These are the times that try men’s----yeah fuck that too.
I shaved my head yesterday. Uh-huh, that’s what I did. I know…you find that pretty exciting and you wish you were me, but I’m a rock star and you aren’t.
And…as we all know, none of you
You don’t want to be me right now anyway. I fell asleep early last night, and woke up this morning feeling like crap.

That only halfway helped, for as I type this, I sit here both sweating and freezing, and my nose is a free-flowing spigot of sinus sewage.
Oh well…
I guess it’s appropriate that I feel like crap because it puts me in a bad mood and tonight at 11 PM EST on I’m With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio, Jayman and I will be covering the worldwide rioting that is going on.
Yes indeed, tonight at 11 PM EST, Jayman and I will be hosting IWS’ Day of Rage!!
From Cairo, to Tripoli, to Madison, WI., there is a boatload of raging against the machine taking place and I’m With Stupid has it covered for you.
In addition to your two sexy hosts guiding you through the chaos, IWS’s own Dick Burns will be chiming in live from Madison, WI as he covers the cantankerous Collective Bargaining melee that is taking place in America’s Dairy Land.
Our fave Dutch correspondent Guy Ahnyurdyck will be reporting live from the new hotbed of social and political unrest, Christmas Island.

So folks, there you have it. Please listen, call-in, and join Jayman and me tonight at 11 PM EST on I’m with Stupid and help us make sense of world events on this Day of Rage.
To access our radio show page, click HERE.
Now, pass me some aspirin, a Kleenex, and some chicken soup. I’m dying here.
God I'm sorry you feel so bad. I probably brought home something from this asbestos factory. Love the post though Rock Star ;)
Schmoop: The post is even better now, since I fixed my numerous fuck ups!! Eh, I've felt worse but dang, I had no warning. Cheers and Zoooooves!!
Well, here is hoping you feel somewhat better Matt. I don't want to spoil the funk for your radio show, but c' need a break every once in a while right?
Joker: Must press on and persevere, for I have things to record for tonight which I haven't even written yet...But don't tell Jay. Cheers Joker!!
I just hate it when I wake up and suddenly have allergy/sinus/cold going on. But, like you said, it'll give you a bit of an edge while we're raging tonight.
I'm pretty sure your sinus problems are Gaddafi's fault. The bastard!
Jay: At least I slept like 800 hours the last day or so. I don't know who to blame for my affliction. I'll check with Uncle Charlie and see who he thinks is at fault. Cheers Jay!!
I also woke this morning with the sniffley/sneezey/stuffy thing going on, no sweating and freezing though so you didn't get it from me!
Some ass-clown tried to tell me if I only sneeze once it's a cold but if I sneeze more than that it's allergies. I've never sneezed only once in my life.I'm a three-fer.
Shit - I forgot to tell you I hope you feel better and I'd bring chicken soup but it would be cold before I got it there.
Chick: Yeah, tell assclown not to go into the medical field anytime soon. Getting cold soup from you would still be HOT!! Thanks and Cheers Hot Stuff!!
Nothing a lil Irish won't cure, I'm sure.
Raquel: Ha. It does have medicinal qualities. Cheers Hot Stuff!!
Hope you get to feeling better!
Rat: I shall and thanks. Already ploddingly doing my shit for the show tonight. I feel a bit better than this morning. Cheers Lovely One!!
I know you don't give a shit, but you really have to get over yourself. NO ONE wants to be you Matty Matt (cept me, or course - hee, hee). You are one helluva guy. I sure hope you feel better. Life's real busy, crazy, nuts, you name it, right now. Will be visiting radio show soon. Cheers Buddy!!
Bobby: Hee. You're right. well I hope things settle down soon and see you pop up in the IWS chat room. Cheers and try to be good would ya? Cheers BBG!!
"Good" - who? Me? That's like asking Robert, Charlie, Lindsay and Boy George to stay off drugs. But, I'll try. Cheers!!
You're gonna have Guy Ahnyurdyck ?!
I'll try and make it- I'm feeling worse as the day progresses, too.
Bobby: Hee...Just thought I'd throw that out there. I knew it was in vain. Cheers BBG!!
Sybil: Guy is THE best. Hope you can make it and if not, I hope you feel better soon. Cheers Sybil!!
You sly dog. Cheers!!
Bobby: And you make my tail wag. Hey-Ooooo. Cheers BBG!!
Holy crap. Today is Thursday! Only 3 and a half more hours to keep that fact in mind. I think I can do it. Maybe.
Mike: God Bless you and here is to your fragile memory. Cheers Mike!!
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