I just don’t get some people.
If you were around yesterday, you saw that Schmoop talked about our cat and how said cat hates her. It was somewhat amusing.
Anyhoo, a guy named Sarge Charlie decided to take it into a political direction and voice his concerns and moral difficulties with President Obama.
That’s cool. I like a good political discourse, especially from a guy who is a Vietnam vet and I am assuming, a career military man.
Let me tell you folks…Uncle Charlie is at best someone who hates democracy, and at worst, a coward.
You see, Charlie is afraid of differing thoughts and beliefs. He eschews any thought of Obama’s way of getting our country out of its economic doldrums.
And this my friends, is coming from a self-proclaimed, ”patriot”. Charlie, the man who has offered up his life in honor and defense of his country, hates democracy.
Ironic, no? Yeah, I thought so too.
Now Charlie, will hide behind the same line that Rush Limbaugh and other right wingers will hide behind…
“I don’t want Obama to fail; I want his policies to fail. I don’t want to become a Socialist country.”
Ha…Look at Charlie’s site and you will find that he is 100% behind the failure of Obama, and ultimately the failure of America under his watch.
And he calls himself a patriot…Nice.
I used to make fun of Dubya when he was in office. I still may in the future.
But…I never had the, go to hell, suck my dick, you are a goddamn motherfucker mentality, day in and day out that Charlie has towards Obama..
Wow…Your readers, Charlie, say things like, “He’s turning us into Sweden.“ Gimme a break, dude.
Obama has no desire to nationalize the auto manufacturers. He’d rather the banks run well on their own. But, he has to do what he feels is the right thing to do, right now.
Obama has courage. He and his policies could lead him to fall on his face, but, he has vision beyond the norm, and is going to try them out.
So be it.
In retrospect Charlie, you my good man, are a pussy. You are afraid of different viewpoints because they are a seismic aberration where your personal views are concerned.
You are afraid that someone other than you, may be right and it will
pop your sterile, monolithic, bubble of life.
I dislike you and pity you at the same time.
You see, I have, and will be proven wrong so many times in my life and I will accept it.
You however, and many like you, both on the right and left, never will.
Enjoy your life in black and white, Charlie.
As for me, I prefer it in color. Preferably, unlike you, in Red, White, and Blue.
Wow…Your readers, Charlie, say things like, “He’s turning us into Sweden.“ Gimme a break, dude.
Obama has no desire to nationalize the auto manufacturers. He’d rather the banks run well on their own. But, he has to do what he feels is the right thing to do, right now.
Obama has courage. He and his policies could lead him to fall on his face, but, he has vision beyond the norm, and is going to try them out.
So be it.
In retrospect Charlie, you my good man, are a pussy. You are afraid of different viewpoints because they are a seismic aberration where your personal views are concerned.
You are afraid that someone other than you, may be right and it will
pop your sterile, monolithic, bubble of life.

You see, I have, and will be proven wrong so many times in my life and I will accept it.
You however, and many like you, both on the right and left, never will.
Enjoy your life in black and white, Charlie.
As for me, I prefer it in color. Preferably, unlike you, in Red, White, and Blue.
Michele: Thanks for the Amen. I don't enjoy going off on a person on my site, but he encapsulates, in my opinion, what is the biggest problem in our country. Cheers Michele!!
Matt if Schmoop dumps you the quasi incestuous relationship is so on. Well written.
Starr: Ha. Well thanks...I wrote it from the heart my sex friend, you. Cheers!!
Starr: er...sexy...Ha. But I Like how the intial phrase sounded.
Freudian Slip! Oh shit, I needed that laugh. Thanks muchly for the timely typo =)
Starr: Any time. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go to the bathroom, and...um...do something. You know...um... Cheers Starr!!
Call of the Corky?
OK Mr Matt Man, you have got me wrong in every way. I do love my country and I enjoy a good debate. This is not a debate, your post is an insult. For eight years you folks insulted my President in vile and disgusting ways, what goes around comes around. Please folks, if you come to my blog and use the foul language you use here the comment will be deleted.
