It’s Wednesday folks, so you know what that means. That’s Right…
Time for some Hump Day Hodgepodge!!
I find it ironic that while Egyptians are on the brink of realizing social and economic reforms, public sector workers in Ohio, Wisconsin, and other states here in the U.S., are on the brink of being stripped of their Collective Bargaining rights.
I heard Tuesday that Christina Aguilera’s divorce is final. That hot, Star Spangled musically dyslexic chick is all mine now. Advise your lawyer now honey, the Matt-Man is coming after you.
Time for some Hump Day Hodgepodge!!
I find it ironic that while Egyptians are on the brink of realizing social and economic reforms, public sector workers in Ohio, Wisconsin, and other states here in the U.S., are on the brink of being stripped of their Collective Bargaining rights.
I heard Tuesday that Christina Aguilera’s divorce is final. That hot, Star Spangled musically dyslexic chick is all mine now. Advise your lawyer now honey, the Matt-Man is coming after you.

I like tacos.
In exactly three weeks, I am giving up the cigarettes. I am already having weird dreams about my smoke-free future. Last night I dreamed that I was having sex with a hot, busty babe whose name was Phillip Morris.
While Ryno and his teammates had a rough night Tuesday during their basketball game, the coolest thing happened just minutes before tip-off.
As everyone stood for the National Anthem, Ryno happened to look up into the stands. He saw me sitting in my usual, secluded seat and gave me a wink, a nod, and a smile. That more than compensated for the loss that ensued.
I dig Lawrence O’Donnell, but last night he claimed that a cartoon by Batton Lash and James Hudnall that features Barack and Michelle Obama to be racist in nature…

(click to enlarge)
I don’t find it to be racist…I just find it to be incredibly unfunny.
And now…Something that is funny. A promo for I’m With Stupid!!

We will be discussing our fave Presidents, chatting about our brushes with Presidential fame, and taking your calls.
Marty Martenstein may very well have an exclusive interview with the late William Henry Harrison, and IWS has a sponsor for this week’s show.
It’s a new chain of Presidentially-inspired restaurants called: Air Force YUM!!
I hope you can join us and call-in Thursday at 11 PM EST. You can access our radio show page by clicking HERE.
Happy Hump Day all, and as always…
New tires? What good will those do ya? A big pile of Tacos would be much more useful for the long term.
Jay: Funny you say that...We think there may be just enough money left for a Taco Bell night Friday night. Cheers Jay!!
I tried to click and enlarge and it just doesn't work.... OH WAIT, you meant the cartoon! That doesn't work either.
Clicking works on the dreaming girl (thank goodness) but not the toon.
Mike: That is odd because it worked for me earlier but now doesn't either. WTF? Mmmmmm, I love the dreaming girl. Cheers Mike!!
Mike: Eureka!! It be fixed n'shit. Cheers Mike!!
I like tacos too. You know what else I like? Morning sex...
Oops, I meant to say I like burrito's, yeah that's it, burrito's...
Chick: Ha. Hey I was just commenting on your site as you were on mine. That's Hot!! Cheers Chick!!
Schmoop: Only because I turned you into a quasi-honest woman. Hee. Cheers and Zooooves!!
Maybe Mr O'Donnell mistakenly thinks only black people cook with lard.
Lookiing forward to the next IWS.
Will the ghosts of presidents past be visiting?
David: Like I said, I dig Crazy Larry, but I think he's off base on this one. I believe there will a cadre of dead Presidents making their spirits felt. Cheers David!!
Your comment on Collective Bargaining rights, SPOT ON!
I'm going to use your opening to entice a few today....Thanks Matt
I feel ya Schmoop, I too have to wait for refund time to get tires. I'm shopping around currently for the best price and I cannot wait to ride bump free!
Al: Anytime my good man...It's a shame and in a word, bullshit. Use my opening all you want. Cheers Al!!
Raquel: Riding bump free in a car is nice, but riding bump free in the bed is boring. Cheers Hot Stuff!!
It's like an epidemic: I need to get tires, too!
Rat: Well "tread" carefully on your purchase. Ha, I crack myself up. Zzzzzzz. Cheers Ratalicious!!
Okay, that kinda hurt.
Rat: Ha. Cheers Rat!!
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