Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Puttin' The Old Man In My Sights

I haven’t talked about my Presidential candidacy of late.

I have been waiting to see if I would be running against Barack “Keith Olberman Jacks Off to the Thought of Me” Obama, or Hillary “There’s a Penis in my Pantsuit” Clinton.

One thing I do know is that one of my opponents will be Senator John McCain.

I’ll start my opposition research on McCain now, and later research whomever wins between Senators Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy.

Well, I know that McCain is pretty damn old. If he’s elected President, he would be 72 when he is sworn in.

Sure, in the grand scheme of things 72 is not ancient, but c’mon, the job of President is pretty demanding.

Late night phone calls from the CIA, Hugo Chavez threatening world oil supplies, and constant flip-flopping on important issues can take a toll on even a young person.

Can we really have confidence in somebody who begins his day with a glass of Metamucil, and ends his day with a glass of Milk of Magnesia while listening to Lawrence Welk records?

McCain already has a temper, what if he becomes irregular? All I can say, if that happens…

Watch out Iran, McCain has his finger on the button and he hasn’t shit in three days!! Not good.

Now I guess McCain is a veteran. I know this because I think he has mentioned it once or twice.

He was a Navy pilot who was shot down, captured by the Vietnamese, and had the crap beat out of him for several years.

To this day he cannot raise his right arm because of it.

I see a couple of problems here…

First of all, I don’t see how being shot down by people who exist on rice and poodle burgers and becoming a P.O.W for five years qualifies one to be Commander-in-Chief.

But, I guess he would be adept at being my Director of the Bureau of Federal Prisons.

Secondly, if McCain can’t raise his right arm, and thus his right hand, he will be unable to take the oath of office.

If you can’t place your left hand on the Bible, raise your right hand, and promise to govern in accordance with the Holy Baby Jeebus, you got no business being in the White House.

Kiss the Religious Right goodbye Johnny. I’m outing you as oath deficient.

I am sure there plenty more things about this guy, but these are the things I shall look into first.

After all, calling this guy an old, constipated, missile magnet, who doesn’t believe in raising his hand in deference to the Lord Almighty, is a pretty good place to start.



Cinnamon Girl said...

If anyone could get us into a war cause he didn't move the mail it would be McCain!

Marilyn said...

I wish you'd stop being so darned politically correct. I hate how you refuse to offend the special interest groups.

Dana said...

*giggles at Marilyn's comment* Egads Matt-Man, you pushed even my satirically correct buttons with this one. I had to take a deep breath and remind mtself that it really WAS funny!

Lu' said...

or Hillary “There’s a Penis in my Pantsuit” Clinton.
HA! Have a good week Matt-Man

Schmoop said...

Starr: Ha. "Deliver the Mail". That's funny. Cheers!!

Marilyn: I do need to get a little edgier don't I? Cheers!!

Dana: Funny? I was being serious. ; ) Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Lu: Why thank ya, Lu. Same to you. Cheers!!

Odat said...

Aw come on now, you know damn well there weren't any poodles in Viet Nam!


Schmoop said...

Odat: Au Contraire...Since it was previously French Indochina, there were oodles of poodles. Cheers!!

Dianne said...

"oath deficient" - love it!
where do you stand on legalizing prostitution and weed? I'm considering a mid-life career change.

Schmoop said...

Dianne: Ha. As far as prostitution and weed, I am not only in favor of legalizing both; I will subsidize it. Cheers!!

Cheesy said...

Sorry babe but nothing funny about him being in the White House... Now I have to go back to my scared little girl corner.....Care to join me??

Schmoop said...

Cheesy: I feel responsible for your anxiety so yes, I will curl up with you in a corner, and "comfort" you. Cheers!!

RW said...

Hey I thought you dropped out!

Leighann said...

I may have to steal someones identity so that I can vote for you TWICE!

Schmoop said...

Roger: Of course not. Why would I keep your most fine advertisement up in my sidebar that you did for me if I had? Cheers!!

Leighann: I will send you an instructional video on how to do just that. And the best thing is, is that I am naked in the video. Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

I had some witty retort for all of this but my comment didn't save. I'll simply say that I adore you! Happy Tuesday Matt-Man

Liz Hill said...

I don't know Matty---have you seen his wife?

The Ferryman said...