I am disappointed that you insult me calling me a raciest, you could not be further from the truth. The sad part is that anyone that disagrees with our president is decreed to be a raciest, that started during his campaign and continues today. You are the one that cannot see beyond black and white into right and wrong. Adios.
he encapsulates, in my opinion, what is the biggest problem
I agree with you 100%
My brother and my mother are just like him, without the language. Completely closed minds. Will not budge or move over one inch to give Obama a chance.
Reminds me of my first trip to Germany in 71. Walking down the street in our levi pants and jackets we stood out as Americans (levis hadn't made it to Europe then)easily. Them good old boys of 40 or so years old would walk straight into us and scowl. They wouldn't move over an inch in the crowded streets to avoid walking into each other. We all noticed it, it was just them older guys, still pissed at losing.
Charlie: There is no debating with you. And thanks for illustrating my point. What's with this "you guys"? I don't play on any team and am not part of a political collective. I am a free thinker and I don't look at people in stereotypical ways.
Furthermore, when did I call you a racist? 'Cause frankly, I don't recall doing so. Cheers!!
Micky: Ha good story. I think we all know more than a few people like that. So many, "you must agree with me on every damn issue or you're an idiot" or "you aren't like me so fuck you" type of people. Cheers Mick!!
Well ...
As you know, I'm not thrilled with what I see as a move to a more socialistic government, however, it's not like we were absent of such programs prior to the Obama administration. I don't believe that is the direction this country needs to go, and I will do all that I can to insure it doesn't.
However, I cannot bring myself to wish Obama's policies go bad. After all, the continued success of this country depends upon him succeeding.
I do feel some of Sarge Charlies pain. It does seem that there is a large segment of the Obama voting population (generally) who spewed vile hatred towards the Bush administration (and continues to do so) and is now offended when it happens to "their" president. I say you've got to be willing to take what you dish out!
I do want to say that I think any group who is on the far right ... OR the far left ... makes finding the middle more of a challenge. This isn't just a problem from the conservative side - it's a problem that comes from the "radical" SIDES of politics.
Dana: I don't get this "the country is moving to a Socialist state" thing.
As we have have been a quasi-socialist state for decades, I don't see where there is a new found fear and outrage over Obama's alleged attempts to turn us into something akin to the former USSR.
Is it the Health Care issue? If so, okay maybe so, but I don't think anyone knows exactly what the details of his plan entail.
Other than that, I don't see us becoming any more socialistic than we are already are. He doesn't want to run the auto industry. He doesn't want the government to run the banks. He is merely continuing the policies of the Bush administration until those entities get their asses back on track or fail altogether.
As for the vile spewing it will always be there no matter who is in office...my post, however and it's pointed attack on Charlie doesn't involve groups of people it is btween myself and a fella who calls himself a patriot. Cheers!!
I was going to get into it yesterday but chose not to do so. I prefer to be on the outside looking in of a heated conversation. Conversations take many turns but the post yesterday had nothing what so ever to do with politics and yet it was taken there :(
I love America and ride the middle rail as far as politics, whatever is best for the USA. I don't know Sarge but I did think he was just making a joke.
It could have very easily been made if Bush was still in office: They say an idiot will be President when pigs fly, well Swine Flu. I agree with the thinking that people are quick to jump with the racist comments when for the majority it is just elephants and donkeys.
Lu: I can't stay away from the melee. It's not in my nature. You touched on something that is integral to my post yet not really dealt with.
You said that you love America. I do too. But not in nationalistic, my way or the highway kinda way. And that is what Charlie represents.
I can see what you're saying about how this got started over what may have been a joke, but Charlie's body of work on his site is what I am talking about.
And once again, for the record, I never called him a racist. Just a fool. Cheers Lu!!
