I received an e-mail from my brother Marte’ the other day. You remember Marte’?
Anyhoo…He contacted a number of people including all seven of his wonderful siblings and invited us to an Oktoberfest Bash that he and his lovely wife are throwing on the 10th of October.
I responded to him that an Oktoberfest Bash sounded wunderbar and asked if Pope Benny would be in attendance. After a follow-up phone call that mysteriously went dead, I received another e-mail from Marty.
It read as follows…
Hi Matt,
My phone died while we were speaking. No, Really.
Glad you can attend. Denny and Anne are in.
Pope Benny cannot attend.
Cardinal Vinny (another brother) will whistle.
Eileen will give a dramatic interpretation of something.
I will roast my own wiener.
Ha…Roast my own wiener. That boy is funny, and we are both infantile, but eh, what the hell…
Marty also sent some pictures along with an equation that serves as foreshadowing of what may transpire during this autumnal gala…

Plus This...

Equals This...

Oh I how I love him and
It is a shame that Blitzkrieg Benny won't be there but...Hey, wait minute. I could call up my ol' pal Dubya.
If you remember this post from three years ago, you'll recollect how Dubya loves a good German party.
If you don't remember or don't want to hit the link back to it, here's what Bush looked like when we were partying Teutonic-Style...
Well folks...That's it for today. I am all alone again on this day off Thursday as Schmoop is working.
If you'd like to be my special friend today, drop me a line or shoot me a call. I'm all alone until I pick my kid up from school.
Does anyone want to be my special friend?
After the second pic I was thinking, "Now there's a party I could get behind!", then came the spewer. Did he really have to go there?
Jeff: Ha...Yes, yes he did. Because if he didn't, he wouldn't be Marty. Cheers Jeff!!
Yeah, but professional partiers like you guys won't be spewing right? Only amateurs spew during Oktoberfest.
meine Einladung muss auf dem Postweg verloren gehen
Oooh, oooh, I’ll be your special friend! Does it come with special friend privileges that would make Glenn Beck cry? That would be so great. I had been toying with the idea of going to the real Oktoberfest in Germany. I can probably get a plane ticket for the tax only, 35E. But if the third picture down is from one of your parties,….. for realz, then I may have to spent the 700E for a ticket to Bagwine Ohio. I ain’t missing THAT shit. Wow!
Jay: Damn Straight, Jay. We never spew. Well I haven't spewed in some years. We hold the toxins in and wash them out with Taco Bell the next day. Cheers Jay!!
Starr: No Doubt. I looooooove the kraut. Cheers Starr!!
Kat: Ha. You can go with me. I'll tell everyone that you're my personal archivist. Cheers!!
Scott: Anything to make the Beckster cry is well worth it. I can't promise naked keg chicks but Oktoberfest makes me lose my clothes. That didn't do anything for ya did it? Cheers Scott!!
Phfrankie: Indeed. Alot of Deutschland dough went into the making of that twisted delight. Cheers P-Man!!
If I were to become your special friend does that mean we would put on our cardigans and keds, put our heads together and see what pops up in the magic kingdom?
When did you start wearing a thong? That is you in the second picture, is it not?
I would need a whole lot more information about the duties of a "special friend" before I could agree to be one. I fear I couldn't keep up with the antics of our Matt-Man.
Cheers and hope you enjoy entertaining yourself today with porn and testing the beers of the upcoming Oktoberfest.
Lu: I like your idea, however, let's shed our Keds and Cardigans as we do that. Cheers Lu!!
Bond: I wish it was me, I'd do myself everyday. Cheers Vin!!
David: I'm actually fairly boring...funny, but boring. Although Schmoop compares me to Ferris Bueller. CHeers David!!
Roger that :)
Lu: Mmmmmmmmm. Cheers Lu!!
Ah, the fall celebrations begin! Cheers!
Your on your own dude...I got WAY to much happening here to do anything special.
Marsha: Damn Right. Thanks for stopping by and for the comment. Here's to ya. Cheers Marsha!!
Micky: That's okay...Schmoop came home early. I'm lucky that I had gotten done withe the Korean hookers shortly before she arrived. Cheers Mick!!
I'm definitely hanging back by the kegs at your family's party...
VE: Oh sure...now you're hangin'...Where were you when I was lost in the Krazy Korn Maze? Cheers!!
I like this site. Really nice place for all
I really liked your article.
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