Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve 2009: Blog-a-Palooza with Matt-Man...A Pit Stop

Six O' Clock...Only six hours until midnight.

"But Matt-Man" you ask, "How can you party all day and still make it to ring in the New Year at midnight."

Well very simple really...One sleeps from 2:30 until 5:15.

That's all there is to it.



Dana said...

*jumps up and down on Kelly*


Anonymous said...

That's cheating!!!

JK, I'm really just jealous. I'd love a nap. BTW, I am imbibing tonight :-) It's the 1st drink I've had in a LONG time, can't wait!

"It's so good when it touches your lips." - Frank the Tank on beer

Happy New Year!

Jay said...

Too bad you weren't wrapped up in a Snuggie in that pic. haha ;-)

Anonymous said...

HEY LOOK!!! I think that woman is NAKED!!!!!!

**looking for movement**