I wish I could say that charlie is in a class by himself but he is not - there are so many that go to this school - the school of stubborness and closed thinking - we are NOT becoming socialist - we are NOT compromising our national security - we ARE trying to get back on track. It IS a racial thing and guys like charlie just cant admit it - I have read his blog and blogs from some of the other 'good ol' boys' and they would easily put on white robes if they had to.
Lu - You don't know Sarge and consider yourself lucky. I have seen him on other sites and, during the election, visited his vile disgusting site trying to figure out what the hell was the deal. I did this after he launched a hate campaign against a fellow friend/blogger.
I called him a racist and I stand by it. Oh wait - according to him it's racEist. My bad.
Last night I was thinking you might do a post like this. I'm so often wrong about men I adore but in this case I was right on.
I love you Matty.
And this has little to do with politics folks, this has to do with moving our country forward, away from hateful, ignorant people and into a place where intelligent discourse helps us work together to solve problems.
I never attacked Bush on his race or his religion or his checkered past or his alcoholic daughters or ... good lord there's so much material.
I always attacked him on being a criminal, a liar, a coward, a puppet of Cheney, a right wing nut case and the figure head for a group of people who had no concern for America.
DB: I am not going to say it is a racial thing in this case, but I know there are plenty out there.
In Charlie's case it is more of a, I know best because this is what I believe. And by the way, I'm a patriot because I SERVED. He's actually pretentious in a way.
Patriotism, true patriotism, is lost on so many people.
And by the way, like you said, this socialism thing is a joke. And you're right, we are no less safe.
We can still be subject to terrorism or not, but it's not because Obama is out to make us a target. That line of thinking by some sadly amuses me to no end. Cheers!!
Dianne: Thanks. I try not to fail peoples' expectations, especially where you're concerned. ; )~
Charlie has always fascinated me. He talks of his years about defending this country and helping to keep it a land of freedom, and yet...
He doesn't like the very freedom that he has defended. Odd.
As for Bush...He was always a fun target for me as well...but I always made my attacks humorous and I have many times defended Bush because while I loathe him and his foreign policy, I have always thought that he truly believed in what he was doing was the Godly (and I think he thinks that literally) thing to do. As for Cheney, fuck him, he's pure evil.
Cheers, you sexy thing, you!!
...In the immortal words of Rodney King...
Sarge Charlie and I used to have excellent debates on the issues at hand. We agreed at times and many times did not agree, but respected each others opinion and stance.
During the 8 years of Bush (hell I voted Bush in 2000), I never once made a personal attack on the President. I vehemently disagreed with the course he took the USA after 2001.
I saw a person trying to make a legacy more than make a country great.
During the primaries and election, I found myself disgusted with the vile personal attacks being made by many and spotlighted over at Sarge's site. I told him I was disappointed and could no longer visit.
You know what? Sarge is bad, but his readers are the worst. he has some people over there that shocked me with their vile attacks on candidate and now President Obama. They attack the man constantly, the issues be damned.
This is not a black and white issue. Never has been. This is about a group of people who had power for a long time and thought they could hold it for a much longer time.
I commend Sarge for his service to our country, I always have...but that does not give him, or anyone else, the right to slander and vilify anyone...ESPECIALLY THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF.
Sarge, if you are an American, he is your Commander In Chief, and as someone who served, you should know better than to slander your Commander.
Right on Phfrankie but that is a pipe dream for sure :(
HA...I see Sarge is now running his site ala Cheney...you disagree, you get deleted...
I guess Communism is better than Socialism!
Phfrankie: Evidently we can't. Cheers!!
Bond: You are dead on, balls on correct. I was all for the invasion of Afghanistan but the invasion of Iraq was a self-serving joke. Albeit, a sad one.
And I. like you, have mentioned before that Charlie's readers are far worse (and an incredible lot of idiots to boot) than Charlie. They're sheep. Stupid monocular sheep.
Cheers to ya Vinny!!
Lu: Probably so, but never lose sight of that dream, pal. Cheers!!
