Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Taxes, Tea Parties, and FOX News

Well it’s Tax Day, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Sharpen those pencils, get out the calculators, and mail those tax returns in. Or…

Go to the nearest Teabag Party!!

That’s right…

A bi-partisan group of individuals, (read, right-wing "visionaries" such as Dick Armey, Grover Norquist, and Newt Gingrich) is throwing “grassroots”, anti-tax, anti-socialism, anti-Obama demonstrations, known as tea parties, across the country today.

And guess who will be giving protesting inbreds across America wall-to-wall coverage? That’s right…FOX News!!

Of course, FOX News claims they are not promoting these Teabag orgies. They are just simply covering four of these events because it’s hard news.

FOX’s Cavuto, Beck, Hannity, and Van Sustern will be tea bagging live for your viewing enjoyment!!

I’ll be at work, but I hope to catch the replay of Glenn Beck’s appearance at the teabag party in San Antonio. Hell, Ted Nugent is going to play the National Anthem at that one.

Beck and Nugent will tea bagging each other, baby. Who will be the tea bagger and the tea baggee, I’m unsure.

I mean Teddy has that long flowing, girly hair, and yet Beck, like a woman, cries on cue and wants everyone to look into his eyes. I think those two tea bagging is more akin to train wreck-like chick on chick action.

The whole tea party idea is based on the 1773 event in which Americans protested British taxation by pouring tea into Boston Harbor.

“No taxation without representation!!”, they clamored. Who among these protesters don’t have representation? And…

What increase in taxes are they clamoring about? I think we are still under the tax rates of the Bush administration, aren’t we?

I know Obama wants to raise the tax rates on the very top income earners, but even then, his top rate will still be 10% less than it was during the Reagan Administration.

So…um…what? Okay, maybe their message is about keeping America from becoming a Socialist state. I can see that…

I mean before we know it, we’ll have unemployment insurance, Medicare, Social Security, Rural Electrification, free/reduced school lunches, and one day we may wake up and the entire Tennessee Valley will be under some type of Authority!!

Oh the Humanity!!

Yeah, I think they may have missed the Federally subsidized bus on the socialism thing. Of course that does leave these folks and FOX News with one other angle…

Bash Obama!!

These tea bagging parties could very well end up turning into anti-Obama rallies, the likes that have never been seen.

Obama’s reputation may be forever sullied on a nationwide scale as men teabag with men…women teabag with women, and children teabag with their parents.

But wait just a minute…

Perhaps that is exactly what President Obama wants. After all…

A guy who is an Uber-Liberal, America-Hating, Kenyan Born, Muslim and who was elected President of the United States would want all of that free perverted tea bagging going on.

It keeps the masses distracted and spent, and leaves Obama free to ruin the country.

Damn…Obama is one smart, bad ass, frickin’ genius.


Update (12:45): In the Heart of the Boston Tea Party...Fox News reports that the, and I quote, "The Fascist budget" has drawn hundreds to the Tea Bagging Party in Boston...


none said...

I'll be right there in the thick of it with Uncle Ted and whoever else shows up.

Liberals marched and protested against Bush constantly for the last 8 years and the media pretty much was neutral about it.

Now that conservatives are protesting by the thousands, the media (save for Fox) says we are a bunch of racist misguided right wing nutjobs...go figure.

Schmoop said...

Hammer: Well have fun. I just hope you stay clear of the whack jobs. I can see all of this becoming the right's version of PETA protesters and uber liberal nuts who always protest the WTO meetings. Cheers!!

Jay said...

Ha! I blogged about the idiotic Tea Parties too.

I can't believe how easily people are duped into doing things like this. They nothing but pawns for the Wall Street types they claim to be so mad at.

At least Hammer admits that it's basically nothing more than a "We hate Obama" rally. He's honest.

Schmoop said...

Jay: I'm sure the vocal anti-Obama people won't show up too much on the FOX coverage, they will still report it as "bi-partisan outrage!!" Cheers Jay!!

Unknown said...

Just read that Newt is considering running for the presidency. That a real joke!

Schmoop said...

Nick: I saw that. Ha. Is Newt the "new" face of the "new" Republican party? Cheers Nick!!

Ken said...

What's up with right wingers going all grass roots on us. There is something definitly wrong here.
Silly, silly slap that willy with a tea bag.
How's your bag hang, left or right?

Schmoop said...

Micky: It's grassroots in name only. It is being financed by big time GOP'ers such as Dick Armey. The world hasn't turned upside down...yet. Cheers Mick!!

