It's Holy Thursday, so I thought I should post a picture of what I am wearing to Easter Services on Sunday...

Kiss the Easter Bunny...KISS IT!!...Damn, I am RIPPED!!

(Inky and Lola are going to be jealous of my Bunny drawing skills...)
And Lastly...
How does Half Nekkid Thursday make the Half Nekkid, Mac Daddy Jeebus feel?
Have a wonderful Half Nekkid Holy Thursday, and remember, tonight is when we remember the Last Supper...
So, if you are going to eat someone something tonight, make sure it's really, really good.
Today, a new HNT babe is going to show off her wares...
To give her a shout out, click HERE to visit the Kentucky-Licious, Turnbaby.
I kissed it, do I win a prize?
AND I kissed it FIRST before any other grubby lips & drool got on it.
Tug: My Easter is complete before it even started. I thank you, your lips, and whatever you want as a prize is yours. Cheers!!
Mascota: And unlike most rabbits, this rabbit runs slow and steady. HHNT. Cheers!!
omigosh- you are SUCH a big tease! no wonder i like ya! ; )
gotta luv your bunny that ya got goin on here!
uh huh. its so VERY very kissy*kissyLICIOUS ; )
OMG I'm gonna be giggling to "Me so thorny"forever. it will be WORTH going to hell LOLOLOL
And thank you for the linkage sugar---
I was gonna do something with Peeps for today but I had a slight change in plans
OMG you are one funny bastard--
"excuse me Matt's Mom--just a term of endearment"
Smile: Thanks Smiley One. If I was from Wales I'd offer a slice of Welsh Rarebit. Cheers!!
TB: Anytime. And yes, you would lokk good in yellow and pink marshmallow. Enjoy your NHT sexy. Cheers!!
Your bunny doesn't scare me; your pasty white skin? That's another matter...
Will your bunny be hopping down the bunny trail??
Hippty Hoppity ... ;-)
LOL That should work perfect.
At least you didn't hold Jesus up to cover your goods. And I seriously hope that I am not thinking about "Me so thorny" during stations of the cross tomorrow night.
I'd rather rub the bunny. At least to start...
Oh my ears and whiskers, it's getting late - I actually thought, for a brief exciting moment, that you'd created a decent drawing of a rabbit. ...the ears are kind of small, though... and it's definitely a grin that says, "Hey little girl, would you like some jelly beans."
The tie is a nice touch. Shit, I need to go to sleep.
'me so thorny'
I am so using that tonight. Might even make up some bunny pasties...
I;d like to hip hop down that bunny trail!
Nice bunny...let it hop so we see what's behind it... :P
Songbird: Holiness is oft times quite bright. Cheers!!
Dixie: AFTER I put some pants on. I don't think the tape would hold. Cheers!!
Vixen: Happy Easter and HHNT. Cheers!!
Karen: Sorry. That is one thing I miss about being Catholic. Going to Stations with Mom.
I can't believe I said that while half nekid. Cheers!!
Winter: He does like to have his head stroked. Cheers!!
Desert Rat: He is a bit disturbing looking in away. Hope you didn't have nightmares. Cheers!!
Kelley: Ha...That's a nice touch. I was going to make Easter Egg pasties. Cheers!!
GB: Oooo Baby. Happy Easter to ME!! Cheers!!
Mariposa: What's behind it is nothing but heartache and disappointment. HHNT. Cheers!!
The bunny appears to be masking the, carrot. IS it 24k? HHNT :)
Lu: Of course it is. A shiny, golden carrot of Mattsculinity. Cheers Lu!!
Mattsculinity, did you just coin a phrase? How soon do you think until it goes mainstream? Could shoot off like a rocket...
Lu: I'm clever that way...It could take off LU, however with every passing day, there is an increased chance of an aborted launch. Cheers!!
HOPPY Easter!
That is quite a good rendition of Bugs....oh and HHNT!!
That pic gives my son's favorite toddler book - Pat the Bunny - a whole new meaning ...
Leelee: Very Good!! That's who I based it upon. Hope you're havin' fun. HHNT and Cheers!!