Bond: Ha. We think too much alike. I thought that was ironic as well. I was going to comment on his site about that very thing, but it would probably get deleted. Cheers!!
What Sarge fails to realize is that by making the joke about a BLACK MAN...he made it about color. Like I said yesterday, that ain't gonna fly under the radar because he lacks the balls to say what he is really thinking.
Bush is a doofus and I totally disagree with a great deal of his policies. Not all of them though. Like the illegal immigration issue. And I never thought he was a bad man, merely a misguided one. I have also gone on record as saying that his work for AIDS and third world poverty earn him a pass from me.
As to socialized health care. You people don't get it. You already ARE paying for other peoples health care. Why the fuck do you think premiums have gone up? Trust me, my job day in and day out is to write up frickin policies. WE PAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NO COVERAGE ALL FUCKING READY.
Sorry that line of thought, given my job, just pisses me off.
And, as I said, it's not like we didn't have socialist-like programs in place long before this administration. Hell, Roosevelt and his damned New Deal started it all!
Yes, nationalized health care concerns me, but I cannot deny that SOMETHING needs to be done about health care costs.
I see a federal government with it's hand in far too many pots (IMHO) - banking, auto industry, mortgages - I see a system evolving that seems to reward those who lack personal accountability (both in the general population as well as in industry) and I am frustrated! I see these types of programs doing nothing more than prolonging the inevitable. We were all riding the financial high-horse during the .com boom, and we watched that collapse. Same with the Enron fiasco. But did we learn? Nope! We just kept doing more of the same thing hoping for different results. At some point we are going to have to "pay" for our poor decisions.
I think you overstate your position when you say things like "a new found fear and outrage over Obama's alleged attempts to turn us into something akin to the former USSR." Although Sarge might go there (I don't know - I haven't visited his site - nor likely will I) I would say it's a safe bet that the majority of us who feel a more socialistic pull in no way see that type of outcome, but rather one where the government has more say in our daily lives than we are comfortable with.
I know that your post did not in any way accuse anyone (including Sarge) of racism, but you know that is the most common attack from many Obama supporters and is every bit as closed minded as anyone who allows race to be a consideration in their support of Obama. Maybe I'm living in some la-la land, but I find it hard to believe that the majority of those who do not agree with Obama's policies are racist.
Starr: I agree with everything you just said. How 'bout that?
You're right, we do pay for health care for everyone as it is today. But of course, we shouldn't...
If someone comes into the emergency room without insurance or ability to pay, we should let them die.
Unless of course, the victim at hand is a pregnant mother, because as you know, we have to save the babies.
It's all about the babies. Cheers!!
Actually Dana I 100% agree with you. I don't think most of the people disagree with him are racist. I think those who disagree the loudest are the ones most likely to be racists.
And for the record, I was never on the Obama wagon. For that matter neither was Matt. We both held out a healthy amount of scepticism that I think comes naturally to those of us with idealistic natures. Might sound like an oxymoron but it isn't.
And the left hardliners are every bit as fucked up and annoying as the rights. Truth be told thems are the ones I really wanna punch in the mouth ;0
One more thing in regards to Starrlight's position on National Health Care. For me - personally - the issue isn't cost or paying for someone elses health care. I agree that any of us with health insurance already do that!
My concerns are that the government (Federal or State) will be running the program when they have a history of an inability to manage money well (we've got a nice Federal deficit that Republicans AND Democrats have contributed to to prove that) and that there are some significant privacy issues surrounding a government run program.
I would have no problem supporting nationalized health care if it addressed those two issues.
Matt - the telling part of that last one is we must save the babies. Fuck a bunch of feeding them and educating them afterwards ;)
That said, welfare needs a complete and total revamp and the bitches who pop kids out like pez need the boot.
I put my comment from here over on Sarge's site. You know something, duing 8 years of President Bush, I did not hear as many "they say" "they think" "They do" comments.
