My buddy Muammar Gaddafi is getting crap from his ungrateful citizens in Libya, so…

Fuck these uppity Libyans and Bahranians…They need a smack down. And M-Gad and I are just the ones to give it to them.
In addition to doing I’m With Stupid on Thursday, I am meeting up with a chick with whom I went to High School. While I’m not a huge fan of “glory days”….
She’s a cutie; I like her, and she took the time to look me up, so I dig her and am
My BFF/OSP Schmoop for the first time ever, exhibited typical PMS traits last night. It freaked me out. She has never done that before. I still find her incredibly cute, because…
She noticed it too, and apologized. Who am I kidding?
While she did apologize, Schmoop could have not apologized and I would still find her cute. Anyhoo…
I’m getting tired with Twitter…The funny parts of it do not make up for the “look at me” and the self-induced drama that occur.
I’ll watch people tweet, comment once in awhile, but oy…I’ll take it for what it’s worth.
This week, Dim Bulb Charlie attacked the public employees in Wisconsin, and said that taking away their rights to have a union was much needed.
I love the Charlie, and his readers, especially a chick named Sandee who was a public sector employee until she retired who said this:
The dems (sic) want everything equal then why aren't these folks paying the same freight as the average American? Greed. Plain and simple. They need to put on their big girl panties and be thankful they have a job.
After I pointed out her public service pension, she said this:
I'm not going to feel guilty about cashing my check each month either. Never have and never will.
Oh and thanks to my retirement check I can travel across this county and go on a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. Life is grand. :)
Seriously…Is it just me; or am I stupid, and missing something? I used to work for the State of Ohio.
You know why I quit? Because I didn’t do a damn thing, and wanted out, and yet, Charlie and his ilk give me shit. Un-fucking-believable. With that being said…
Most public workers as it should be noted, are hard working just like you, looking down the nose private sector workers, so suck it.
Anyhoo, once again…I say unto you…
Have a wonderful Hump Day and as always…
I went to the other site. I think your fighting a losing battle. It doesn't matter if you prove or they prove you're right. It goes right over their small granite heads.
Mike: I know that and there is no minds to be changed over at Uncle Charlie's place, but that's not why I go over there.
I comment over there because it's fun to watch their heads assplode when I leave a comment and they get to revel in their mutual hate of me so it's like I'm doing a public service.
Cheers Mike!!
See, you are still a public servant!
Chick: Ha, I guess I am. I just went over to Charlie's site. The "true American patriot" that he is, deleted many of my comments. I love irony. Cheers Hot Stuff!!
Sandee is my favorite type of person. Now that she has HER public retirement, she thinks current public employees should "sacrifice" for the great good. It was perfectly fair for her to get such a good deal, but not for others. Almost as awesome as George W Bush calling for an end to legacy admissions at Yale.
Jay: Ha. And after your comment, I can add nothing but, "well said." Cheers Jay!!
Whew that site gave me a headache and I instantly don't like Mrs. Bee. When I looked at her pic from 41 years ago where she was sitting on a wall I wanted to push her off the wall.
She seems snooty and entitled. At my first impression anyway. I'm gonna check that blog out periodically just to get my piss off on.
Anyhoo you seem quite the celebrity over there.
Raquel: Ha, and thanks. You just summed up everything I have ever thought and/or said about those yayhoos. I wish I had a gold star to give ya. Cheers Hot Stuff!!
I can't go over there. I went a couple of times and it made me feel angry and ill. Life can be too good to let angry fuck it up.
I love meeting up with people I haven't seen in years - have fun!
Sandee sounds like an uppity bitch.
Sybil: Sandee is a piece of shit. Cheers Hot Lips!!
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