Have I ever told you about our cat Corky, and my relationship with her? No? Well good, hang on.
Matt and I have been
About seven years ago, he ventured out to find a kitten. For me.
I wanted a wittle, itty, bitty, furry baybee!
He came home with a CAT, not a kitten, a CAT. Ok, it took ten seconds to fall in love with this CAT. Shortly afterwards, we found out that this CAT was pregnant.
So lo and behold, a little while later this CAT had five itty, bitty, precious, furry baybees!! Ya need to see the baybees!!
Anyhoo, we, meaning I, took care of the CAT, and her kittens, until they were weaned, and then had the babies put to death. I kid, sorta.
We had to take them to the Humane Society (lock box of death) because we live in an apartment, so we couldn’t keep them, and could find no one who wanted any or all of them.
Deep breath, and many, many tears.
The CAT got quite ill two times, and the trips to the vet were expensive (Thanks D and M!). She finally got put on prescription food by HER doctor, so everything, so far is cool. All fourteen pounds of cool.
Here lies the rub.
I take care of her…food, water, litter evacuation, which she expects done at the same time every day by the way…and I fluff all of her own blankets. Hell, I won’t even vacuum if she’s asleep!!
What the hell do I get from Corky? Heartache, that's what!!
I get bitten, scratched, and snubbed. But Daddy, sweet, sweet Daddy, is the bestest ever!!
If Matt is not around and my brother David comes by, D gets the love I should be getting! How fucked up is that?
On the odd chance that she does let me hold her, if Matt-Man comes within 2 feet of us, she reaches out for him like a needy baby.
Corky follows him around like a dog…If he calls her, like Forrest Gump, she comes running, and dig this…
If her precious Matty sneezes, even if she is dead ass asleep, she wakes up and freaks out with concern and checks to see if he’s okay.
If she’s sleeping and I sneeze? She lays there like a piece of deadwood probably all the while dreaming of my death.
Matt’s even got her trained to get on one arm of the chair, so he can pick her up without bending down!!
This blows! I should be getting this attention, but noooo.
She doesn’t bite him, or scratch him, because he disciplines her, and she LOVES it. Bitch.
Hell, she even lays on the arm of the couch while he types and blogs!
Fucked up, I say.
So needless to say, the CAT, the little fuzzy, wuzzy baybee, that I wanted to have, hold, and cherish…wants the Matt Man. Damn, I can’t win…
Oh hey, here she comes!!
Oh Corky, snookie-wookums, come to mama I haz love!!!!
OW! Bitch!!
I hate to be the one to break it you ya, but you have a heart-on your ass.
Get it? Heart-on?
Sorry about your asshole cat. There is always pillow therapy to consider. Then you can try your luck again at the SPCA.
What is it about felines that they love the ones who DON'T tend you their needs? Dogs have owners... Cats have a staff...
But~ you GOT to love them....
They can kill you in your sleep.
I'm sorry Schmoop, but throughout my life, pussies have always gravitated towards me. It's a gift. Cheers Bay-Bay!!
I'm sorry Schmoop, but throughout my life I have had a hate of cats..I just don't get them..
Candice: Ha! I do, don't I? She's not a complete asshole, well ok yea she is.
Cheesy: You are so correct, I am her staff. Kill me in my sleep huh? I have caught her in the middle of the night staring at me. Hmmm.
Matt: A gift? Uh Huh..
Snugs: Good picture! I know a lot of people that don't like cats. People find them to be too sneaky, and standoffish. Hey wait a minute, that sounds like me!!
Corky didn't snuggle up to me when I met her. And I'm OK with that!
Oh, that's right, I sat in her chair and pissed her off.
Mick: Ha! I forgot about that. Of course every piece of furniture is hers! A couple of more hours, and I'm sure she would have curled up in your lap too!!
Well, at least there's the sex to make up for it all. With Matt, I mean.
Aaaaaaaaaah! You remind me how glad I am that I'd don't have to share Alex (the cat who owns me) with another human.
Meg: Uh Huh, yea that's right...
Nick: Oh Corky owns me, just as a personal slave!
It was once said that a black man would be president when pigs flew. Well, behold 100 days into his presidency .... Swine Flu...