In so many ways those who speak of the people who are supportive of our President are the ones creating the divide by putting us all into the "they" box.
Dana, you did hit the nail on the head with much of your comment. I really truly believe that, as President Obama said the other night "I want out of the banking and auto business ASAP".
Should we have let 3 huge banks and two huge automakers just go under? This bailout was started under another President...this was not President Obama choice or desire...but it was necessary
NOW...can we all just join in and fix the freakin problem instead of constantly bickering?
That joke has been floating around the internet for the last few days. It wasn't too bad the first four million times... I don't even think it really is a racist joke, just a very bad pun that we've all had enough of.
what I don't get is that Schmoop called him an idiot and he decided that meant racist. Racist is only one type of idiocy. I stay away from Sarge's blog because of his politics. I just can't stomach them. So why did he comment on this blog anyway? All I can figure is that he wanted to start a fight.
I find it rather amazing that the people on the right who are pushing the "For eight years you folks insulted my President in vile and disgusting ways, what goes around comes around." As Sarge did in his comment above, are the very people who accused Bill Clinton of being a rapist and a murderer and a coke addict, among other things. So their complains about attacks on Bush just don't hold any water.
Hell, this whole "your side was mean to our president so we're going to be mean to your president" thing has been around for a long, loooooong time. Andrew Jackson's wife was accused by his opponents of being a whore, and adulteress and a bigamist. So none of this is all that new. People like Sarge keep acting like the cheap attack on someone's character originated in 2001. Hardly.
Holy Crap, you guys are fast and I can't keep up...
Starr: I agree. Most who disagree with Obama aren't racist, but it makes good press so media outlets and others go with that.
And as I said in thpost the left rads are every bit as horrid as the right. But c'mon...Let's Save the Babies, Dammit. They're a gift from GAWD!!
Dana: Well first off, I can't speak for those who call Charlie a racist.
Now...Unemployment insurance, Medicare, giving states TamiFlu to deal with the H1N1, aren't these socialistic programs that work? Rural electrification, the TVA, student loans? Don't those work as well?
As for the drive towards socialism of which you speak, governments evolve, decay, and at some point fade away. In other words, they change.
Socialism is not a bad thing necessarily. And many Republicans would agree. While in general, Dems want to give things to people, GOP'ers want to take things away.
Either way, it's govt. involvement. Cheers!!
"Mmm, Baaybay. Get in mah belly!"
-Fat Bastard.
Bond: I saw that. And I dig it. AND you're right. I noticed the same "they" "us" "them" menatality myself. That in my opinion is probably the most disturbing thing. Cheers!!
Marilyn: You hit the nail on the head, baby. Why did Charlie feel compelled not only to interject politics into the cat post, but then he responded to all other commenters on my blog? WTF? Cheers Marilyn!!
And while I'm at it, I would just like to address one other topic. That of government involvement in our daily lives. Now I've bitched and bitched about this many times. My Libertarian leanings make me very squeamish about things like national health care for that very reason. But, again, I have only two words for republicans who suddenly seem concerned about this: Terri Schiavo.
Now you can make all the arguments you want about life being precious and all that. But, the end result of the Schiavo affair was the republican party let everyone know that they AND the FEDERAL GOV'T were the one's who should be making those types of decisions. The congress and senate, run by republicans inserted themselves into a family matter. They made it clear that it was their belief that the federal government should be the primary decision maker in matters concerning citizens lives from conception to the grave.
That really was the beginning of the end for the republicans. And you know what's worse? Most of them see that as a great moment and think it HELPED republicans. Totally delusional.
Jay: Ha. The battle between Jackson and Quincy Adams is political ugliness at its best.
As for the sides things. Some people need to be on a side because they can't think for themselves. That takes actual effort. Cheers Jay!!
Starr: Who does Number Two work forrr? Cheers Baby!!
Jay: Ha. That's what I was saying. Conservatives are funny. we want smaller government they say.
