to bend his gender, shorten his name, and see if that would change his luck. Boy Did It!!
In addition to his Emmys and Tony Award, Bea was responsible in part for two Academy Award winning movies.
Few know this, but Bea Arthur’s life inspired the Oscar winning films, Tootsie and The Crying Game.
Screw RuPaul, Bea Arthur always has been and always will be, The Queen Bitch.
Here’s to ya, Bea…
Screw RuPaul, Bea Arthur always has been and always will be, The Queen Bitch.
Here’s to ya, Bea…
You will be sorely missed by Hollywood, by Broadway, and by the gang down at the Silky SwordPlay Bar and Grille.
And to you all, on this liberating, yet mournful Monday…
Photobucket is da bomb. I have picture on it I forgot I have. Cause they ain't loadin down my C drive!
Currently having an introspective moment of silence for poor ol' Bea Bea. And points to anyone who gets where I stole that line ;)
Starr: I have to have my pictures here...In my puter...It's the OCD in me. The, Bea Bea? Not a clue. Cheers!!
I tend to save things also - not to the Oprah-intervention level, but I like stuff around.
That is one sexy picture of Bea. I never thought I'd say those words.
Hey now! Bea was a fellow burly broad. We are a rare and dying (clearly) breed!
All that porn. Gone in one keystroke. Very sad.
Starr is right. Photobucket rules. It's free and you can save up to 1,000 pics. I'm on my third account.
Flickr is even better, but it's not free if you want to upload lots and lots of pics.
Of course I tend to keep pics that I've taken in a folder on my computer and then decide I don't like the so I delete them. Then a couple of weeks later I wish I still had them.
you are far braver that I
Karen: Ha. It is sexy...I guess. I'm not at the intervention level either but it is quite an annoyance to me and others. Cheers Karen!!
Dana: Bea? A Broad? In the words of Austin Powers:
"She's a MAN, Baby!!" Cheers!!
Jay: I'll continue to keep my pics in my Pictures folder, but I am not going to let them build up like I did. I've quite good at that thus far. Cheers Jay!!
Kat: Ha. Let me tell you...I joke, but it actually was a tense couple of minutes as I pondered 86'ing them. Cheers Kat!!
I have been tempted to flush out my pics too. so many!
Micky: Let me tellz ya Mick...After a brief bout with anxiety and apprehension over flushing mine, when I open my folder now, I feel so much better. Cheers Mick!!
...I have never seen anyone set up their 'poot with the mouse BEHIND their keyboard...just sayin'...
I took most the personal pics I had an loaded them on to a jump drive making my computer a bit faster. I periodically delete the internet "grabbed" pictures and usually want one of the ones I deleted and then play hell trying to find it again. I don't have the patience I had when the computer was new to search endlessly for that perfect picture.
Phfrankie: Yet just another example as to why I am a cutting edge trendsetter. Cheers!!
Lu: I have always had a knack for finding in no time at all, that "perfect pic" to accompany my posts. I guess I just type in the perfect, or in most cases the lucky phrase more often than not. Cheers Lu!!
DUDE! seriously - Photobucket..or if your anal needs require you to have them at your physical home, buy an external hard drive (hell you can get a 160 gb portable external hard drive for like $60.00
why not a few flash drive thingies?
although I do respect, nay! admire the balls of just deleting
I loved Bea - especially in Maude, and for being so successful when SHE wasn't "beautiful" in any of the craptastic ways defined by society
today is one of those days when you made me laugh in spite of myself - and pissed me off at the same time
Bond: Seriously, Dude...Why bother if all it takes that I keep my folder cleaned out as I go? Why pay for an external Hard Drive that I don't need? So I can tell my friends when they come over...
"And here is my portable, external 160 GB Hard Drive. Isn't it pretty?" Cheers!!
Dianne: Ha. Well if I made you feel both pissed-offness and laughter, I feel that today was a success. As you know, I try to elicit both feelings most days from everyone.
I have a flash drive chip that I use, but I typically clean that out after uploading. It's not really a big deal, if I keep deleting my folder as I go...Can we get naked now? Cheers Di!!
photobucket....snapfish.....smugmug......there are many of them....but if you are a computer "loser" like me, you need to be careful. When I first met Katherine, I wanted to share with her a folder of "white water rafting" trip I was on. I meant to only share that one folder and unknowingly, i sent "all" of my photos.....she was very gracious in telling me of my doings....I stay away from those photo services..
Teamster: Interesting, and EXACTLY what were on those photos? Then again, just keep the content to yourself. Cheers!!
Matt- First of all, great blog. Secondly, good job on getting rid of all the illegal porn. Last but not least, the rupaul tag almost made me urinate myself.
Candice: Ha. Why thanks...And thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
You've got a good one, that really, that's what I meant. Get your mind out of the gutter, people!! Cheers Candice, and thanks again!!
I have an external hard drive and rarely delete anything. Of course I deal with image files for my work too. Between work and blogging, I have quite a collection of images I will never use again.
Being a pack rat must be a trait that many Aquarians share...
I used to be out of sentiment, but now I am out of lack of timeness. Cause honey you get me a dumpster and I will toss. I have seen too many things and people come and go and live to talk about it to care much about keeping most stuff. Books and CD's not withstanding =)
No Kidlet...LOOK OUT. That girl saves belly button lint, I swear.
Marilyn: I have a collection of images I wish I had never taken!! Cheers!!
Songbird: Yeah, it must be something in the stars. Cheers!!
Starr: And collecting belly button lint is wrong, why? Cheers!!
I found Candice via you today and she is funny as sh-t!
He/she is smiling down on this post I am sure. She/he will be missed by this gurlie also. B was sheer brilliance.
I too have an external drive but them I tend to take MANY photos lol.... I burn them onto CD's every once in awhile.....
Snugs: Ha. Yeah, I came across her for the first time today as well from another site. She seems cool. Cheers Snugs!!
Cheesy: You take not only many, but GREAT pictures. I'm fine with how I do it. I just have to trash them sooner. Cheers Cheesy!!
I too have to get that photo folder cleaned up
I'm fgoing to delete some and then flash drive and cd them
TB: Yeah, it's best that way. I am going to CD mine in the future. Cheers TB!!
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