Sarge: I would really like to reach thru this computer and rip your fucking head off. God you're an idiot.
Phfrankie: You sir a genius!
Schmoop!!! I already loved ya but now I fucking worship you for that reply up a few to a piece of racist crap that shall not be named.
The hell with Corky, I'll follow you around purring.
Diane: Thank you, thank you. I've been waiting to do that 4ever!! What type of blanket do you prefer? I'll have it ready!!! No liver though..
Just last night I picked up our little one (6yrs) and she of course tensed and squirmed to get down. I put her right down, hubs force holds. Anyhoodle then she follows me down the stairs as usual stopping every two steps for me to pet her. I'm like you don't want me to hold you but then you want me to stoop and pet you, fuck you that isn't how it works ha! (yes I was actually saying this to her). Of course I pet her anyway but it was four steps later :) We wonder why we ended up with two cats that don't like to be held. They will set with me but I can't HOLD them.
Nothing raciest about my comment, just a statement of history with a little humor added, wake up and smell the coffee. Oh, I forgor, if anything is said about the dear leader it has to be raciest, idiot.
Cats love me.
If I could just figure out a way for women to love me like cats do, my life would be awesome.
Lu: No fear, I talk to Cork all the time! Like, "What do you want for dinner?" I get the look. You know the one, like I'm the dumbest person on the planet! Now that I think about it... Hmmm....
Sarge: I do find your comments, and attitude to be very racist, but that's my opinion. God forbid anyone disagree with the big, bad Sarge.
If you are referring to me as the office bitch? Damn straight I am, and I'm the best there is! You can play in this yard anytime you want...if you're Man enough! Well...are ya punk?
Jay: Cats in my past have always loved me, just not this one. I love you!!
Diane: DO NOT EVER APOLOGIZE!!! I am having fun with this jerk. I never got any controversy on my own blog! Thanks for not taking any crap, and for bringing your own blanket, and booze!!! MMmmm margaritas!!! Zoves!!
Matt-man brings a pregnant cat home? I sense a trend here...
VE: OMG!! Bite your tonuge mister!!
And remember Diane--Sarge is apparently a two-fer--he's sexist as well.
TB: Thanks babe!
TB: I know. He's part of the He Man Woman Haters Club!
matty said the exact same thing to me once when a comment really tweaked my nipples and got my panties in an uproar
no wonder he loves you
don't tell him, but it's hotter when you say it ;)
thanks TB - you made me smile
Diane: Well thanks! You should never, ever apologize for your beliefs. Just keep tossing them out there, I love it.
Schmoop...So Corky gives you the boot...that is why they invented CAT-apults...
Sorry, I missed the joke above...I guess our president is now responsible for the Swine Flu...
And I love how he stated "You have some sick freaks here,...has he even read any of the comments HIS readers make when you disagree with their agenda?
Bond: Ha! CAT-apults! I still love her Vin, she just prefers Matty! Ass. Our NEW president is responsible for all of our ills, don't ya know! "Sick freaks" doesn't bother me Babe, I've been called much, much worse!!
Well I guess we know who gets this weeks numb cunt award. And it ain't Corky =)
Nice work, Office Bitch! I am so calling you that from now on.
Starr: Why thank ya my Dark Lord! I am so calling YOU that from now on!!!
Well unlike Corky, with me flattery will get you everywhere =)
Star: You too! I thought I was the only one who fell for that shit! That's how I got the Matt Man!
Not surprised to hear that at all!
Should we close and lock the door to leave you too alone? (don't worry Matt, I set up the video cam in there)
Star: No I meant HE flattered ME. God, I'm a sucker!
Vin: No need, the video will show it all!! I do like the open door policy. Go to work dammit!
What!? And Irish boy overwhelming you with the gift of gab?! Well I never.
More's the pity :P
Bond - I better get a percentage of the sales on that :P
Holy crap, I did start a fur fight.
Schmoop, I did not intend the remark to be raciest, sorry if I offended your sensitive nature. You may be surprised to learn that I welcome people like Matt Man who always disagrees with me.