Unless it involves saving the life of a brain dead chick in Florida. I tellz ya...govt is fucked up. Cheers!!
And that is why I loves ya, Matty =)
Starr: And I loves ya as well, you Dark Lord lookin' vixen you. Purrrrrrrrr. Cheers!!
Wait! Didn't I say in my last post that "it's not like we didn't have socialist-like programs in place long before this administration.? Some do work. Some (like welfare) work "too well." I just don't believe that our (as a country) first solution to any major problem is for the Feds to jump in - no matter who is in office.
I'm also not resistant to change as you somewhat implied in your response. Change does need to occur, but I believe we cannot lose sight of our Constitutional foundation. I know there are many who disagree with my position on that - who see the constitution as subjective and out of touch with reality. So? We differ *shrugs*
And I would say (generally) that Dems want to give things to people with strings attached and without accountability, and Republicans want to look out for themselves without looking out for others.
Somewhere? There is a balance. I just hope we find it!
First of all, I never called Sarge a racist, just a fucking conspiracy theorist idiot. Hey Sarge, look up "Conspiracy Theorist". You're picture is there along with your readers.
Jay, I have to totally agree with regarding Terry Schiavo. If the husband hadn't stepped in, she'd probably still be alive. And for what?
Star: You are MY Dark Lord, Matt stole it! Ass.
Let me say that I am pleased that all the commenter's kept it clean and no I am not deleting what I think are excellent back and forth, this is the kind of debate we need to have.
I suppose I should apologize for going into the belly of the beast (Matt Man’s yard) and instigating the harsh words that followed. Regardless of what you think my initial comment was intended to be humor, in my simple mind it was not raciest. When Matt’s readers called me raciest I must admit I was upset. In any event I apologize.
I do think Matt went over the top with his post today but if that is what he believes, so be it, he is wrong as is his politics but I will attempt not to insult him again.
For my old friend Bond, I agree, we had some very interesting debates and I would love to do that again, I cannot control insults from readers but I will ask that they tone them down. I offer my hand in friendship.
I will tell you that I have zero tolerance for profanity even though I will used an occasional hell or damn usually I find that heck works just as well. I will delete comments that are profane otherwise, have at me, I have tough skin.
Although I am not a fan of personal attacks, I cannot tell you how disturbing I found Sarge Charlie's comments and the ensuing dialogue, yesterday. It was a complete downer. I went by his site - to which I've never been - and found it sad, really.
There are so many, many people that make up their minds regarding their position, dig in, and manage to locate ONLY the evidence that supports their stance. Anything offering a glimpse to the contrary is filtered out. It is an issue of black or white with no room, whatsoever, for any shades of gray.
Additionally, military veterans do not have sole claim to patriotism. There is more than one way to serve one's country. Contributing to the internal workings of a viable social structure is every bit as important as defending our borders.
Socialism? Think Postal Service, Fire Department, Police Department, Public School System, Public Library... I fail to see why this is evil
Charlie: You didn't insult me. Cheers!!
Desert Rat: You are aces, and I am late leaving for work. Cheers Rat!!
Call me a pussy if you want to, but I suddenly find this fence I'm sitting on quite comfortable.
My political viewpoints tend to be just slightly left of the middle, and quite frankly I like that. I worry when any person gets so entrenched too far in any extreme. (right or left)
I voted for Bush and was feeling pretty good about my choice out of the gate. As his presidency progressed, my viewpoint shifted.
Now, I voted for Obama. Not necessarily because I thought he was the answer to all our problems, but because he seemed to be the most likely to think and act outside the "normal" parameters of politics as usual.
Only time will tell if in fact he proves to be good or not for our country.
I find it curious that so many of his non-supporters will choose to dig their heels in and opt to look at everything he does as wrong.
I feel like I'm rambling (probably am), but suffice to say, if we don't come together in some capacity as a nation, our differences will only further undermine any chance of success.
Jeff: Well said Jeff, and it's good to "see" ya. Here's to a successful nation. Cheers my good man!!
