Friday marked the end of Countdown on MSNBC as Keith Olbermann both abruptly resigned and was fired by MSNBC.
That’s a talented way to go out by golly!! Only an ego of massive proportions could pull a daily double like that!!
And well…his ego was more than up to the task…per usual.
I won’t miss Olbermann, and I’m not sure why.
Maybe it’s my overwhelming dislike for him propagated by his, picayunish way he points out any piece of minutiae that may make any right winger look stupid.
Perhaps it’s his uber sponge-like quality of self-absorption. It could be because he is just like Sean Hannity, El Rushbo, and Glenn Beck and doesn’t recognize that fact.
Those are all good reasons to dislike him, but I think it all comes down to the fact that Olbermann is a narcissistic fucktard.
Yeah…I’m pretty sure that’s it.
Anyhoo…I’m glad Olbermann is gone. He’s a bloviating jack ass.
So to Keith Olbermann I say…
Good Night, and Good Riddance, Sir!!
And to all of you, I say…
I used to like Olberman. He's smart and has a great sense of humor. But, over the last couple of years he has become more and more like O'Reilly and Hannity. He started running more and more gossip type stores about top republicans that he found on left-wing blogs and basically because exactly what I hate about Fox News.
So fuck him.
Jay: Ha...He even up til the end could make me chuckle but he got all nit picky n'shit, AND As I told Mr. Doc...
I never trust anyone who has an ego larger than mine. That's just not right. Cheers Jay!!
I've never seen his show, but I'm sure he'll turn up on some other network.
So now maybe Fox will get rid of O'Reilly and Hannity as a gesture of good will. Ya' think?!
fucktard? Funny
Evil: Oh I'm sure he will and he's well taken care of in the meantime. Cheers ETW!!
Mike: Oh I'm sure Roger Ailes is seriously considering your plan as we speak. Cheers Mike!!
Andy: Ha. Isn't it though? Cheers Anj!!
I totally disagree with you about Keith. I agree that he’s far left but I don’t feel that there are anywhere near as many left wingnuts to balance things out. Even in your post you named 3 on the far right fringe. Besides he mainly took what they themselves said and did to make them look stupid. He didn’t make shit up. Without him, Stewart and Maher I’d have no idea how far gone the conservatives are.
I hope that you are on the right side of the AFC Steelership Game today at least!
Scott: I find your comment a bit surprising. You call for the balancing out of right wing nuts with a left wing nut like Olbermann.
How about more truth and common sense than a balancing out of ideologues full of self-importance and histrionics?
Personally, I know how far idiots like Beck, Hannity and others of their political ilk have gone without the aid of Keith Olbermann exponential blowhardiness. Cheers Scott!!
Well that’s my point; I don’t think that he’s that much of a left wing nut. I think that the right is so far gone that even center-left appears far left when it isn’t. It used to be the far left were literally communists, not anymore. Now, anyone who calls for gun control and a social umbrella is labeled as far left. And that’s not right.
Scott: I disagree. In his eyes Republicans one and all can do absolutely nothing good, unless they agree with him. Cheers Scott!!
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