Dana: Uh-Oh...Do I smell another COW nearing your pasture? Cheers!!
Of course thats who you modeled it after...really Matt...who else?
Leelee: There is no other rabbit. Well, other than Jessica, purrrrrr. Cheers!!
Yes this is true but they make a pill for that:)
Lu: Indeed they do. Cheers!!
God DAMN I wish I had thought of that Jesus joke...
Fab: Yeah me too...I can't take credit for that one. Cheers!!
No wonder I'm a lesbian! I was always so fearful of Peter Cottontail!
It's all making sense now!
You are quite ripped my darling. ;) Too cute for words!
Happy Half Nekked Thursday!
Deb: Don't be afraid of Peter!! Y'know, you work out all the time, and yet I am the one with Adonis-Like body.
God truly does love me. Cheers Deb!!
Nothing here for me today!
Button your shirt for Mass Matt,
For the rest you'll need Haz-Matt.
I think I saw it move...;-)
Micky: Are you crazy? This wasn't a religious experience. Haz-Matt...I may use that. Cheers!!
Odat: Are you saying something behind the bunny made his nose twitch? Cheers!!
Dirty and cute all at the same time.
Special K: Ha. Thanks for stopping by and Cheers K!!
You are ripped, but I guess you knew a fifth of WIR would do that!
Hahahahahaaaaa at "me so thorny."
Matty, the bunny does keep your blog kid-friendly. :-)
Jeff: Some people have 6 Pack Abs...I have one big Rose Keg Ab. Cheers!!
Lizza: Be still my heart, you are here!!! I have missed ya my friend. Hope all is well.
May the Easter Bunny bless you abundantly. If he doesn't, I'd love to. Cheers!!
Hope that's not a floppy-eared bunny...
VE: It all depends on how much "he" drinks. Cheers!!
Silly Wabbit!
Was that the outfit for Easter Services or Easter Servicing? I'll be on my knees either way!
Metal: Ha. Very Good Dear, and more than a bit arousing. Cheers!!
Just stay out of the don't want Farmer McGregor getting a piece of that!
You're wearing the bunny to church? Wow, that's a pretty liberal congragation!
Lol ! me so thorny ... I will forever be unable to keep a straight face when I go to Holy Week services now....
happy HNT!
sing along with me....
"here cums peter cottontail
hoppin' down the bunny trail
hippitty hoppitty
easter's on it's way...."
(I also flashed on "pat the bunny")
Raven: I've always heard nasty, perverted stories about him. Cheers!!
Polt: Well, since I am my own congregation, I'll just be grossing myself out. HHNT, thanks fo rstopping, and Cheers!!
Lucia: As you would find out tomorrow, Holy Week, especially Good Friday is a day to laugh. Thanks for stopping, and Cheers!!
Kat: Mmmmmm. What exactly did you flash. Hmmm? Because I have a nice vision goin' on in my head right now. Cheers!!
I'll never look at the bunny quite the same way!
Not nearly as frightening as I feared, the tie really brings the whole ensemble together ;)
Me So Thorny, a new gospel we must learn?
Naughty: I hope you mean that in a good way. HHNT to you and Cheers!!
Mama: Nah. Just stop by tomorrow and get a lesson about what really happened on Good Friday. Cheers!!
I'm liking the dress code at your church :)
Biscuit...a little more so
Biscuit: I do too. You should stop by sometime and "pray" with me. Cheers!!
Can I dress up as Elmer Fudd and hunt your wabbit??
Leighann: Sure, but let me be the one doing the shooting. Again and again...Cheers!!
"me so thorny" - you are going straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200 - LOL!
I will definitely have to start attending your church . . .
Bunny: My bunny lured you in didn't it? I'm not going to Hell until my Good Friday post tomorrow. HHNT and Cheers!!
you could have at least given Bugs a carrot to nibble on... ;)~
I am pissed at Tug! But I'll take the sloppy leftovers. Kiss Kiss Kiss SMACK!
Jahooni - You snooze you loose sweetie - MWAH!
Jahooni: It's kinda hard for him to nibble on a carrot when it's pressed against the back of his head.