"enigmatic consternation" are you studying for your SATs over there? Entertaining story!
Karen: Ha. The phrase just kinda popped into my head. As for the post, it was fun, but now I'm bored again and need to find another pot to stir. Cheers!!
"I do think Matt went over the top with his post today but if that is what he believes, so be it, he is wrong as is his politics..." said Sarge Charlie.
And that is one among the many reasons why I don't go to that site anymore. The man wrote to me once that he respected my different point of view and welcomed debate, but then said that I was still trainable.
Sarge Charlie has decided he knows best how to be a citizen of this country. Anyone who doesn't follow his path is wrong. End of his thought process.
I learned long ago that honor is in the act of service, and not the type of service.
Matt, Schmoop...you can be crude, but I have never found either of you to be other than honest. Some of the things you write make me squirm, and not in a good way. But I can always count on seeing many different opinions expressed here. You encourage that dialogue regardless of the topic.
Thank you for that.
Travis: "I learned long ago that honor is in the act of service, and not the type of service."Well put Travis. I like that.
Eh, well. For many people, Black and White thinking makes life so much easier.
Sorry if I make you (or others) squirm at times. Okay no I'm not, but I hear ya, and like you said, I gotta be honest.
And I appreciate your comment because I too, appreciate the vast difference in opinions, thoughts, and senses of humor that show up in the comments here.
Cheers to ya, Trav!!
I enjoy free thinkers like Michael Savage (but not his views on medical marijuana)
You seem very articulate for a "drunk".
hell, some may call me a pothead, but it works for me....
99% of my working/jogging is after I smoke a bit. I guess we all have our vices, some eating, drinking & smokin. I served with sarge in 1968 though i don't remember him among the many CalibrationTeams in Okinawa.
do you allow links here? Well, here goes >>
and cheers to all of you and peas in out time. Rastamon
Toshi: Ha. Good comment. And you can link anything you'd like.
I have my best thoughts with a good dose of Bagwine in me, but there is a fine line between buzzed genius and lying on the couch with drool dripping out of the corner of my mouth. One drink too many, and I go from being a semi-articulate blogger to being Dylan Thomas in his final days.
Party on Toshi and thanks for stopping by. Cheers!!
and let me add, I think Sarge is a fine fellow & patriot, although a bit opinionated...well, its his blog. As I've said on other forums, if we all met each other in person, and not in this internet-selfserving blogosphere, we'd all get along just fine(..i think) ;)
Imo, most blogs are about me-me-me & self importance. I perfer in-person and/or phone communication.
The f'n Internet can get waaaay out of hand. Hmmm...i see I'm a "Blogger" without a blog-haha
Kewl! Btw, I'm "rastamon" at the archive.org forum (mostly Grateful Dead posts) Now that is a GREAT site. Later
Toshi: I'll be sure to check it out...with a at least a slight buzz. After all, what's Grateful Dead without a buzz? Cheers!!
check this out while you're at it, imo- the meat of this show starts on track 14 (the embedded player should work)>> http://www.archive.org/details/gd1987-05-02.sbd.walker-scotton.miller.83737.sbeok.flac16
(warning! advanced Dead, but there is a Truckin-whew)
hey now, whats life without a buzz... at least once in a while?
The folks who fought in Vietnam fought against the policies that are being implemented in America right now.
It is an afront to what they risked their lives for to see terrorists being released, banks and manufacturers being nationalized, people who fought terrorism being accused of torture and war crimes etc..
I was not a fan of 70% of Bush policies and I am not a fan of 95% of Obama policies.
This country is being sent in the wrong direction. The previous and and current administration have set precedents that are frightning in their implications and in their eventual fruition.
But that's just my opinion. I was raised a liberal, educated a liberal but life experience steered me a totally different direction.
Hammer: And Hammer, I thouroughly, as always, enjoyed the tone and manner in which you just presented your comment. Cheers!!
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