I took him a card and some money. He was packing his suitcase for his trip to Chi-Town. He is spending the week in Chicago with his aunt and uncle and their family. I took his mom a half gallon of Chocolate Caramel ice cream, because she had given up ice cream for Lent. I wasn’t there long because he had to snap to and hit the road, so I went to see a brother of mine and then returned to the abode to call a few family members.
Schmoop made some mac and cheese. I put the ham in the crock-pot and then proceeded to grill up a few cheddar mettwurst to accompany our hot buffalo wings. Schmoop, her brother Dave, and I gorged on meat and sipped some Easter libation…Nice. It wasn’t terribly exciting, it wasn’t deeply religious, it was simply a relaxing meat-filled day. I was however, fortunate enough to wake up with bite marks on chest this morning, but that story is for another day…or not.
Today, I am tired. I think I am just emotionally worn out, because these past six weeks have ignited a profound change in me. It is time for me to move on a few things that I have always wanted to do, but have been a bit apprehensive to initiate the actions. Maybe this Easter season my backbone and confidence have been in a sense, resurrected.
Yeah, I know, this post isn’t funny, but oddly enough it is putting a smile upon my face. I guess because, I had a good Easter weekend, and I am looking forward to implementing my new “Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead” attitude…well that and I am looking forward to having Chicken Parmigiana tonight as well.
Until the ‘morrow, Cheers!!
P.S. You can once again touch my monkey ODAT...
I played with your monkey, too.
And slipped him a banana.
Mmmm... ham and Mac&Cheese!
You cheeky monkey you, Mo-Man. Yes Mo, the ham and the mac and cheese was a beautiful thing. Dear God was it ever!!
I'm sort of relieved you didn't go into a meat coma. Glad you had a good, relaxing weekend.
And I'm immensely happy for you and your newfound confidence. Go for it, Matt, and best of luck!
Oh, and happy Chicken Parmigiana night. :-) Cheers!
Thanks Lizza, I believe that the bite marks had something to do with preventing a coma. I am looking forward to eating the CP tonight. Cheers!!
Woohoo. It sounds like the spine is alive and kicking. Damn the torpedoes indeed!
Nat, perhaps my plans will crash and burn, but they will do so with no regrets...Cheers!!
First of all, what a good man you are for bringing the ex ice cream after 46 days of abstinence. That was very thoughtful! And chocolate caramel? Yum!
I am intrigued by this new Matt.
Enjoy the Chicken Parmigiana; so glad you didn't have a heart attack from the sudden surge of animal fat and cholesterol, though. Try to hold back a bit, dear!
Doing a happy dance now!!!!!
Petting the monkey over and over again...phew!! I missed him so!!!
Thank you,thank you, thank you!!!
Glad to hear you had a relaxing, meat filled day....It's a nice feeling.........
Songbird, I try to do the right thing whether it is appreciated or not. In this case it was. I see a Mickey D's double cheeseburger in my near future.
My monkey was more than happy to return and receive some odat lovin'. Cheers!!
Can't wait to hear about the new direction in which you are heading.
Don't drown in meat!
Matt the store just called and they're out of meat. They sending you some "tofu" chicken...
Happy digesting to you...lol
I cant wait to find out myself Tigger!! I will try to curb my meat intake. Well, in a couple of days anyway.
Bite your tongue Jillie!! Better yet, let me bite it!! Cheers...
congrats on making it to the end of lent without meat. if i were a rich man i'd send ya some Kobe beef. enjoy the parmagiana.
Thanks Eyechan...It was tougher this year as compared to last year. Thanks for the thought of the Kobe. Cheers!!
GO FOR IT! whatever it is.
I will indeed Cathy, Cheers!!
Congrats on your newfound resolve Matty. And i played with your monkey as well!
Thank Ya Thank Ya
I ain't touching no monkeys....
When you find your resolve... tell me where to go buy some dude...
The V-Man lacking resolve!!? Unbelievable!!
back again...just one more monkey petting.....ahhhh....nice!!
Congrats on your resolve to be more resolute...or something like that.
Glad you survived the return of meat.
I'm so glad our carnivorous Matt-man is back.
Welcome back to the land of bratwurst and ham and spam and cheeseburgers and bacon and anything else that used to oink or moo or cluck.
We love you!
Odat: He's getting spoiled.
Trav: As always, well said.
Janna: It is good to be back Janna and thanks!!
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