I don't trust his wife, with her refusal to release detailed records of her tax returns.

She is probably laundering drug money. They all are.

Schmoop said...

TB: Yeah, Cindy is pretty hot, BUT...If airlines checked people for botox and collagen she'd never be allowed on an airplane. Cheers!!

Mr. Fab: Exactly. In my administration, money laundering will be doggedly stopped. Let us all benefit from drugs AND drug money. Cheers!!

Lex Valentine said...

LMAO re Cindy. That woman has the scariest face ever. Why would you botox your expression into one with a haughty sneer that totally gives away the evil thoughts you're thinking? You know she's into world domination or something...

Thanks for outting McCain. It was a much needed public service.

Schmoop said...

Winter: You're welcome and there is much more to come about Warlord Johnny.

As for Cindy, you should like her, because like any good vampire she is trying to "live" forever. Cheers!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

I can't take credit, it's a Stephen Kingism. One of my favorites. I have a fondness for "shitweasel" as well. And hey that is in keeping with politics!

leelee said...

You really have your finger on the pulse of politics...now only if you could find one on McCain..

hahahaha I crack myself up!

Schmoop said...

Starr: "Shitweasel", I do like that. You are always expanding my universe. Cheers Starr!!

Leelee: Ha. That wasn't bad. Keep on Crackin' On. Cheers Lovely One!!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Stephen gets a lot of shit(weasels) for being a hack writer but in my book very few people are better and creating characters and scenes.

It's from Dreamcatcher btw. And when he says shit weasel, he really does mean shit weasel. Most descriptive ;)

Schmoop said...

Starr: I looove Stephen King, but the only BOOK of his I have read is, "Carrie". I did a paper in college about it.

He is one talented Mo-Fo, and actually has quite the sense of humor. Cheers!!

Ed & Jeanne said...

McCain should have Jimmy Carter as his running mate.
a. Jimmy would make him look waaay young
b. Jimmy is so old he probably doesn't remember that he was a democrat and then he'll gain some big D votes
c. If he gets cancer again he can blame the peanut oil

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Catching up here...I think you have nailed the reasons for him not to be President... LOL

Glad you have a wonderful weekend and that Schmoop took you to task on Saturday night...but you know 240 seconds is NOT 4 hours.

Sandee said...

I don't trust him, Obama or Clinton. All three are democrats. We don't choose these folks, the rich do. Plain and simple. We don't have any choices this year. Just like always. Have a great day Matt-Man. :)

Schmoop said...

Bond: I am way behind myself. But I will tell ya, it was 240 MINUTES.

I have confirmation on that if you'd like. While Schmoop doesn't kiss and tell, I am sure she would be happy to let you know of my prowess. Cheers!!

Schmoop said...

Sandee: Hmmmm. That's an interesting take on things...and spoken as always, by a "well-informed" Conservative. Cheers, Sandee!!

Jay said...

Well that pretty much settles it. I think I'll vote Libertarian. Wait, no I won't. I freaking hate Bob Barr. Okay, I'll vote Democratic.

Schmoop said...

Jay: What? But Bob Barr is the Socrates of our time. How dare you be sarcastic. Cheers!!

Travis Cody said...

I get it now. You've just been waiting until the field thinned out because there was just too much material before. Now you can really focus on the "best of" for the remainder of the election season.

Schmoop said...

Travis: That is a very smart way to look at it Trav. Cheers!!

j said...

This has been one heck of an election year. But I've got to vote if I want to get a sticker.


Sparky Duck said...

Once or twice or 20!

Schmoop said...

Jen: They always entice us with that damn sticker. Cheers!!

Sparky: Exactly. Cheers!!

Unknown said...

Wasn’t McCain a bomber pilot in Vietnam? I wonder if he can still fly. I wonder if he has any bombs. Most of all, I wonder if he can navigate over Bagwine.

Schmoop said...

Nick: Are you saying he may label me as a marked man? Cheers Nick!!

Unknown said...

Well… it might be worth building a bomb shelter if you ain’t got one.

Schmoop said...

Nick: They could come back into fashion. Cheers!!

Unknown said...

Well it is about time you got back on the campaign trail sir and made yourself known and loved.

Schmoop said...

Sassy: Why thanks. I appreciate that. Cheers!!