Dianne: Schmoop
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Aries
Zodiac Year: Horse
Industry: Manufacturing
Occupation: Office Bitch
Location: OHIO : United States
You see “Office Bitch” are her words, not mine. Obviously I did not make myself clear in my feeble attempt at humor, I stated history, “when pigs fly” is a historical statement even if you do not like it our history is ours, and in no way did I compare the President to a disease. I have had it with the raciest crap, no one can speak ill of our president without being a raciest, bull shit. I assure I have no “vile anti American shit” I suggest you check your mirror, maybe you will find some.
TURNBABY: two-fer sexist as well: Reference Schmoop, her words.
SCHMOOP: He Man Woman Haters Club! I think not, been married to one for 42 years.
BOND: You know I did not blame the president for Swine Flu, you are smarter that that. We were old friends until I disagreed with your politics, shallow. yes I have some sick freaks, we all do.
Star: You are still my bud! No perentage for you!
Sarge: I had forgotten about my profie, so for that, I apologize.
However, as Star stated above, you sir are a closet racist. You won't come right out and say the "words", but you do mean them.
My Father was a Vet of WWII, you know the "Big One". My brother in law, and Matt's sister are Veterans of Vietnam. Do NOT think for one moment, that you have cornered the market on Patriotism.
I made this post about my fucking CAT, not about our political differences, but bring it on anyway. Grow the fuck up! Yes, I swear a lot, but i don't care.
Hiya Charlie...
Y'know what I find fascinating about you? You are a veteran soldier, who determined his to be that of a guy who wanted to protect his country and all of those who inhabit it.
That's cool. I like that. Yet...
When it comes to the very political freedoms that make up this country, you want to shut one side down.
You burn with hatred when your side is not in power...when it is not the Commander-in-Chief of your choosing who is sitting in the White House.
It's as though, you, a guy who served to protect and honor his country, hates the very democracy upon which this country was founded.
And I will tell you...The people who post here, are hardly lap dogs or freaks. They are are a collage of people who offer differing opinions. And while I , or Schmoop, or some readers may shout them down, it is always with an air of satire, thought, or a semblance thereof. Cheers!!
No Sarge, we stopped visiting because I disagreed with you and your readers regarding your treatment of our President. I disagreed with the policies of the last eight years, but I never made the kind of insulting, racist, disgusting remarks I read on your blog. honestly, it was more your readers than you...I just could not stomach the things said.
Your comment above did equate President Obama being in office with this Swine Flu...as if it would not have occurred if your candidate had won.
I am now done with this whole subject.
Ok People, I am so done with this. Cork just bit me again, and I LIKED it. If, and when, I get into anything politcal I'll let ya know. And by the way, I'm really smart in that area too! Zoves!
Corky should be renamed Vagina Denta.
Star: Ha! Go back to work my Dark Lord.
Oh I shall. My pathetic excel report has finally ground down to a halt. I hate office equipment.
Star: Excell sucks big, fat donkey balls. I HATE it. No one else in my enviornemt knows how to operate it either. Gahhhhhh!!!
It squished my columns. Looks fine on screen prints fine landscape but squishes on portrait. It is the spawn of satan.
I am an EXCEL Wizard and willing to give private lessons anytime.
Vin: God! I use it, but I don't know how to manipulate the cells,or columns. Help!!
Star: i so agee! Why won't it hust print what I tell it to!! Arrrggghhh!
I have one thing to say Vinny. User defined charts. ARGH!
Matt-Man is such a pussy magnet!
I have built 100 page charts with formulas to define percentages of mail based upon response rates etc etc...
I am an EXCEL GOD!
All Hail Bond, Spreadsheet God! Guess that make Matt Spreadlegs God ;)
Real: Oh He's a pussy alright! Loves!
Damn you two stop with the computer talk. I'm getting hot!
Holy shit! look what I miss when I got get drunk - uh - work for a few hours
I can't decide who is making me hotter - Starr or Bond or Matty or of course you Schmoop
I am an excel goddess!! just sayin'
and I bet I could bite better than Corky can
Do I dare say it?
More Schmoop!
You light this site up like it's balls are on fire!
Dianne: You're pretty hot yourself. Let's say we tag team Matt and then kick him to the curb.
Micky: I think that comment may have just broken his heart.
JR has a cat also. We've been married 26 years and I've never had a cat. They take one look at JR and it is a love fest. I feel your pain. That is why I bought a dog. He really loves me best.
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