I just love it when you SMACK my cottontail. Cheers!!
Tug: Ha...Holdin' on to me like grim death are ya? Please say that you are. Cheers!!
I just couldn't kiss the bunny Matt-Man. I tried, but I just couldn't. Bwahahahahahahaha. Have a great day. :)
Sandee: Awwww. He's so sad now. Have a good one Sandee. Cheers!!
yah i find it hard to nibble on them too while pressed to the back of my head! Really it's the other way around... **giggles**
See those handcuffs? That's me.
Jahooni: Other way around? Carrots nibble on you? Cheers!!
Tug: Oooooo. Arrest me Officer Tug. Cheers!!
Matt-man, don't be teasing me with the thought of more udders ... that just isn't playing fair!
Dana: I'm just sayin'. That was one of the six or seven that struck me this week.
Even if it doesn't happen this week, I am sure you have more udders in you. Cheers!!
after seeing that rabbit, i'm a little thorny too! you know i love me some old menz!!!!!
Tequila: Ha. We'll see how old you think 43 is in about 15 years or so. Cheers!!
And where´s the Easter Elephant? You know... I wanna see the beak =)
Sanni: You know damn well if I had one it would be all for you. Cheers Sanni. Cheers!!
Matt my friend you are so gonna burn for the Me So Thorny line.
I'll bring the marshmallows :P
No upsets so far in the tournament. Everything is holding to form with higher seeds taking care of business.
And I've already missed one pick in the first 3 games today. Dangit!
I'm sure it's already been said, "Is that a rabbit in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
Down escalator to hell being held for you...please proceed
Oh...I'm hoping to be the one being eaten. However shall I prepare myself? :D
Starr: Wait until tomorrow!! Cheers!!
Travis: Yeah everything is going quite predictably. I haven't missed yet. Cheers!!
Bond: Thanks, can I take my water with me? Cheers Vin!!
Real: Welcome Back. I hope your trip went well. Just lie there and be your sexy self. Cheers!!
My post disappeared. I said that Jeebus was better half nekkid but that was because he had a genius painter and all you had was a camera.
Since meat consumption is in view, stop by for a great brisket recipe.
Jamie: Ha..Very Good. Why I oughta. I will be by soon. Cheers!!
I think we have different definitions of "damn, I am ripped"...
Matt-man, the udders tickled, but with the number of friggin' (keeping it clean for the young ones) awesome commenters you have, being in the top 50 is good enough for me!
On the night of desertion and betrayal…
Mo: Finally...after nearly two years, you express your true feelings, and break my heart. Cheers!!
Dana: They are awesome, aren't they? And you my friend, are typically the first one everyday. I am glad we have met. Cheers!!
Nick: Screw Peter, Judas, and the Garden of Gesetheme, I want your opinion on my Good Friday post tomorrow. Cheers!!
I look forward to Good Friday, Matt-Man.
Nick: Thanks my good man and have a good evening. Cheers!!
Yep, I'm also going straight to hell for LOL at Me So Thorny! Totally worth it, though.
Can you make your bunny's nose move up and down like a real bunny?
Laura: We're all going there. And yes, I can make it move, would you like to see? Cheers Laura!!
Now ME so thorny!!
Ok my brain is wrapping around the idea that a lesbian is afraid of a little "peter" ~ Imagine that!
Well, I guess my Tug 101 class comment is too late - who wants advanced learning with Tug 102?
Well... I really liked the title of the post. Who's Bat-Man to your Robin?
is the bunny still up and ready to go find creamy yolks? ;)~
I'll always kiss the Easter Bunny. How would you like your kisses, Easter Bunny?
Happy HNT!
Leelee: Mmmmmmm. Take me over the top baby, take me now. Cheers!!
Cheesy: Ha. I liked that. Cheers Sexy One!!
Tug: Maybe so, but no less appreciated. : ) Cheers!!
Marilyn: I dunno, but I do look good in crimefighter pantyhose. Cheers!!
Jahooni: Ha...He is now. Cheers!!
KK: Kiss him anywhere, anyhow, and don't stop until his eggs turn color. Cheers!!
Can we see the bunny's nose grow?
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