So, yesterday you may have read every reason why the Matt Man loves me…
But do any of you know why I love him? I thought not. So here goes.
He is my BFF/OSP, has been for over ten years. Although, no sex tonite, as he and I had a disagreement…
What disagreement you say? More of your bizness.
My man is very good looking…he’s smart beyond measure (he doesn’t even show you half of it), and he’s an all around wonderful person.
And while we have our moments, overall, I love him with all my heart.
He also has a tongue that is on par with Gene Simmons!! You only wish you were me. Tough, he’s mine.
His sense of humor, and his brilliant mind is what strikes me the most.

I do not have kids, nor do I want them, but that in and of itself, is a major plus with me.
We have shared this tiny apartment for over ten years, and though once in a great while we may have a tense time, we will always have each other.
We’ve been through quite a bit, it can be no other way.
I hate to be sappy, but there is love…
The boy may be a juvenile, sarcastic bastard, but he’s MY sarcastic, juvenile bastard, and I love him.
Cheers, or whatever…
Hell, I can't even come up with something smartassy to say to this.
I'm with Jay, I've got nothing but "awww". You two are a great match.
hmmm....that pic...not being a smoker, I had no idea that was how people were smoking these days. But it is kind of logical, as the places to smoke keep getting reduced, then I guess it only makes sense the smokers must double up. And it also makes sense to inhale the smoke through the nose so the mouth is free for WIR.
I think this must be a combination of genius and evolution.
"We’ve been through quite a bit.."
So have we.
Jay: Isn't Schmoop so kind...and delusional? Cheers Jay!!
Chick: Since we are a great match, you could be our gasoline and we could set this place on fire. Cheers Hot Stuff!!
David: I adhere to the old adage. Smoke smart, not hard. Cheers David!!
Mike: Ha. What are you saying? cheers Mike!!
Israel: It caught me off guard. I assumed she was going to be a smart ass, dammit!! Cheers IC!!
Schmoop: Yes I least three weeks a month I am. Hey-Oooooooo. Cheers and Zoooooves, Baby!!
I believe ear smoking is all the rage now...
P-Man: I am soooo 2010 I guess. Cheers P-Man!!
Not only did I get a morning read but a tear jerker as bonus.
So cute Schmoop and so truthful. I wish more fathers would step up to the plate as Matt does.
That is so sweet, Schmoop! You guys just make me smile from ear to ear! Happy, happy POST V-day!
Al: Thanks Al...I think he's the greatest thing in the world. Thanks for the comment. Cheers Al!!
Rat: It is sweet, and I love the Schmoop as you and I get naked together? Just askin'? Cheers Adorable One!!
You're gonna have to take a number...
Just kidding!
Rat: Uh-huh...I have no doubt. Cheers my uber-hotfriend!!
Question? Exactly how much moola did you pay her to say all that? Hahaha. Cheers you crazy-in-love-couple.
P. S. By the way Matty do you know the history of St. Valentine's Day. The homo bastard was a pedophile. Any problems?
Bobby: Heyyyyy Baby!! Hope you are well. I really just had to cook bacon for her last night; that's all it took.
St. Valentine would make one helluva 21st Century Priest!! Cheers BBG!!
You said a mouthful.
P. S. I really have to a serious talk with Schmoop. Hahaha. Cheers Babe!!
Bobby: Ha. Funny. Cheers BBG!!
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