Ken said...

Alaska has!
Go check out Mudflats and see what Palins up to.

Schmoop said...

Micky: Well I will do just that. Cheers Mick!!

Phfrankie Bondo said...

...The Tea Bagees would be a good name for a band...

Schmoop said...

Phfrankie: Ha. Are you writing all of these great band names down? We can copyright them and sell the rights to them on eBay. Cheers P-Man!!

Schmoop said...

Dianne: I said all along that if elected Obama would be more pragmatic than far left. Hell, there would have been Repub support for his budget but aquiesced to Pelosi (GILF).

Anyhoo...While the entire tax structure should be revisited, Obama isn't going to tax the hell out of the vast majority of Americans. This protest thing while it was started by Libertarians years ago as actual Libertarian viewpoints, has been hijacked by aging, old-time, right wing elements of the GOP. Cheers Baby!!

Liz Hill said...

And yet another reason to use loose tea

Schmoop said...

TB: HA. That may be the quote of the day. Cheers Sexy!!

Ed & Jeanne said...

You mean he hasn't fixed the economy yet? Jeebus...he's been in office for a couple of months now. What in the hell is he waiting for?

Dana said...

Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing? Hammer and I are going to go fill our cups with some of that yummy tea!

I think the tea-baggers are just as goofy as the Obama supporters were in their enthusiasm - it's just coming from a different direction now and the other side is talking about how ridiculous it is. Go figure.

Middle of the road would be good!

On a side note, everyone is a hypocrite - some are just better at attempts to justify their hypocrisy.

Schmoop said...

VE: He's such a damn slacker. What an overrated bloke he turned out to be. Cheers VE!!

Dana: I LOOOOOve Free Speech, and I think it's Cool that you'll be filling your cup...That means if you're FILLING your cup rather than spilling it, that means you make less than 250K a year and will be getting a tax cut in the future if O-Man's plan is approved.

As for everyone being a hypocrite? I don't think that's true at all. Some people actually do live in accordance to what they say. It's quite a fantastic trait which I admire greatly. Cheers!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

So, if Ted and Beck teabag each other is that a "69 Flavors Tea"?

Schmoop said...

Bond: I just hope that Ted doesn't put a Stranglehold on Beck and both of them, infected with an STD, walk away with a form of, Cat Scratch Fever.

Oh wait a minute, yes I do wish that. Cheers Vinny!!

Ivanhoe said...

I wish all the tea party goers had a chance to read your post today before they go.
Di sent me :o)

Schmoop said...

Ivanhoe: Well thanks for stopping by and for the comment. I like you without knowing you because Di, that whirling dervish of smart sexiness, mentions you often. Cheers Ivanhoe!!

Raven said...

Well said! What astonishes me is that Fox has any listeners at all. That's as good an indication that we need to fix the education system to include the concept of thinking as anything I can imagine. Great post.

Cinnamon Girl said...

I am sorry but the very fucking NAME of this little endeavor sums up to me just how out of touch some folks are.

Y'all have fun having some sweaty nut sacks tap on your foreheads.


Richard said...

We're all following a theme today and I love it.


Schmoop said...

Raven: Well FOX does have hot chicks. Ever see Alisyn Camerota or Julie Banderas? Yum. Other than that....And Thanks!! Cheers!!

Starr: Dirty, sweayt nut sack hater, you. Cheers!!

Rich: Evidently. Thanks for stopping. cheers!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Well now, Matt there are levels of teabagging ya know. Or should I say, depths. These folks just don't strike me as cool enough for the down and dirty.

On that note, it's a shame about Marilyn Chambers. She was pretty young.

Schmoop said...

Starr: Yeah, I head about good ol' Marilyn. Sad.

As for the protesters, eh? I was never much for group protests, although running a strike line with 300 nurses was always a blast. Cheers!!

Lu' said...

Band name Phfratt-man and Mankie ha!

katherine. said...

personally I getting rather tired with the name calling.

does everyone really think that everybody else is gonna agree with their point of view?

cause if they don't...then the name calling begins. And the finger pointing...and the demands to be the only ones heard.

And all it does is bring out the whacko crazies...who really just want to jump around and yell and be part of some fight.

Both sides equally.

Schmoop said...

Lu: Ha. That's not bad. We could play zydeco music. Cheers Lu!!

Kat: Happens all the time just as you laid out. However, I tried going through an entire day once without name calling...My head exploded. Cheers Kat!!